Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Digital Gravity Maps of Italy at 1: 250.000 scale

This digital mapping project is a scientific collaboration between the Applied Geophysics Unit GEO-GFI of ISPRA, CARS - Cartography and Remote Sensing of OGS and Exploration & Production Divison of ENI.

gravimetrica taglio cartografico small.jpg This project for the first time in Italy provides the user with gravity data sets available free of charge for downloading. The data include Bouguer Anomalies presented as vector contour lines, georeferenced color images and grids (depending on authorizations to data diffusion) and also station positions.
The Italian territory and surrounding seas was divided in 39 Map sheets at 1. 250.000 scale, following the "Il Mondo (JOG) 1501 serie 250/G " Topographic Map series of I.G.M. (Italian Army Geographical Institute).

The data providers are the following:

  • I.S.P.R.A. – Dipartimento per il Servizio Geologico d'Italia – GEO-GFI
  • E.N.I. S.p.A. - Exploration & Production Division
  • O.G.S. - Dipartimento di Geofisica della Litosfera
  • Prof. R. Balia -­ Cagliari ­University Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio
    (onshore gravity data of western Sardegna)
  • Prof. M. Loddo -­ Bari University Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica
    (onshore gravity data of eastern Sicilia)
  • Project Coordinator: Fernando Ferri (ISPRA)
  • Processing and Mapping: Claudio Zanolla (OGS), Benedetto Porfidia (ISPRA)