Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Abandoned mining heritage

Study on the abandoned mining heritage and the valorization in Italy
APAT (now ISPRA), pursuant to art. 22 of Law 179/2002, has realized a Census of the Italian mining sites (1870-2006), available on the website of the Institute.

The research project on the abandoned mining heritage follows the above-mentioned census, with the aim of analyzing all the mining sites which have been recovered and valorized for cultural and touristic purposes.
A geodatabase will be available online in the near future to allow the exchange of information between different subjects in order to facilitate the creation of a tourist circuit including parks, museums and mining eco-museums.
Part of the census of the mining parks / museums is already available on the website within the "Repertory of Italian museums of Earth Sciences."

Reclaiming and development of abandoned mines: the state of the art in Italy - Proceedings of the session V3 - Geoitalia 2009 - VII Italian Forum of Earth Sciences (2011)