Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2011. Informative Inventory Report 2013
Reports   178 / 2013
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2011. National Inventory Report 2013
Reports   177 / 2013
Urban waste report - edition 2013
Reports   176 / 2013
National report on pesticides in water : data of 2009-2010. Edition 2013
Reports   175 / 2013
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2010. Informative Inventory Report 2012
Reports   162 / 2013
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory. Year 2012
Reports   160 / 2013
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System in Italy. Year 2012
Reports   159 / 2013
Special Waste Report - Edition 2012
Reports   174 / 2012
Ostreopsis ovata along the Italian coast: monitoring 2011
Reports   173 / 2012
“CO2 emission factors in electricity sector and decomposition analysis of emissions”
Reports   172 / 2012
Statistical analysis of user of ISPRA web site: First Report
Reports   171 / 2012
Use of environmental performance indicators in the public administration: identification of "other indicators" defined in Annex IV of EMAS III
Reports   169 / 2012
Analysis of environmental performance indicators in the public administrations recorded Emas: Comparison with the core indicators of EMAS III of Annex IV
Reports   168 / 2012
Survey and proposals to improve legislation starting from the Tuscany Region
Reports   167 / 2012
Survey on the implementation of EMAS in the Italian clusters
Reports   166 / 2012
Analysis of air quality regional plans for 2009
Reports   165 / 2012
Consolidation measures of air quality related to the residential and commercial sector
Reports   164 / 2012
Urban Waste Report 2012
Reports   163 / 2012
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2010. Informative Inventory Report 2012
Reports   161 / 2012
Lead in ammunition: problems and possible solutions
Reports   158 / 2012