Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



WHOW project - second meeting of the program Co-creation

Nov 15, 2021 from 02:30 PM to 05:00 PM Online event,
The meetings planned as part of the co-creation program of the project WHOW (Water Health Open knoWledge) aimed at creating a European infrastructure on environmental data and health impact continue. The meeting includes a speech dedicated to regulatory and technical developments at national level in the water sector and parallel sessions on the following topics: human exposure to chemical and biological pollutants in marine waters, water intended for human consumption; and extreme events. A further session will be dedicated to the technical aspects of the infrastructure.

Flowpath 2021

Dec 01, 2021 to Dec 03, 2021 Naples,
On 1-3 December, the 5th National Flowpath Hydrogeology Conference 2021 will take place in Naples, organized by the Italian Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH. The Conference is now a reference for the state of the art of research and applications of hydrogeology in the public and private sector.

ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival

Nov 22, 2021 to Nov 28, 2021 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica,
This year's theme will be CHALLENGES and is dedicated to the relationship between society and the economy, health, medicine, the study of the Universe and life sciences. The challenges related to Space, and the exploration of Mars, gravitational waves, neutrinos, Artificial Intelligence, digital sustainability, algorithms and cognitive biases, sustainable mobility and smart cities will be discovered with astronauts and scientists. We will reflect on the meaning and role of science, today, in the past, with an eye to the future. ISPRA will participate at the following meeting: 24 november ore 16.00 -  La rete della vita 24 november ore 18.30 -  Economia circolare: una scommessa per la ripartenza dell'Italia 27 november ore 12.30 -  Ocean Decade. Un decennio per salvare il mare ISPRA will organize two ecological walk: 27/28 november -  Il fiume e la città: tracce delle alluvioni storiche del Tevere 27/28 november -  Roma tra due fuochi: come gli eventi naturali hanno modificato la morfologia della città  

The bioeconomy of forests

Nov 18, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
The fourth edition of the national forum "The bioeconomy of forests" will be held in Rome at the Cavour Congress Center on Thursday 18 November. Organized by Legambiente, the Forum is an opportunity for discussion on good practices, tools and political choices to relaunch the country and start a process of green transition for the entire economy, focusing on biodiversity management and increasingly sustainable forest planning and responsible.

The circular economy to decarbonise. Roles and perspectives

Nov 22, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM Online event,
Ricicla TV will organize the webinar "The circular economy to decarbonise. Roles and perspectives" on 22 November at 12 am. The meeting will be attended by experts from CONAI, ENEA, Confindustria and for ISPRA the Director of the Department for Environmental Assessment, Controls and Sustainability.

ISPRA data on lindane presented today in Brussels

16 november The Italian data produced by ISPRA on the presence of the pesticide lindane in European soils were presented today in Brussels in the presence of several members of the European Parliament, including the Vice-President of the Environment Commission, Hon. César Luena, and officials of the European Commission. The contribution of the ISPRA Geological Survey of Italy was decisive for the success of the study. The launch of the new European Soil Strategy is expected tomorrow.

Health and Environment

Nov 18, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Bari, Aula Magna c/o Rettorato Università LUM Giuseppe Degennaro,
The LUM University - Free University of the Mediterranean "Giuseppe Degennaro" organizes the "Health and Environment" seminar on 18 November. The president of ISPRA and SNPA, Stefano Laporta, participates in the meeting.

The second phase of the Covenant of Mayors: a multilevel structure for the local ecological transition

Nov 17, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Webinar,
As part of the Italian strategy of the Covenant of Mayors 2021/2022, ENEA and the office of the Covenant of Mayors of Brussels will organize, in collaboration with ISPRA, an event with all the territorial coordinators (provinces, regions, metropolitan cities, communities montane and unions of municipalities) to present the national strategy and the next objectives.

On the occasion of the new European soil strategy, ISPRA publishes the tenth video made as part of the Soil4Life project

The new soil strategy has been published by the European Commission which defines a framework with concrete measures for the protection, restoration and sustainable use of soils. The goal is to increase the carbon capture capacity of agricultural land, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soils and ensure that by 2050 all soil ecosystems are in good condition.

The National Biodiversity Network told through a video

The census and sharing of existing databases in Italy on the subject of biodiversity are among the activities assigned to Ispra, through the management and population of the National Biodiversity Network information system (ISPRA / Mite Convention). In order to increase the network of providers participating in the network system and to allow the reuse of the data available for scientific and informative purposes, ISPRA has created the informative video that can be consulted on  ISPRA YouTube 

Progetto H2020 EuroSea conference

Nov 25, 2021 from 03:30 PM to 05:30 PM Online event,
Funded by the European Commission's research and innovation program, the EuroSea Project , of which ISPRA is a partner, supports the flagship initiative of the G7 countries on the future of seas and oceans.

IPBES: launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment"

The IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plaftorm on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) has announced the launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment". The final report intends to define the methods for evaluating and classifying the ways in which companies depend on biodiversity and impact on it and the contributions of nature to people and businesses themselves.