Crimes against wild birds. A thematic focus for an effective law enforcement
The purpose of this document is to contribute towards the implementation of the National Action Plan on Illegal Killing, Taking, and Trade of Wild Birds (IKB). ...
Located in
Technical Documents
Crossing the trail of cetaceans
The sessions of the 34th conference of the ECS, the European Cetacean Society, begin on Monday 17 April in Galicia. The event, which will continue until 20 ...
Located in
Year 2023
Dangerous bears, at least one case a year. That is why killing or captivity are the only ways
The report of ISPRA and Muse on the issue related the presence of bears in the province of Trento analyzes prevention and possible measures. For experts, the ...
Located in
Year 2021
Data on the Environment
Environmental Data Yearbook 2019
Located in
State of the Environment
Dealing with complexity. From the conservation of large carnivores to the loss of biodiversity: exploring the tools for effective communication
Explore tools for effective communication As part of the communication initiatives of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project, the project partners of the Lombardy ...
Located in
Develop the potential of Alpine Protected Areas - Presentation of SAPA Report
Located in
Year 2017
Dialogues on Biodiversity
Three events with scientists and intellectuals On the occasion of World Biodiversty Day 2021 and within the week nature organized by the Ministry for ...
Located in
Year 2021
Discovering the Italian Partridge and its reintroduction in the Mezzano Valleys (FE)
Researchers and wildlife enthusiasts will be able to walk among the fences built as part of the Life Perdix project in the territories of the Po Delta Park. We ...
Located in
Year 2023
Diverse values of nature and people
On 21 April, in Rome, at the Italian headquarters of the European Parliament, a conference will be held for the presentation of the latest IPBES publication ...
Located in
Year 2023
Docu-movie of the Project Interreg V-A Italy-Malta "HARMONY"
The Docu-movie on the participate activities, carried out in the frame of the Project Interreg V-A Italy-Malta "HARMONY" related to the sea floor integrity ...
Located in
Year 2021