Walking through the environment
“Walking through the environment” is an ISPRA publication aimed at an audience of young students and non-experts. The Ministry of education recognizes it as a ...
Located in
Year 2022
Water National Conference
Italian water. National conference. How much resource we have, how much we use, how much of it we waste, how much we will have, as we protect, what to do to ...
Located in
Year 2017
Water, a common front against the climate crisis
In Parma on 14 and 15 July 2023 two days of study and discussion on the water resource and its delicate environmental, economic and social balance. The ...
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Year 2023
We're the environment, you're the environment!
The ISPRA General Director, Maria Siclari, opened the FloraCult event today by participating in the talk "The Environment is us, the Environment is YOU!" ...
Located in
What flows beneath our feet? Rome's groundwater in the context of a changing climate
The water supply of the city of Rome comes mainly from springs located several kilometers from the city center, in Apennines or volcanic areas. However, ...
Located in
Year 2023
What future for urban landscapes? Challenges and perspectives
The Italian Society of Landscape Ecology is organizing a series of online seminars. An ISPRA expert will participate in the meeting "Innovative approaches for ...
Located in
Year 2021
When tectonics and climate take over: Quaternary depositional history of extensional Tuscan basins
Located in
Technical Periodicals
Geological Field Trips and Maps
Which are the districts of Rome most at risk of chasms?
ISPRA in collaboration with the CNR-IGAG has launched a study project for the susceptibility to anthropogenic sinkholes since 2017. The city of Rome rises ...
Located in
Year 2022
Women geology in ISPRA
The activities of scientific research and environmental protection see women as protagonists, even if the numbers tell us a different story. In the occasion of ...
Located in
Year 2021
Workshop "State of remediation of contaminated sites: a look at the regional sites"
First Report ISPRA-SNPA on the state of remediation at regional level, as a results of the cooperation between SNPA and Regions/Autonomous Provinces. What is ...
Located in
Year 2021