Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental damage prevention and environmental emergencies management in case of fires at waste facilities

This Manual, which was developed within the context of the Agreement signed by ISPRA and Consorzio CINEAS on 25/09/2020, addresses the issue of fires at waste facilities under two different aspects – the prevention of environmental damage and the management of environmental emergencies – and aims to provide the authorities and the operators with a different view as to identify practices, solutions and proposals.

It is assumed that such fires are associated with many obligations (the planning and organization of procedures and interventions, the application of technical/operational solutions, the search for insurance protections) and many consequences (control, monitoring and remediation obligations). In this context, prevention is key, as a proper effort to limit the effects on the environment will protect the company against post-intervention costs, business interruptions, sanctions, etc.

The topics addressed in this Manual are: 1) the management of environmental emergencies, presenting the effects of fires on all environmental compartments, the environmental safeguards and the technical/management measures to be adopted during and after the event to limit the consequences and  to minimize the probability of occurrence of significant impacts; 2) the prevention of environmental damage, presenting the measures which should be considered ranging from planning activities and authorization phases to the post-fire phase, focusing on the prevention of the environmental damage to the natural resources specifically protected by the sixth part of Legislative Decree 152/2006.

On a methodological level, the Manual is the result of processing data and information collected with the collaboration of the SNPA network and the operators in the waste sector

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