Plastic, bioplastic, riplastic or Noplastic
The webinar aims to share and discuss the different possibilities of sustainable and innovative solutions that involve the use of plastics and towards ...
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Year 2021
PNRR - MER Project. Environmental monitoring in aquaculture: an underwater wireless communication network in the Gulf of Follonica
11 APRIL – NATIONAL SEA DAY An underwater wireless communication network for environmental monitoring in the Gulf of Follonica, one of the most important ...
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PNRR MER - Integral mapping of the Italian coast and coastal habitats. Intervention A16-A18 and coastline
The PNRR MER project aims to fully map the Italian coast, both the emerged and submerged parts. The area covered includes the coast up to 800 meters towards ...
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PNRR WED – Complete mapping of the italian coast and coastal habitats launch of the WebGis platform – Cloud
The PNRR MER project is an ambitious initiative that aims to map the entire Italian coast in detail, both the emerged and submerged parts. The project's ...
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PNRR WED. The restoration of one of the most threatened marine environments in Europe: flat oyster habitats
In the "breeding parks" 300,000 larvae have already been obtained, the objective is to reach 1 million to be allocated to breeding ISPRA's activities have ...
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PNRR: MiTE-ISPRA protocol signed for the restoration of the seabed and marine habitats
400 million euros for interventions in favor of the sustainable blue economy With the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the MiTE and ISPRA, ...
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Year 2021
Pollution in marine sediments. How to improve data quality
Homogeneity and coherence: these are the fundamental characteristics that environmental data must have in order to be used on a large scale. Access to good ...
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Year 2022
Pollution, an integrated sea-coast response
As part of an Agreement between MASE and ISPRA, an in-depth project was launched on the operational synergies deriving from the "MiTE Anti-pollution Plan" and ...
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Ispra events
Port system and environmental protection: tools for assessing water quality
Next 8 june, at the same time with the ocean world day, it will be held the seminar "Port system and environmental protection: tools for assessing water quality
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Year 2021
Posidonia Friend
The municipality of San Vincenzo (LI) is also promoting a project this year on the theme of environment and sustainability which has Posidonia as its ...
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