Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Citizen science and riparian vegetation of the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
Citizen science and riparian vegetation of the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
Sep 28, 2024 09:30 AM — Sep 28, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Casa del Parco della Riserva Naturale Valle dell’Aniene, Via Vicovaro snc

As part of the 2024 edition of Urban Nature, the initiative promoted by the WWF to spread the value and care of nature in the city, the National Biodiversity Network is organizing a day of meeting between ISPRA experts and citizens at the Reserve on 28 September Nature of the Aniene Valley. This year the NNB initiative is also part of the Scienzainsieme events, a project which aims to unite the main research bodies and some universities to promote scientific dissemination

Bees, pollinators, pollen and biodiversity
Bees, pollinators, pollen and biodiversity
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia

The well-being of many species besides ours is connected to bees, but also to other pollinating insects: they fly from flower to flower, mix pollen, fertilize flowers, ensuring fruit, vegetables, legumes, trees and meadows for the planet. A journey on the wings of the wind and bees to understand what pollen is, what the pollnet network is, what are the complex relationships that link a hive to pollen and the environment, the causes and dangers linked to the decline of apoidea. An in-depth journey for adults and children guided by ISPRA researchers to observe the morphology of bees and pollen and understand the pollination process of plants.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia

Less pollution, more sustainable cities

What can municipal administrators and each of us do individually to reduce the use of biocides? We will talk about it with the researchers of the BIOREPEM Project which has the main objective of raising awareness among public administrations and citizens about reducing the use of biocides for mosquitoes and rodents in urban environments. The advanced technologies used in two project areas - Municipality of Fiumicino and Municipality of Francavilla al Mare - will be illustrated for the monitoring and targeted control of infestations, including high-tech electro-mechanical traps for the massive capture of rats and mosquitoes.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: RIVE project - field and laboratory activities
Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: RIVE project - field and laboratory activities
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia

Together with the participants, we will go to the bank of the Tevere where the importance of riparian vegetation will be addressed. We will illustrate how this transition zone between land and water plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of aquatic ecosystems, filtering nutrients and providing a vital habitat for many species. After this brief theoretical introduction, we will take a water sample from the river. This sample will then be taken to the event stand, where we will carry out a test to measure the levels of nitrates and phosphates, using specific kits with dyes.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: how to actively participate
Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: how to actively participate
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia

Through the video link, participants will be able to explore data and information on biodiversity contained in the platform of the National Biodiversity Network (NNB), the technical infrastructure managed by ISPRA on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security which brings together the banks data on biodiversity relating to the national territory. Information will be provided about the possibility of participation in Citizen Science activities which consist of the active involvement of citizens in research activities, on the activation of Paths for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) and on the activation of Internships for university students.

The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
Sep 27, 2024 — Sep 28, 2024

The 2024 edition of the European Night of Researchers is dedicated to Maria Skłodowska Curie, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity.

A journey into science that celebrates the first person in history to win two Nobel Prizes through workshops, events and shows organized in Italy and abroad by twelve national research bodies and universities with the NET - scieNcE Together project.

Lead and hunting ammunition. Two paths destined to separate
Lead and hunting ammunition. Two paths destined to separate
Sep 12, 2024 — Sep 12, 2024 Manifattura dei Marinati, Comacchio (FE)

Nationally renowned speakers will present data, research and scientific evidence that explain all the problems of lead poisoning which, every year in Europe alone, causes the death of over 2,300,000 birds.
An extensive review will be dedicated to the use of non-toxic alternative lead ammunition which has been in use for decades in some European countries and regions. In the afternoon, the most significant stages of the multi-year ecotoxicological research, undertaken in 1995, on the muddy sediments of the Po Delta, in the places of lead contamination, will be illustrated.

MICO-weekend! The hidden world of fungi
MICO-weekend! The hidden world of fungi
Aug 31, 2024 — Sep 01, 2024

The MICO-weekend event will be held on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September 2024! The hidden world of mushrooms organized by the Science Museum of Trento.
The event will be held at the Viote Alpine Botanical Garden of Monte Bondone.

Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Aug 05, 2024

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous or alien species that are introduced through anthropogenic activities such as maritime traffic, aquaculture and the aquarium hobby or which arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez Canal. The success of new species may be favored by climate change and/or altered environmental conditions. Some of these may become invasive and pose a threat to the environment, cause damage to the economy or represent a danger to human health.

Ideal habitat for the plover
Ideal habitat for the plover
Aug 05, 2024

The plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a small cosmopolitan wader that prefers the shores of the sea and lakes, estuaries, salt marshes and brackish lagoons for reproduction. Its ideal habitat is the area at the foot of the dune, the use of beaches by man and coastal erosion have significantly reduced it.

The plover is currently among the most threatened coastal nesting species: most of the breeding populations in Europe have decreased, sometimes drastically as in Italy, due to the disturbance caused by human activities, predation by invasive species, the loss and of habitat degradation.

LIFE Conceptu Maris - LIFE project of the month on the MASE website
LIFE Conceptu Maris - LIFE project of the month on the MASE website
Jul 31, 2024

IFE Conceptu Maris: CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability”

With their movements in the open sea in the Mediterranean, cetaceans and sea turtles find themselves dealing with a growing number of threats, including plastic pollution, maritime traffic and commercial fishing.

Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Jul 29, 2024

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous or alien species that are introduced through anthropogenic activities such as maritime traffic, aquaculture and the aquarium hobby or which arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez Canal. The success of new species may be favored by climate change and/or altered environmental conditions. Some of these may become invasive and pose a threat to the environment, cause damage to the economy or represent a danger to human health.

More than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtle in Italy
More than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtle in Italy
Jul 25, 2024

To date more than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtles have been observed in Italy, mainly in Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Apulia Region. The activities of beach patrolling looking for traces and turtle nests are going on by hundreds of volunteers. Once identified, the nests are made safe to be protected against damages. These activities require significant time and efforts but are well rewarded by the great emotion aroused with the hatching of eggs. Life TURTLENEST Project of which ISPRA is a partner has signed more than 100 Memoranda of Understanding with administrations and protected areas interested in the adoption of indications provided by Legambiente, project coordinator, for a responsible management of beaches as potential nesting areas.

Observe and report the flora and fauna around you even on holiday!
Observe and report the flora and fauna around you even on holiday!
Jul 19, 2024

let's participate in the "Biodiversity in pose" initiative of the ISPRA National Biodiversity Network dedicated to the collection and sharing of observations on fauna, flora and the natural environment made by citizens

“Biodiversity in pose” offers the possibility, thanks to the connection with the iNaturalist APP, to anyone interested and at any time, to share reports with the Network through images of nature created at both a professional and amateur level, thus constituting a channel of input for the data.

Urban Nature 2024: the celebration of Nature in the city
Urban Nature 2024: the celebration of Nature in the city
Jul 19, 2024

Let's explore the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
The ISPRA National Biodiversity Network is a partner of the edition 2024 of Urban Nature, the initiative promoted by the WWF to spread the value and care of nature in the city. There are several events scheduled for 28 and 29 September organized in various Italian cities by the partners participating in the initiative.

The project PNRR MER in the Italian Tv channel TG1
The project PNRR MER in the Italian Tv channel TG1
Jul 19, 2024 — Jul 19, 2024

The Director General of ISPRA, Maria Siclari, was a guest this morning on TG1 to talk about the activities of the MER - Marine Ecosystem Restoration Project.

MER is the largest project on the sea as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which sees ISPRA as the implementing body and the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security as the administration in charge of the 400 million Euro financing for 2022- 2026. The MER provides for interventions for the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the strengthening of the national observation system of marine and coastal ecosystems and the mapping of coastal and marine habitats of conservation interest in Italian waters with the acquisition of a new naval oceanographic unit, equipped with highly technological equipment capable of probing the seabed up to 4000 m and very high resolution acoustic instrumentation.


A Review of the Available Tools for Identifying Key Areas for Cetaceans and Marine Turtles: A New Study by ISPRA and the University of Rome La Sapienza
A Review of the Available Tools for Identifying Key Areas for Cetaceans and Marine Turtles: A New Study by ISPRA and the University of Rome La Sapienza
Jul 18, 2024

Cetaceans and turtles travel great distances in the ocean and, since they often remain below the surface, gathering data about them is challenging. To address this, marine biologists frequently use species distribution models, essential mathematical tools that help predict the distribution of marine animals even in areas lacking data. To create these models, three fundamental components are necessary: species presence dataenvironmental dataan algorithm that describes the relationship between the species and its habitat.

Alien species in our seas
Alien species in our seas
Jul 15, 2024

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by range-expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous species or alien species that are introduced by anthropic activities or arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez passage; some of these species can also be dangerous to human health as they are toxic for consumption or poisonous on contact.

In order to provide support to sea users for the recognition of new species potentially observable and fishable in our seas, including those dangerous to human health, a new booklet has been created, an updated version of the 2021 edition.

Any reports that will be sent to researchers will also contribute to monitoring the distribution and spread of these species in our waters.

Nesting of the Kentish plover
Nesting of the Kentish plover
Jul 15, 2024

The plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a small cosmopolitan wader that prefers the shores of the sea and lakes, estuaries, salt marshes and brackish lagoons for reproduction.
The Kentish plover's nest is a simple hole in the sand where the female generally lays three eggs which are incubated for almost a month. Male and female alternate in brooding with long shifts of about 12 hours.

Presentation of the ISPRA documentary "The sand house"
Presentation of the ISPRA documentary "The sand house"
Jul 13, 2024 05:45 PM — Jul 13, 2024 07:00 PM Senigallia

On 13 July in Senigallia there will be the presentation of the documentary made by ISPRA on the Kentish plover, one of the most threatened coastal nesting species.
The documentary "The Sand House" describes the monitoring and scientific research activities carried out by ISPRA in collaboration with the ringers, the local associations of the National Committee for the Conservation of the Kentish Plover and the General Command of the Carabinieri.

International Mediterranean Sea Day
International Mediterranean Sea Day
Jul 08, 2024 — Jul 08, 2024

The Mediterranean is a sea of ​​wonders, history, culture and beauty to be protected and enhanced: a heritage that is celebrated on 8 July through an International Day. With the PNRR's MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration) project, ISPRA is building a laboratory to map, restore and protect one of the richest - and most fragile - marine ecosystems on our planet with the aim of safeguarding its biodiversity and handing it over to future generations .
The mapping of coastal habitats is already being developed thanks to the LiDAR sensor, one of the pillars on which this program is based which intends to trace the seabed on 7,500 km of coast, surveying over 70 seamounts and investigating remote and unknown areas.
Another highlight: the new oceanographic vessel, the result of joint work carried out thanks to the precious collaboration with the Navy, which will be able to carry out monitoring activities in deep waters.
To support monitoring activities, ISPRA is building the Mobile Oceanographic Research Unit (UMRO), a sentinel van, to monitor the state of the sea, the field of surface currents and measurement of the depth of the coastal seabed.
The strengthening of sea level measuring stations in the lagoons of Venice and Marano Grado is also underway to predict extreme events and support coastal risk management.
All data collected will be accessible through an information platform, allowing mitigation measures to be planned to address the challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean Sea

XIII Italian Congress of Theriology
XIII Italian Congress of Theriology
Jul 03, 2024 — Jul 05, 2024 Pesche, Isernia

The Congress is an important opportunity for the exchange of experiences and knowledge on the biology, ecology and conservation of mammals in Italy, between researchers, students, sector experts and public administrators.

The Congress is organized by the Italian Theriological Association ETS in collaboration with the Biosciences and Territory Department of the University of Molise.

Sea Essence International Festival
Sea Essence International Festival
Jun 28, 2024 — Jun 30, 2024 Marciana Marina

Sea Essence International Festival, the international festival dedicated to the protection and valorization of the sea and its essence, will be held in Marciana Marina from 28 to 30 June.
This year's edition is dedicated to the theme of "Connections" in all its forms: cultural, environmental, economic and social.

The monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago: past and present
The monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago: past and present
Jun 27, 2024 09:30 PM — Jun 27, 2024 11:30 PM Isola d'Elba, Biodola

As part of the "La natura al centro" Festival, a conference dedicated to the monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago will be held on 27 June.
ISPRA researchers will illustrate the characteristics of this rare marine mammal, of which fewer than 700 specimens survive in the wild, which in recent years has returned to the waters of the Archipelago.

Understand and Monitoring Biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna
Understand and Monitoring Biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna
Jun 24, 2024 — Jun 24, 2024 Bologna/online

During the conference, the final results of the work conducted by six research institutes will be presented for the implementation of the regional long-term biodiversity monitoring plan through the COMBI Project (Understand and Monitoring BIodiversity in Emilia-Romagna) and to verify the state of health of regional biodiversity.

Biodiversa. The Italy of Parks tells its story
Biodiversa. The Italy of Parks tells its story
Jun 21, 2024 — Jun 23, 2024 Gravina di Puglia

Biodiversa is a national event to celebrate the richness of Italian protected areas. From 21 to 23 June the Gravina in Puglia neighborhood will host a program of meetings, activities and experiences dedicated to nature and its valorization.
The event is promoted by the Alta Murgia National Park on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its establishment (10 March 2004), organized in collaboration with Federparchi and with the support of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, ISPRA, the Region Puglia, Lazio Region and Municipality of Gravina. The event will also see the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-Food Unit Command of the Carabinieri and the General Command of the Port Authority Corps present in the exhibition area.

On 21 June, the ISPRA President, Stefano Laporta, is expected to participate in the session "Towards the States General of Protected Areas".

On 22 June, ISPRA researchers will participate in the round table "Parks and ISPRA: sharing actions and data to achieve the objectives of the 2030 biodiversity strategies".

Further information

Strategy for the marine environment. Public consultation 2024
Strategy for the marine environment. Public consultation 2024
Jun 16, 2024

On 14 June 2024, in implementation of the art. 16 of Legislative Decree 190/2010, the public consultation has been opened for the update of the Environmental Assessment, the definition of Good Environmental Status (GES) and the definition of the Environmental Goals (Targets) of the Marine Strategy Directive (Directive 2008 /56/EC) referred to in articles. 8, 9 and 10 of Legislative Decree 190/2010, for each of the 11 Descriptors of the Marine Strategy, prepared by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security with the technical-scientific support of ISPRA, as well involving other central and local Administrations represented in the Technical Committee referred to in article 5 of Legislative Decree 190/2010.

I° Blue Economy Forum
I° Blue Economy Forum
Jun 13, 2024 09:00 AM — Jun 13, 2024 01:00 PM Rome/online

Towards the development of the marine economy that safeguards biodiversity

As part of the European Life Sea.Net project, the first Legambiente Blue Economy Forum will be held in Rome on 13 June.

The Blue Economy fuels the green transition in Europe thanks to the development of industries and sectors linked to the oceans, seas and coasts. Sustainable fishing, renewable energy, but also aquaculture and tourism contribute to the objectives of the European Green Deal for an efficient and competitive economy that guarantees the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of natural capital.

Dealing with complexity. From the conservation of large carnivores to the loss of biodiversity: exploring the tools for effective communication
Dealing with complexity. From the conservation of large carnivores to the loss of biodiversity: exploring the tools for effective communication
Jun 12, 2024 09:00 AM — Jun 12, 2024 04:30 PM Milano, Palazzo Lombardia/Online

Explore tools for effective communication

As part of the communication initiatives of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project, the project partners of the Lombardy Region and the Alpi Marittime protected areas are organizing an international workshop to be held in Milan on 12 June at Palazzo Lombardia, with the aim of improving our collective understanding and communication strategies related to large carnivores.

Biodiversity, green communities, animal protection
Biodiversity, green communities, animal protection
Jun 10, 2024 — Jun 10, 2024 Rome, Sapienza University

The conference is organized as part of the Administrative, Environmental and Public Health Law curriculum of the PhD in Public, Comparative and International Law.