The new frontiers for the geologist of the future
The workshop is organized by SIGEA-APS, in collaboration with the University of Basilicata and the Order of Geologists of Basilicata. At the end there will be ...
Located in
The northernmost record of the Messinian salinity crisis (Piedmont basin, Italy)
Regional Commitee on Mediterranean Neogeone Stratigraphy Interim Colloquium – Torino, 2014
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Geological Field Trips and Maps
The resilience of cities in relation to their subsoil and climate extremes
ISPRA's geological-urban activities and the Urban Geo-climate Footprint project In what geological and climatic context are our cities founded? What problems ...
Located in
Year 2023
The role of monitoring in the study and management of hydrogeological risk for the protection of the mountain territory
The event is organized by the ASITA Federation together with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology ...
Located in
Year 2022
The Saline of Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity
ISPRA will organize, in collaboration with the Carabinieri of the Biodiversity Protection Unit of Rome, the excursion "The Saline di Tarquinia: a treasure of ...
Located in
Year 2023
The San Felice Cemetery in Rome: ISPRA's hypothesis on the funerary complex that disappeared in 1500
During a new study on the underground cavities of the Portuense district of Rome, ISPRA researchers have achieved access to an underground quarry that could be ...
Located in
Year 2023
The science of Rome. Past, present and future of a city
At the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, on Tuesday 12 October the exhibition “La Scienza di Roma. Past, present and future of a city ”, scheduled until ...
Located in
Year 2021
The sinkholes: methodologies of investigation, historical research, monitoring and technique of intervention
Towns and natural processes of instability: evaluation, monitoring and mitigation
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
The social relationship, balance of values and spending capacity as a measure of performance in territorial rehabilitation activities
The first Social Report of the mission of the Commissioner for the implementation of the interventions necessary to adapt the illegal landfills present on the ...
Located in
Year 2023
The soil monitoring network in Italy: estimating soil biodiversity and the potential increase in organic carbon
As part of the SOIL-HUB Project, CREA Agriculture and Environment and the Institute for Wood Plants and the Environment (IPLA) are organizing the conference ...
Located in
Year 2023