Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The fruit and vine germoplasm of traditional Italian agriculture. Case studies: Marche and Tuscany
The volume, tenth and last in the series dedicated to the study of some of the Italian fruit varieties, deals with the case studies of Marche and Tuscany. For ...
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Nature and Biodiversity
LIFE Conceptu Maris - LIFE project of the month on the MASE website
IFE Conceptu Maris: CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability” With their movements in ...
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Ideal habitat for the plover
The plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a small cosmopolitan wader that prefers the shores of the sea and lakes, estuaries, salt marshes and brackish lagoons for ...
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Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of ...
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I° Blue Economy Forum
Towards the development of the marine economy that safeguards biodiversity As part of the European Life Sea.Net project, the first Legambiente Blue Economy ...
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Towards resilient cities: the interventions of the experimental Program for adaptation to climate change in urban areas
This Booklet offers an overview of the actions proposed by the Italian municipalities participating in the experimental program of interventions for adaptation ...
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Environment and Society
Value Nature. The role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy
Marevivo and WWF Italia are organizing the conference on the role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy on 12 January. The title of ...
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Year 2023
Fauna in the city: old and new relationships between humans and animals
In Spoleto from 3 to 5 February 2023 Fauna 2023, the event dedicated to the environment will be held, now in its fifth edition. The program includes ...
Located in
Year 2023
Biodiversity: let's make a difference day by day
G-Lab of the Golinelli Foundation for Eduiren organizes a cycle of webinars aimed at teachers and educators to explore issues related to the ecological ...
Located in
Year 2023
Wildlife and territories: understand and manage
The conference aims to explore a series of topics related to the management of wild boar in Italy, also with reference to the role played by wildlife-hunting ...
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Year 2023