Prevention systems and models of responsibility in the management of natural risks
The webinar, organized by the Law Department of Ferrara University and the Forense Chamber aims to analyze the scientific aspects of the natural risks and ...
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Year 2021
Proposal of a new geomorphological cartography model for application purposes - geomorphological map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale
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Technical Periodicals
Quaderni, serie III, del SGI
Proximity, Digital Twins, Big Data and Territory Management
The webinar "Proximity, digital twins, big data and territorial management. Digital and ecological transition and rebalancing of territories" will be held ...
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Year 2022
Public consultation on SNPA guidelines for landslide monitoring
It's open from 18 may the public consultation on the SNPA guidelines for landslide monitoring
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Year 2021
Published the text for a Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience
On 5 July, the European Commission published the text of the proposal for a Directive on soil monitoring and resilience (Soil Monitoring Law), with the aim of ...
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Year 2023
Quaternary deformations, palaeosols and strata across the Northern Apennines
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Technical Periodicals
Geological Field Trips and Maps
RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
The workshop "RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions" will be held in Rome on 15 May. RaStEM - Standardized ...
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RaStEM: a tool to support planning and design of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures
The monitoring of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures, that ISPRA has been carrying out for more than twenty-five years on behalf of the Ministry of the ...
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Handbooks and guidelines
Record heat and drought in 2022
Italy's climate in SNPA report. Peak temperature anomaly in June (+3.09°C) and lowest rainfall levels (-22%) since 1961 The "Climate in Italy in 2022" ...
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Year 2023
Reduce impacts on the coast. Erosion, storm surges, sea level rise, heat waves
The conference, organized by the Municipality of Rome, is the fourth appointment in a series of public meetings dedicated to consulting citizens on the ...
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