Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Towards resilient cities: the interventions of the experimental Program for adaptation to climate change in urban areas

This Booklet offers an overview of the actions proposed by the Italian municipalities participating in the experimental program of interventions for adaptation to climate change in urban areas, launched in 2021 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition (now the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security), in collaboration with ISPRA and ANCI.

This initiative is the first on this topic in Italy and aims to "increase the resilience of urban settlements exposed to the risks generated by climate change, such as heat waves, extreme precipitation events and drought phenomena". The interventions proposed by the 80 municipalities eligible for funding are currently being implemented and will be completed by the end of 2024, unless extended. The descriptive sheets of the interventions included in the Booklet therefore intend to propose a useful framework to facilitate the dissemination of information and knowledge on ongoing projects, by reporting the expected environmental and socio-economic benefits and providing indications aimed at avoiding negative effects/maladaptation

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