Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The law proposal

Proposta di Legge n. C. 4566 26/06/2017 – Provisions for the protection and enhancement of abandoned mining sites and their geological, historical, archaeological, landscape and environmental heritage.

The first national law proposal 1274 on Tutela e Valorizzazione dei siti minerari dismessi e del loro patrimonio storico, archeologico, paesaggistico, ambientale 

shared by the members of the National Network Committee, filed a first time on 5 July 2017 at the Press Office of the Chamber of Deputies and a second time in January 2018 on the initiative of the Hon. Braga, is waiting to start the process in Parliament.

The bill intends to give indications for the protection and management of abandoned areas, bearing in mind that to date the Regions that have fully legislated are: Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Sicily and Sardinia .

The national law proposal has among the main purposes:

  • check the censuses already underway at ISPRA, define a national database (in progress), draw up a special register, in collaboration with Mise and Regions;
  • define an order of structural interventions for the recovery and transformation of abandoned sites into usable areas;
  • identify a real recovery path for the most important and valuable post-industrial mining sites existing on the national territory;
  • promote nationally integrated itineraries to encourage the development of this form of sustainable tourism;
  • promote the sites on the European territory.