Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Nature and fun: health for everyone, without exception
Nature and fun: health for everyone, without exception
Feb 22, 2023 01:00 PM — Feb 22, 2023 04:00 PM

New inclusive proposals for city parks
The role of plants in people's health and well-being is also recognized by the scientific community. As part of the Myplant&Garden fair, which will take place in Milan from 22 to 24 February, the conference entitled "Nature and fun: health for all, no one excluded" will be held in which stakeholders from the world of business, knowledge, institutions will take part and from local politics to take stock of the green spaces in our cities.

Wild animals and food security: an urgent ethical issue
Wild animals and food security: an urgent ethical issue
Feb 22, 2023 10:00 AM — Feb 22, 2023 01:00 PM Rome, Sala del Refettorio, Camera dei Deputati

Some wild species, such as ungulates (wild boar, deer, fallow deer and roe deer) after a long period of risk of extinction are repopulating our country. This situation is creating some problems for animal husbandry and agriculture.
Finding a shared solution is urgent.
The purpose of the meeting is to understand the relationship between wild animals, humans, pets, safety in general and food safety in particular

Map of Nature among the StoryMaps of the EcoAtlas
Map of Nature among the StoryMaps of the EcoAtlas
Feb 21, 2023

From today among the stories of the ISPRA EcoAtlas also the StoryMap dedicated to Carta della Natura
The EcoAtlante is the tool that allows you to view data and maps on the environment in Italy. Through a simple form, which aims to combine the authority of scientific data with a type of narration that makes it easily understandable and memorable, typical of StoryMaps, it is illustrated how Carta della Natura contributes to the knowledge and ecological-environmental evaluation of the territory.

The Italian Association of Citizen Science was born
The Italian Association of Citizen Science was born
Feb 17, 2023 — Feb 17, 2023

On February 17, at the Botanical Garden in Rome, the Italian Association of Citizen Science was born with headquarters at the Natural History Museum of Maremma in Grosseto. The Association is the result of a process launched in 2017 to which ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) participated, whose key moments were the organisation of two National Conferences and the drafting of  “Guidelines for the development of a national Citizen Science strategy”.   

Citizen Science or “participatory science” is a growing reality involving volunteers and scientists in collaborative research activities based on scientific evidence with a scientific, social and educational value also guiding environmental policies.


CITES - Manual for biological sampling
CITES - Manual for biological sampling
Feb 15, 2023

On the ISPRA web site is available the first manual concerning Sampling manual of biological samples for genetic analyses on species concerning the Washington convention (CITES)

The manual was created thank to from the collaboration between ISPRA and the Carabinieri Forestali as part of a school-work alternation project and the ISPRA-MASE agreement for genetic analyzes in support of the Washington Convention.

Let's recover the nets lost at sea!!
Let's recover the nets lost at sea!!
Feb 11, 2023 05:30 PM Castelsardo, Sala Conferenze Rete di Imprese “Il Crostaceo”

The Strong Sea project and its staff thank the fishermen for their contribution in reporting missing fishing gear.
We are happy to meet them on 11 February in Castelsardo to show, with the videos made during the identification and removal of the fishing gear they reported, how important their contribution has been to the protection of the marine environment.

Documentary LIFE Falkon project
Documentary LIFE Falkon project
Feb 09, 2023

The lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) is a small diurnal raptor of conservation priority at European level, whose populations are concentrated in the Mediterranean area. The species has undergone a consistent numerical decline during the 20th century. Currently, it shows an increasing trend, also thanks to the contribution of numerous LIFE projects dedicated to it. The project LIFE FALKON will provide increased nesting opportunities, including nest boxes and towers, promote favourable rural development and building renovation practices, and establish a network of conservationists focused on populations crucial for the species’ northward breeding expansion.

ISPRA is partner of the project.

IPBES announces the start of the first external review of the draft document: "Transformative change assessment"
IPBES announces the start of the first external review of the draft document: "Transformative change assessment"
Feb 08, 2023

The report aims to understand and identify factors in human society, including behavioural, social, cultural, economic, institutional, technical and technological dimensions, which could be used to bring about change aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Approved the 5th Report on the State of Natural Capital
Approved the 5th Report on the State of Natural Capital
Feb 06, 2023

The 5th Report on the State of Natural Capital has been definitively approved, the first since the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems entered the Constitution.
The document, sent by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and to the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Economy, provides elements to be considered in the implementation of the Plan for the Ecological Transition, the National Strategy for Biodiversity 2030, the National Plan Recovery and Resilience and in the governance action of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development.

Fauna in the city: old and new relationships between humans and animals
Fauna in the city: old and new relationships between humans and animals
Feb 04, 2023 09:30 AM — Feb 04, 2023 05:00 PM

In Spoleto from 3 to 5 February 2023 Fauna 2023, the event dedicated to the environment will be held, now in its fifth edition. The program includes educational and excursion activities, guided tours to discover the Umbrian wildlife, and the conference "Fauna in the city: old and new relationships between men and animals" is scheduled for February 4th.

Parks as a management tool for wetlands protected by the RAMSAR Convention
Parks as a management tool for wetlands protected by the RAMSAR Convention
Feb 03, 2023 03:00 PM — Feb 03, 2023 05:30 PM Natural Park Molentargius Saline

On the anniversary of the RAMSAR treaty (of 1971) of February 2, which is celebrated every year all over the world with the World Wetlands Day, Sardinia organizes numerous events throughout the island. Sardinia, with currently 9 RAMSAR areas of international importance out of 57 areas identified in Italy and as much as 17% of the total national area, is one of the regions with the greatest quantity and extension of these important basins, mostly coastal, including the last born at the mouth of the Rio Posada.

World Wetlands Day: LIFE Streams Project
World Wetlands Day: LIFE Streams Project
Feb 02, 2023

On the occasion of World Wetlands Day, ISPRA is presenting the LIFE Streams project whose main objective is the recovery and conservation of the native Mediterranean trout (Salmo cettii) through the planning and application of a series of coordinated actions leading to a valid for the entire species.

World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day
Feb 02, 2023 — Feb 02, 2023

World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2 February each year to raise awareness of the important role these areas play for people and our planet. Wetlands, such as lagoons, are among the most productive environments in the world, characterized by a high biological diversity.

Campaign citizen science of Conceptu Maris
Campaign citizen science of Conceptu Maris
Jan 31, 2023

It is officially started the citizen science campaign of the Progetto Conceptu Maris, important activity that will allow people who love nature to give a relevant contribution to the protection of marine turtles and cetaceans. 
In order to know what are the necessary requisites to board the ferries together with Conceptu Maris biologists and participate in animal monitoring, visit the dedicated page on the project website and discover the 16 routes available throughout the Mediterranean basin. Your participation will be valuable for you and the environment

LIFE PERDIX Project of the month on the website of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security
LIFE PERDIX Project of the month on the website of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security
Jan 25, 2023

The Italian Partridge (Perdix perdix italica) is now considered extinct in the wild. It is an endemic Italian bird, of medium size, sedentary and walker, closely linked to open rural environments and therefore very vulnerable. Only one strain of individuals with historical genetic makeup survived on a farm in northern Italy.

Biodiversity: let's make a difference day by day
Biodiversity: let's make a difference day by day
Jan 24, 2023 06:00 PM — Jan 24, 2023 07:30 PM Webinar

G-Lab of the Golinelli Foundation for Eduiren organizes a cycle of webinars aimed at teachers and educators to explore issues related to the ecological transition and to promote good sustainable practices

Kick-off meeting of the projet LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST
Kick-off meeting of the projet LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST
Jan 20, 2023 — Jan 20, 2023 Rome

The Kick-off meeting of the LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST project will be held on January 20 in Rome, at the Legambiente headquarters. The aim of the project is the conservation of Caretta caretta, in the western Mediterranean basin, from threats related to human disturbance in the nesting sites. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the project intends to improve the conservation status of Caretta caretta, thanks to the establishment of an international network, through the use of the best shared techniques and the use of a monitoring system

Montreal COP15: a turning point in biodiversity policies?
Montreal COP15: a turning point in biodiversity policies?
Jan 19, 2023 05:00 PM — Jan 19, 2023 07:00 PM Padova/Streaming live

Organized by the University Forestry Students Association of Padua APS and with the patronage of the TESAF Department of the University of Padua, the seminar will talk about the objectives and challenges set through the agreement reached during the fifteenth Convention on biodiversity COP15 in Montreal

Wildlife and territories: understand and manage
Wildlife and territories: understand and manage
Jan 13, 2023 09:30 AM — Jan 13, 2023 01:00 PM Viterbo

The conference aims to explore a series of topics related to the management of wild boar in Italy, also with reference to the role played by wildlife-hunting companies. The cognitive framework on the presence of wild boar in Italy in the period 2015-2022 will be presented by ISPRA. Some interventions on sustainable, environmental and economic practices will follow

Value Nature. The role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy
Value Nature. The role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy
Jan 12, 2023 09:15 AM — Jan 12, 2023 05:30 PM Rome/Streaming live

Marevivo and WWF Italia are organizing the conference on the role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy on 12 January. The title of the meeting is in itself significant: our system of Marine Protected Areas and the Natura 2000 network at sea, fragmented and undervalued, is oppressed by management problems that have not been resolved for too long. The ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta will participate in the session dedicated to Marine Protected Areas.


Live streaming

Publication of RETICULA n. 31/2022
Publication of RETICULA n. 31/2022
Jan 09, 2023

The number 31 of RETICULA technical journal is now available online.

After 30 years from the enactment of the Habitats Directive (Dir. 92/43/EEC), 20 years from the publication of the guidelines Management of functional ecological connection areas for the construction of ecological networks at the local scale, as well as 10 years from the publication of the first issue of the journal RETICULA, this monographic issue represents a moment of stocktaking, not exhaustive, on initiatives implemented on the theme of connectivity in Italy as well as it wants to be a reflection on the prospects and actions to be put in place, also in order to achieve the objectives that the draft National Strategy for Biodiversity has set.

Reticula n. 31/2022

The Audouin's gull in Sardegna
The Audouin's gull in Sardegna
Dec 19, 2022

The short film "Il Gabbiano corso in Sardegna" was produced by ISPRA in cooperation with the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park. The video illustrates, in the form of a tutorial, the survey methods used for the monitoring of this species that ISPRA implements and coordinates for the European Directive on Marine Strategy. The trend of birds closely linked to the marine environment is an indicator of the state of health of the sea, necessary to define the most suitable strategies to achieve the "Good Conservation Status" of this habitat.

At Geo the LIFE Perdix project coordinated by ISPRA
At Geo the LIFE Perdix project coordinated by ISPRA
Dec 15, 2022 — Dec 15, 2022

In the December 15th episode of Geo, the service "La Valle del Mezzano" was broadcast, in which the LIFE Perdix project, coordinated by ISPRA, and carried out jointly with the other partners was also discussed. The activities to protect the Italian gray partridge and what is being done for its reintroduction into nature were illustrated.

Pollution in marine sediments. How to improve data quality
Pollution in marine sediments. How to improve data quality
Dec 14, 2022

Homogeneity and coherence: these are the fundamental characteristics that environmental data must have in order to be used on a large scale. Access to good quality data on pollutants in marine sediments is of paramount importance for the assessment and adoption of appropriate measures for environmental management.

From the Bioeconomy Strategy to the Integrated Bioeconomy, in harmony with life and the laws of nature
From the Bioeconomy Strategy to the Integrated Bioeconomy, in harmony with life and the laws of nature
Dec 12, 2022 — Dec 13, 2022 Rome, Villa Celimontana

On 12 and 13 December in Rome, the Interdisciplinary Observatory for the Bioeconomy and the scientific journal "Economy and the Environment" are promoting the multidisciplinary scientific conference between research and action entitled "From the European Commission's bioeconomy strategy to the integrated bioeconomy and in harmony with the life and the laws of nature: analyses, practices, experiences, activities".

Monitor the disappearance of glaciers to understand the urgency of climate adaptation
Monitor the disappearance of glaciers to understand the urgency of climate adaptation
Dec 07, 2022 10:30 AM — Dec 07, 2022 02:00 PM Rome/Streaming live

The climate crisis and the national adaptation plan
The Caravan of the Alps is an information campaign by Legambiente born in 2002 to tell the story of the Alpine territory, a fundamental ecosystem for the conservation of biodiversity in Europe made fragile by climate change and excessive exploitation of resources.

UN Biodiversity conference 2020 (COP15)
UN Biodiversity conference 2020 (COP15)
Dec 07, 2022 — Dec 19, 2022 Montreal (Canada)

From 7 to 19 December 2022, governments from around the world will gather to take stock of the health of our ecosystems and agree on a new set of goals to guide global action through 2030 to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

Towards a European map of soil biodiversity: focus on mesofauna
Towards a European map of soil biodiversity: focus on mesofauna
Dec 05, 2022 03:00 PM — Dec 05, 2022 07:00 PM Florence

On the occasion of World Soil Day, CREA Agriculture and Environment of Florence in collaboration with the H2020 EJP Minotaur project and the Italian Society of Soil Science (working group on the biological soil quality index) organize the conference "Towards a European map of soil biodiversity: focus on mesofauna".

Alien explorations
Alien explorations
Nov 27, 2022 08:30 PM — Nov 27, 2022 09:30 PM Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

Alien species and space exploration will be the focus of the conference. Entertaining and scientifically rigorous, this event will talk about the new frontiers of space exploration, and some of its possible risks, such as that of accidentally spreading terrestrial organisms outside our planet.

Project "Egyptian Vulture". The fight against the illegal use of poison: a commitment for everyone
Project "Egyptian Vulture". The fight against the illegal use of poison: a commitment for everyone
Nov 21, 2022 05:00 PM — Nov 21, 2022 07:00 PM Cefalù (PA) - Parco Regionale delle Madonie, Palazzo del Comune

As part of the "Egyptian Vulture" Life Project, which provides concrete measures that can avoid the extinction of the Egyptian vulture in Italy and consolidate its recovery marked in the last two decades in the Canary Islands, a meeting promoted by Federparchi will be held in Cefalù (PA) and from the Madonie Park.