The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
The 2024 edition of the European Night of Researchers is dedicated to Maria Skłodowska Curie, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. A journey into science ...
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The experimental field of the landslide of Poggio Baldi (FC)
The event is sponsored by the research projects PNRR-Infrastructures "GeosciencesIR" and the Extended Partnership "RETURN", respectively coordinated by ISPRA ...
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Year 2023
The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
Organized by the Department of Pharmacy of the Federico University, the meeting is aimed at highlighting the role of ecotoxicology in the assessment of ...
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The Geological Map of the CARG Project for the implementation of Sustainability and ESG principles and the prevention of Climate Change risks
The geological map has always been the basic tool for geological knowledge of the territory. The new Geological and Geothematic Cartography of Italy at the ...
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The Geological Survey of Italy mapping
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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
The geological walks of ISPRA
As part of the Rome Science Festival, ISPRA is organizing two geological walks on 27 and 28 November: "The river and the city: traces of the historic floods of ...
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Year 2021
The geology and human activities
In many areas of the earth's surface, seismic and volcanic events and geo-hydrological instability affect human activities and require a great effort from the ...
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Year 2022
The geology of Rome. From the historical center to the outskirts
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
The Geosciences IR Research Infrastructure - Shared geology at the service of all
The side event "The Geosciences IR Research Infrastructure - Shared geology at the service of all" will be held on 17 November 2023, as part of the Earth ...
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Year 2023
The GeoSciencesIR Project meets the Regional Geological Services and stakeholders
Mid-term Project Meeting On 26 and 27 February, the representatives of the universities and research bodies involved in the project met in Rome, in the ...
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