Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The conservation of the coastal dolphin in Tuscany

Published on the scientific magazine 'Mediterranean Marine Science' a study of 12 years on the surveillance of the conservation status of Tursiops truncatus dolphin in an EU Natura 2000 site in the Mediterranean Sea. A pilot study in the Tuscan Archipelago

A pilot study, using the dataset from the research network ‘FLT Med Net’, which regularly monitors transborder regions in the Mediterranean Sea using ferries as platform for systematic surveys, was undertaken to assess common bottlenose dolphin range and population trends within the Natura 2000 EU marine site “Tutela del Tursiops truncatus”.

The site was recently designated by the Tuscany Region (Italy) within the requirement of the EU Habitats Directive. In order to evaluate the conservation status of bottlenose dolphin according to the surveillance scheme of the Directive, two six-year periods (2007-2012; 2013-2018) were compared to assess trends in Distribution-occurrence (range), Sightings Per Unit of Effort and Density (population).

In total, 18,146 NM were surveyed along two fixed transects, recording 90 sightings of Tursiops truncatus for a total of 268 specimens. Between
the two periods, slight but not statistically significant differences were assessed, with decreasing trend in range and population of the species; no variation was detected in mean group sizes.

Travelling was the most common behaviour, and juveniles were present in 20% of the sightings, concentrated during spring and summer. The consistent FLT Med Net dataset was found to be appropriate to evaluate important parameters for the assessment of trends in the conservation status of Tursiops truncatus at the Natura 2000 site scale

The study, carried out thanks to the Corsica Sardinia Ferries commitment that hosted researchers on board the bridge of their ships, is part of a larger project coordinated by ISPRA for the long-term knowledge and monitoring of mammals and turtles. marine and main pressures in the Mediterranean basin area (Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network).


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