Agriculture and Territory: from the Green Deal to the recovery
New appointment with "The Country We Want - Overcoming the Emergency", a project of the CIA-Italian Farmers for the restart of Italy through its internal ...
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Year 2020
Agriculture, biodiversity and sustainable development: scenarios and virtuous paths
Over time, agricultural activity has determined the modification of natural ecosystems, transforming and reorganizing them into systems in which the balance ...
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ASvis awarded with the Solidarity Award of United Nations for the initiative #AlleanzaAgisce
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Year 2020
Atlas of Environmental Data. 2023 edition
The Atlas of environmental data, a volume that ISPRA publishes for the first time, offers an overview of the main environmental data. It provides cartographic ...
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Luxury Publications
Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival
From 11 to 17 March 2024, the European Commission organized the Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival , a week of events on the bioeconomy to make young people ...
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Biophysical and economic assessment of four ecosystem services for natural capital accounting in Italy
A group of scientists from ISPRA, the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Ikerbasque have demonstrated the feasibility of moving towards a widespread ...
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Year 2020
Blue flags: 416 Italian beaches awarded this year
The main target of the Blue flags program is to promote in the Municipalities close to the sea a sustainable management of the land by means of a series of ...
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Year 2021
Breath festival
Promoting the health culture and improve the sustainable tourism The national project Borghi del Respiro aims intends to enhance the vitality and ...
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Year 2021
CER - Sustainable Communities: opportunities and tools to enhance people and territories
The Conference is an important opportunity for discussion on the topic of Communities and in particular CER - Renewable Energy Communities - an innovative ...
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Ceremony of the EMAS Ecolabel 2020 Award
The Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee and ISPRA, also in this year very difficult aims to give recognition and visibility to certified organizations by rewarding ...
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Year 2020