Let's circulate. Your actions matter
October 24th is the key stage of the Let's Circular campaign created by ISPRA in collaboration and with the financing of MIMIT - Ministry of Business and Made ...
Located in
Year 2023
LIFE Sic2Sic “Biodiversity and green economy" - Final Conference
The report on the results of the LIFE SIC2SIC project becomes an opportunity to face some of the fundamental challenges for the future. The new strategy for ...
Located in
Year 2020
Making Global Goals Local Practice : announced the winners
Located in
Year 2017
Measure the sustainability to change policies
The statistical festival this year will be held in Treviso, the topic of this edition 2020 regard "The World that will come: ideas and measures to restart"
Located in
Year 2020
Measuring EU Tourism Environmental Impacts: Setting the frame
The Webinar is organized by the group of experts of the Commission for the tourism ecosystem T4T (Together for Tourism), (in which ISPRA participates) ...
Located in
Mobility and territory: towards more intelligent and sustainable mobility
The event, which will take place on May 23rd at the Tecnopolo in Reggio Emilia, aims to delve deeper into the characteristics, benefits and potential of ...
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National conference on climate 2000: a roadmap for Italy
The National Climate Conference, to be held from 13 to 16 October, is the most important event of the year of Italy for climate , an initiative promoted by ...
Located in
Year 2020
Natural capital accounting: mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into sustainable development policies
Expert meeting - October 6 2020, Rome - ISPRA Partner Event EU Green Week (19-22 october 2020) - Partner Event Italian Festival of Sustainable Development ...
Located in
Year 2020
Network of Mobility Manager in the public administration: tools and project in time of change
The Mobility Management is an activity that involves in the building of links between groups of people who can be employees but also colleagues who operate in ...
Located in
Year 2021
On the road to sustainability: hydrogen destination
The role of hydrogen will be decisive in the energy transition process to decarbonise the so-called 'hard to abate' sectors, such as heavy industry, road ...
Located in
Year 2022