Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
Nov 26, 2024 — Nov 28, 2024 Livorno, Camera di Commercio - Piazza del Municipio

As usual, every 2 years starting from 2006, ISPRA promotes the Study Days "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies" with the collaboration and support of other public and private institutions. These days represent a meeting moment for the Italian scientific community, control bodies, private individuals and all those interested in ecotoxicological issues and their practical applications and regulatory evolution.

Water Festival 2024
Water Festival 2024
Sep 26, 2024 — Sep 28, 2024 Florence

Utilitalia, the Federation of water, environment and energy companies, will organize the 2024 edition of the Water Festival in Florence from 24 to 26 September. The event will offer three days of reflections with political representatives, national and international sector experts, as well as events and demonstrations that will involve the city of Florence to reflect on the importance of this resource.

Second SNPA Conference. Dealing with water
Second SNPA Conference. Dealing with water
Sep 26, 2024 — Sep 27, 2024 Florence, Fortezza da Basso

Managing water in a changing climate

In conjunction with the anniversary of the 30 years of activity of the Environmental Protection Agencies, completing the path begun with the two preparatory conferences (Rimini November 2022 and Rome April 2023), the SNPA National Council has decided to hold the Second Conference National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA). The theme is that of water resources also seen from the perspective of climate change, in the framework of the ETE Expo (Earth Technology Expo) event which sees the Water Festival taking place within it.

Extreme events map in Italy by ISPRA
Extreme events map in Italy by ISPRA
Jul 16, 2024

Floods, heat waves, droughts: the ISPRA extreme events map in Italy updated with information on 2023.

Presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023"
Presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023"
Jul 11, 2024 09:00 AM — Jul 11, 2024 01:00 PM On line event

The presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023" will be held on July 11th. The Report illustrates the main elements that characterized the climate in 2023 and the variations in the climate in Italy in recent decades, also in the global and European climate context, and analyzes the average values ​​and trends of the main hydro-meteo-climatic variables and their values extremes. Furthermore, it provides insights into the climate at a national, regional and local scale, and into the most relevant and critical hydro-meteorological and meteo-marine aspects and events that occurred during the year.
The event also aims to underline the fruitful collaboration between the SNPA System and the other institutional, national and local subjects, who participated in the Report through the provision of their data and information.

XXII Summer Seminar of the Symbola Foundation
XXII Summer Seminar of the Symbola Foundation
Jun 27, 2024 — Jun 29, 2024 Mantova, theater Bibiena

“We are the times” is the title of the 2024 edition of the Symbola Foundation summer seminar which will be held in Mantova from 27 to 29 June.

The seminar will give visibility to the many institutional, entrepreneurial and social entities that with their commitment demonstrate that it is possible to build better times by promoting a sustainable economy. A rich program of conferences, debates, events and book presentations which will see the participation of entrepreneurs, scientists, intellectuals and representatives of the economy, politics and society

Water intelligence. The evolution of technologies dedicated to water management
Water intelligence. The evolution of technologies dedicated to water management
Jun 20, 2024 11:00 AM — Jun 20, 2024 01:00 PM Rome, Confagricoltura, Palazzo Della Valle

The ecological and digital transitions intersect on the management of water resources, to allow a more rational use of water, reducing waste and directing consumption towards sustainability: these are the main themes of the Water intelligence report that will be presented on June 20th

Desertification and Drought Day 2024
Desertification and Drought Day 2024
Jun 17, 2024 — Jun 17, 2024

Desertification, land degradation and drought are among the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, with more than 40% of all land surface in the world already considered degraded.

A healthy land not only provides us with nearly 95% of our food, but much more: it clothes and shelters us, provides us with jobs and livelihoods, and protects us from worsening droughts, floods, and fires. Yet, every second, an equivalent of four football fields of healthy soil is degraded, totaling 100 million hectares each year.

The Desertification and Drought Day  it is celebrated every year on June 17th, “United for the Earth. Our legacy. Our Future” is the theme chosen for 2024 and highlights the future of land management: our most precious resource for ensuring the stability and prosperity of billions of people around the world.

June 17, 2024 will also mark the 30th anniversary of the Bonn-based United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the only legally binding international treaty on land management and drought; one of the three Rio Conventions together with climate change and biodiversity.

Desertification and Drought Day has the following objectives:

  • Promote public awareness of problems related to desertification, land degradation and drought
  • Present human-driven solutions to prevent desertification and reverse drought intensification
  • Strengthen the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
Kick-off meeting of the Aces project
Kick-off meeting of the Aces project
Jun 12, 2024 09:15 AM — Jun 12, 2024 01:00 PM Pescara

The kick-off meeting of the Aces project - Water, climate and health: from the environmental protection of resources, to access to water, to safe use, with the Abruzzo Region as leader, will be held on 12 June in Pescara.
The project is financed by the Ministry of Health as part of the National Complementary Plan (Pnc) to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) and sees the participation as operational units of ISPRA, Arpae Emilia-Romagna, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Izs of Abruzzo and Molise, Ars Toscana

Drought: too little water or too thirsty?
Drought: too little water or too thirsty?
Jun 05, 2024 11:00 AM — Jun 05, 2024 01:00 PM Webinar

The webinar will be held on 5 June, the date on which World Environment Day is celebrated, and will have the participation of sector experts offering a multidisciplinary overview of the drought problem.

This year's theme is "Desertification, Drought and Land Restoration", a topic of crucial importance given the growing climate and environmental crisis. Celebrating this day reminds us that the health of our planet depends on our daily choices and actions, and that each of us has a role to play in protecting the environment.

World Environment Day 2024
World Environment Day 2024
Jun 05, 2024 — Jun 05, 2024

World Environment Day has been celebrated since 1972 and represents the United Nations' main vehicle for encouraging global awareness and action for the environment.

The 2024 day, hosted by Saudi Arabia, focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience with the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.

According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, up to 40% of the planet's land is degraded, directly affecting half the world's population and threatening about half of global GDP ($44 trillion). The number and duration of droughts have increased by 29% since 2000: without urgent action, droughts could affect more than three-quarters of the world's population by 2050.

Land restoration is a key pillar of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), a call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world that is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will be held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, from 2 to 13 December 2024.

UNCDD country report 2022 Italy 

Hydrological measurement in the Italian Northeast
Hydrological measurement in the Italian Northeast
May 30, 2024 — May 30, 2024 University of Padova

Hydrological measurement has taken on ever greater importance in activities and studies in ever more extensive fields, from climate research to applications in the environmental field. For these reasons, the Venetian Section of the Italian Hydrotechnical Association and the Regional Agency for Environmental Prevention and Protection of the Veneto Region - ARPAV, deemed it appropriate to organize a Study Day on the topic of "Hydrological measurement in the Northeast" aimed at deepening knowledge and the evolution prospects gained in this field, divided into three sessions.

Water resource: sustainability and efficiency in the most water-demanding production sectors
Water resource: sustainability and efficiency in the most water-demanding production sectors
May 29, 2024 09:30 AM — May 29, 2024 01:30 PM Rome

Focus and correct application of regulations to reduce environmental impact

On 29 May Assosistema Confindustria organizes the event in Rome, in the Chamber of Deputies: "Water resources: sustainability and efficiency in the most hydro-demanding production sectors. Focus and correct application of regulations to reduce environmental impact"
During the conference the topics will be those of sustainability and the correct use of water resources; furthermore, the Paper on environmental standards, controls and procedures in health and social care facilities drawn up by Assosistema Confindustria will be presented for the first time

Water4All Day in Water World Forum of Bali
Water4All Day in Water World Forum of Bali
May 22, 2024 — May 22, 2024 Bali-Indonesia

The event on 22 May which will be held at the European partnership pavilion at the Water World Forum in Bali is dedicated to the presentation of Water4All's activities. Water4all is the EU's largest partnership for water: it contributes significantly to sustainable water management efforts and supports the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as stepping up efforts to achieve the Green Goals Deal.

Extreme water events and indigenous populations
Extreme water events and indigenous populations
May 20, 2024 — May 20, 2024 Bali-Indonesia

How can knowledge support climate adaptation measures?

On the occasion of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, the Water4All pavilion hosts on 20 May 2024 the collateral event organized as part of the SD-WISHEES project, of which ISPRA is a partner, dedicated to the theme of extreme water events and their impact on cultural and natural heritage. The project partners will discuss with experts from the populations of the areas affected by erosion, floods or drought on innovation paths useful for climate adaptation and on the topic of removing investment barriers in this sector.

World Water Forum. Bali 18-25 May 2024
World Water Forum. Bali 18-25 May 2024
May 18, 2024 — May 25, 2024 Bali-Indonesia

The 10th World Water Forum will be held in Bali, Indonesia from 18 to 25 May. The theme of this edition is Water for shared prosperity. The World Water Forum brings together political and civil society representatives, public authorities, academics and the private sector to address global challenges related to the management and sustainability of water resources.

Flood, landslide and drought emergencies: the role of Naturalistic Engineering and NBS - Nature Based Solutions
Flood, landslide and drought emergencies: the role of Naturalistic Engineering and NBS - Nature Based Solutions
May 16, 2024 10:30 AM — May 16, 2024 04:00 PM Rome, ISPRA headquarter, via Vitaliano Brancati 48

"For effective results, interoperability is required, integrated interventions are necessary and naturalistic engineering is an important partner in a path towards correct territorial planning" - said the ISPRA DG, Maria Siclari, who spoke today at the workshop organized by AIPIN and ISPRA on the topic of hydrogeological instability and climate change as contributing causes of the frequent emergencies, the serious damage and the numerous victims that are recorded every year.
"Knowledge plays a fundamental role: ISPRA has registered 622 thousand landslides, 2/3 of the European context, Rendis 25 thousand interventions, 30% of which fall on the Natura 2000 network. Without scientifically validated data, useful interventions for the mitigation of the hydrogeological risk" - added the Director General.

During the conference, the topic of Nature-based solutions was also addressed, in English Nature Based Solutions - NBS, solutions aimed at the restoration, recovery or protection of natural processes to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, with advantages also for human well-being, are winners. European and national strategies and programmes, also supported by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), go in this direction.



Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) International Partnerships Workshop
Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) International Partnerships Workshop
May 08, 2024 — May 10, 2024 Mauritius

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary (2014-2024) of the activities to promote excellent postgraduate education in Africa carried out by the Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) will take place in Mauritius from 8 to 10 May 2024, the First Workshop of International Partnerships of African Centers of Excellence.

Water: between risks and opportunities
Water: between risks and opportunities
Apr 23, 2024 03:00 PM — Apr 23, 2024 05:00 PM TORINO - Environment Park - Via Livorno, 60 e in streaming

The conference intends to analyze the importance of water in a world increasingly afflicted by extreme meteorological events. The conference addresses adaptation and mitigation challenges, focusing on innovative initiatives to develop resilient urban ecosystems. The topic takes on particular relevance in view of Roma Capitale's candidacy to host the World Water Forum in 2027, recognizing the city as a strategic hub for addressing global water challenges.
Two ISPRA experts will speak during the conference.

Presentation of the results of the MAPP Project
Presentation of the results of the MAPP Project
Apr 19, 2024 — Apr 19, 2024 Ferrara

On April 19th in Ferrara, the presentation of the results of the MAPP project (Monitoring Applied to Plastics of the Po) promoted by the Po River District Basin Authority and the Foundation for Sustainable Development will take place. The project, started in June 2021, used different tools and methodologies - some completely innovative at European level - to increase understanding of the plastic litter phenomenon in the Po, integrating the knowledge already acquired in recent years with the "Po d'Amare" project and “Manta River Project”.

ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
Apr 16, 2024 — Apr 21, 2024 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone

From 16 to 21 April 2024 the Rome Science Festival returns to the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone with its 19th edition.

Mistakes and wonders is the theme of this edition, dedicated to the wonder that accompanies every discovery, the engine that pushes scientists to explore, ask questions and question consolidated knowledge, always going further. Wondering, even in the face of crises and problems, is the first step in seeking new answers and solutions, on a path not without missteps, failures and denials, errors.

ISPRA is the scientific partner of the event and promotes a series of initiatives.


16 - 21 april 15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Relitti, rifiuti e biodiversità nelle profondità del Mediterraneo"

16 - 21 april  15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

19 april  18:30

Che tempo farà? Incertezze nelle previsioni metereologiche

20 - 21 april 8:45 e 9:15

Le attività di ISPRA e la Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano
Evento gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria

20 - 21 april 11:00 - 15:30

Laboratorio "Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

21 april ore 11:00

Sottoterra nessuno può sentirti urlare

Green Economy Festival
Green Economy Festival
Apr 05, 2024 — Apr 07, 2024 Parma

The Green Economy Festival will be held in Parma from 5 to 7 April. On 5 April in the session "Climate change and adaptation in the Po river basin" an ISPRA researcher will speak on "The climate in Italy: precipitation and water resources, what is happening?"

From the emergency to water efficiency
From the emergency to water efficiency
Mar 22, 2024 09:00 AM — Mar 22, 2024 03:00 PM Roma, Viale dell'Astronomia, 30

On the occasion of World Water Day, Confindustria is organizing the event "From the emergency to water efficiency".

It will be an opportunity for a discussion on the management of water resources, to analyze the challenges - current and future - to identify the opportunities, critical issues and adequate responses to ensure that everyone, citizens, agriculture and industry, has fair and sustainable access to water. waterfall. The topic will be addressed from multiple points of view, thanks to the qualified participation of numerous speakers from the business world, national and local institutions and the academic world.

World Water Day. In Italy in 2023 the availability of water will be reduced by 18% compared to the annual average calculated since 1951
World Water Day. In Italy in 2023 the availability of water will be reduced by 18% compared to the annual average calculated since 1951
Mar 22, 2024 — Mar 22, 2024

Drought, record rainfall and floods. Better situation than in 2022

ISPRA analyzes on the availability of national water resources
The availability of water resources in the year 2023 confirms the negative trend recorded for several years in Italy, although as shown by the BIGBANG estimates (the national hydrological model created by ISPRA) it can be considered a year of recovery compared to 2022.

In Italy, the availability of water resources for the year 2023 is estimated at 112.4 billion cubic meters, compared to a total precipitation value of 279.1 billion cubic meters. However, during the year there was a certain recovery compared to 2022, the year in which the availability of water resources reached 67 billion cubic metres, the historic minimum since 1951 and corresponding to approximately 50% of the average annual availability (137 .8 billion cubic meters), calculated over the period 1951–2023.

The year 2023 recorded a nationwide reduction of approximately 18% in availability compared to the annual average of the same long period 1951–2023, the result of the combined effect of a rainfall deficit - especially in the months of February, March, September and December - and an increase in direct evaporation water volumes from bodies of water and from the ground.

On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
Mar 04, 2024

An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy
Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental challenges and to satisfy new knowledge needs, including future scenarios, the ISPRA environmental indicators database disseminates detailed statistical information in a dynamic and timely manner characterized by a high scientific solidity.

Reduce losses, strengthen the recovery and reuse of purified  water, guarantee security of supplies
Reduce losses, strengthen the recovery and reuse of purified water, guarantee security of supplies
Feb 27, 2024 03:00 PM — Feb 27, 2024 07:00 PM Rome

On February 27th there will be the second appointment of the public consultation of the Climate Adaptation Strategy of Rome Capital.

There are four priority critical issues to address: the greater intensity of rainfall and floods; the security of water supplies in scenarios where there are greater periods of drought; the growth of heat waves in a city with neighborhoods at risk due to the so-called 'island effect' of urban heat and the intensification of impacts on the coastal coast in a scenario of rising sea levels.

The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
Feb 26, 2024 09:00 AM — Feb 26, 2024 01:30 PM Napoli

Organized by the Department of Pharmacy of the Federico University, the meeting is aimed at highlighting the role of ecotoxicology in the assessment of environmental quality and risk and the importance of the ecotoxicological approach in environmental management and remediation. Experts from the university sector, the CNR Water Research Institute, ISPRA,  Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Arpa Campania will participate as speakers.

Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Feb 21, 2024 09:30 AM — Feb 21, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Via di Santa Maria in Via, 37b

The Report, now in its fourth edition, offers a detailed overview of the state of our environment based on objective, reliable and comparable information, with 21 environmental indicators that allow us to evaluate the achievement of the numerous set objectives and to effectively address future environmental challenges . The second part of the document highlights the commitment and work of ISPRA and the ARPA/APPA, through a focus on best practices for the fight against climate change, to support the circular economy, to contribute to the process of sustainable finance, to protect our health and our planet and to raise awareness and inform the community.


Spot Environment Report  SNPA

Environment Report SNPA - Edition 2023

XII National Table of River Contracts
XII National Table of River Contracts
Dec 18, 2023 — Dec 19, 2023 Naples, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

On 18 and 19 December 2023, in collaboration with the Campania Region and with the patronage of WWAP UNESCO, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and ISPRA, with the organizational contribution of Alta Scuola, Coordinamento A21 Locali, INU and ANCI, it will be held in Naples the XII National Table of River Contracts with the aim of analyzing river contracts in Italy and making operational proposals for the future.

World Soil Day 2023
World Soil Day 2023
Dec 05, 2023 — Dec 05, 2023

Soil and Water, source of life, is the theme chosen for the 2023 edition of World Soil Day
The Day aims to raise public awareness of the importance and relationship between soil and water in the creation of sustainable and resilient agri-food systems.

The survival of our planet depends on the precious bond between soil and water. Over 95% of our food comes from these two fundamental resources. Soil water, vital for plant uptake of nutrients, holds our ecosystems together. This symbiotic relationship is the foundation of our agricultural systems.

Land consumption, mainly linked to settlement and infrastructure dynamics, leads to the often irreversible loss of this fundamental, limited and non-renewable environmental resource. The latest ISPRA-SNPA data highlight a continuous growth in artificial surfaces in Italy which, in recent years, is intensifying. In fact, we are witnessing an important and worrying acceleration, with a 10% increase in land consumption in the last year (2022) compared to the previous twelve months. (Report "Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici - Edition 2023).