Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The Virtual museum of the Geological and Historical Collections

In 2008 ISPRA inherited and currently holds the conspicuous Geological and Historical Heritage of the former Geological Survey of Italy, consisting of the Paleontological and Litho-mineralogical Collections, over 150,000 findings (fossils, rocks and minerals), the Geological Relief maps Collection, the Collection of technical instruments, relics and works of art associated with the survey  activities for the Geological Map of Italy, carried out from the second half of the 1800s to the seventies of the 1900s.

This heritage is made accessible online with a first selection of findings and artifacts of ISPRA’s  eminent museum assets.

The birth of the Museo di Geopaleontologia italiana "Quintino Sella" ("Quintino Sella" Museum of Italian Geo-paleontology)

The agreement for the enhancement of the geological heritage signed between MIBACT and ISPRA

Sede S.SusannaThe prestigious geological and historical collections of the Geological Survey will finally be exhibited and made available to the scientific world and the entire community after more than 25 years. This is due to the agreement signed on 29 January 2021 by the Director General of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti, and the Museums’ Director General of MiBACT, Massimo Osanna.

The new "Quintino Sella" Museum of Italian Geo-palaeontology will display the collections of the Earth Sciences Sector, established at the behest of Quintino Sella and Felice Giordano since the beginning of the State of Italy (1860’s). Those ones will be located in new premises in the same building as the MUCIV Museum in EUR (Rome).

One of the first national geological museums in Europe, inaugurated by King Umberto I in 1883, will finally come back to life thanks to this agreement.  This heritage of enormous scientific, historical, geological and documentary value of the Italian territory will once again become common property, at the service of students, citizens and scholars. The new Museum will not only give access to the precious finds, but will also spread awareness about the importance of geological knowledge of the territory in which we live.


ItaliaThe Earth Sciences Museums Directory is a knowledge online tool for a diversified target.

The idea of a Earth Sciences Museums Directory, available online, meets the need to create an instrument to disseminate the knowledge about the Italian reality in this field to a diversified target: professionals, teachers, citizens.