Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Italian National Report for Birds Directive: bird populations, distributions and trends (2008-2012).
Reports   219 / 2015
Soil Consumption in Italy - 2015 Edition
Reports   218 / 2015
Water contamination by nitrates: Application of a isotope model in the Po River basin, Veneto Plain and Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
Reports   217 / 2015
Assessment of the potential risk of plant protection products in Natura 2000 areas
Reports   216 / 2015
Italian coastal dune habitats: ecology and conservation issues
Reports   215 / 2015
Waste management in Italian ports
Reports   214 / 2015
Electricity consumption scenarios to 2050
Reports   213 / 2015
CO2 emission factors and development of renewable energy in power sector
Reports   212 / 2015
Monitoring of the potentially toxic microalgae Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts - Year 2013
Reports   211 / 2014
Gamma Network : automatic network of environmental radiological monitoring for early warning and control of radioactive fallout. Edition 2013
Reports   210 / 2014
National report on pesticides in water : data of 2011-2012. Edition 2014
Reports   208 / 2014
Municipal waste report - Edition 2014
Reports   207 / 2014
Results of the mid-winter waterbird counts in Italy. Distribution, numbers and trends in 2001-2010
Distribution , estimates , population trends in 2001-2010
Reports   206 / 2014
System Map of the Nature of the Umbria region: cartography and habitat assessment
Reports   205 / 2014
System Map of the Nature of the Puglia region
The report explains the work done for the construction of habitat and quality maps of the Apulia region (Italy), as part of the information system map of the nature of Italy. In particular, Habitat type are described and methods and results of the evaluation process are also shown.
Reports   204 / 2014
Analysis of air pollution trends in Italy (2003 – 2012)
Reports   203 / 2014
Municipal Waste Report - Edition 2014
Reports   202 / 2014
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2012. Informative Inventory Report 2014
Reports   201 / 2014
Short rotation forestry and methods for carbon accounting. A case study of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) plantation in central Italy
Reports   200 / 2014
Assessing the bioenergy potential of forest and out of forest in Latium
Reports   199 / 2014