Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The first specimen of lionfish watched in Italian waters

Published a study of ISPRA, CNR and AUB about the lionfish , one of the most popular tropical fish and flashy, but also one of the most invasive marine species in the world. This fish, which is found usually in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, was accidentally - or perhaps intentionally - introduced in Florida at the begin of early 90s. The species has since flooded across the Caribbean Sea and also a vast part of the western Atlantic coastline, with impressive ecological impacts.

XXVIII plenary meeting EPA (Environment Protection Agencies) Network

From Tomorrow until 7 April it will be held in Rome the XXVIII plenary meeting of the EPA ( Environment Protection Agencies) Network, established in 2003 to be a network for the General Director of National Agency for Environmental Protection and similar Public Institutions, in strong cooperation with DG Environment of European Commission and also other networks, included IMPEL and ENCA. At the event will participate more than 30 environmental organizations, the Italian Ministry of Environment Gian Luca Galletti and the Vice Major of Rome Luca Bergamo

Ispra joins the World Earth Day

Forum EARTH DOESNT'EXILE. Climate change, conflicts and forced migration: the phenomena of the eco-refugees. The event that will be held in Rome the 25 April at the Terrazza del Pincio, aims to be an opportunity to share betweeen the different stakeholders that are working in the environment and migration sector, in order to promote a strategy of awareness and actions

Environmental Education Festival

Apr 21, 2017 09:30 AM to Apr 22, 2017 01:00 PM Villaggio per la Terra, Galoppatoio di Villa Borghese – Roma,
AirPack Laboratory : a kit of tools for environmental education