Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

"Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration" at the Ortigia Film Festival
"Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration" at the Ortigia Film Festival
Jul 21, 2022 12:15 AM — Jul 21, 2022 01:15 AM Area Marina Protetta del Plemmirio Siracusa

The documentary ISPRA Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration was selected by the Ortigia Film Festival, section The voice of the sea. On 20 July the director will meet the public on the occasion of the showing of the documentary in the Sala Ferruzza Romano of the Plemmirio Marine Protected Area.

Pollinator path - Exhibition "Tracing the experiences"
Pollinator path - Exhibition "Tracing the experiences"
Jul 19, 2022

A path to contrast the decline of pollinators in Italy

The pollinators path consists of a series of participatory actions that involve citizens and farmers in the protection of pollinators. It is developed within the STING Project, a research of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, ISPRA headquarters.

Walking through the environment
Walking through the environment
Jul 15, 2022

“Walking through the environment” is an ISPRA publication aimed at an audience of young students and non-experts. The Ministry of education recognizes it as a contribution to the “RiGenerazione Scuola” National Plan.
The virtual walk stretches through six environmental paths: Crossing the city; Trip to the countryside; Towards the sea; Going up the river; Back home, it comes full circle; Education, a sustainability agenda.

Final Conference of the LIFE project Lagoon Refresh
Final Conference of the LIFE project Lagoon Refresh
Jul 07, 2022 11:00 AM — Jul 07, 2022 07:00 PM Mestre (VE), Auditorium Danilo Mainardi del Campus Scientifico dell’Università Ca’ Foscari

Next 7 July it will be held the Final Conference of the LIFE Project Lagoon Refresh which had among its targets the diversion of a freshwater flow from the Sile river into the lagoon, necessary for recreation of the typical salt gradient of buffer areas between lagoon and mainland and for restoration of the reedbed habitat and its biodiversity. The project, coordinated by ISPRA, involved the Veneto Region, the Triveneto Public Works Authority, the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice and IPROS as associated partners.

Workshop Italy-Ecuador on Agroecology to promote cooperation between science and policy
Workshop Italy-Ecuador on Agroecology to promote cooperation between science and policy
Jun 28, 2022 — Jun 28, 2022 Online event

ISPRA in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Quito organizes a workshop on 28 June on agroecology also with the participation of Apulia Region and the Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador to discuss about the sustainable farming systems including organic farming. 

Wolf National Monitoring: Results
Wolf National Monitoring: Results
Jun 23, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 23, 2022 02:30 PM Final event - channel YouTube ISPRA

How many wolves are there in Italy, where do they live? The results of the national wolf monitoring in an online event
The final event on the first national wolf monitoring will be held on 23 June at 10:00, coordinated by the ISPRA based on a mandate from the Ministry for Ecological Transition MiTE.
The researchers will tell us about the scientific path that led to estimate the number of wolves on a national scale and to define the probability maps of the presence of the species on the Italian territory.

These are just some of the final results of a long process that began in 2018 with a preparatory conference, followed by the establishment of a study group of experts in 2019 and ended in 2022 with the results of statistical analyzes on the data collected. In between, many activities and the campaign to collect signs of the presence of the species, which took place between October 2020 and April 2021 in a deserted Italy, due to the effects of the pandemic.

In the 85,000 km traveled on foot in search of "traces", 3000 people including wildlife experts, researchers, employees of local authorities, national and regional parks, volunteers, citizens have collected information that is now are public and accessinle to everyone



Marine Protected Areas: strategies and governance, towards the ecological transition
Marine Protected Areas: strategies and governance, towards the ecological transition
Jun 22, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 22, 2022 06:30 PM Brindisi/Streaming ive

The day aims to develop a focus on the perspectives of Marine Protected Areas also in light of the ambitious European objectives that aim to have 30% of the marine surface protected by 2030.

The new European Thematic Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the European Environment Agency is born
The new European Thematic Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the European Environment Agency is born
Jun 22, 2022 — Jun 22, 2022

Today the European Environment Agency (EEA)has informed of the birth of the new European Thematic Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystems, the ETC / BE, which will start its activities in 2023 for a first cycle that will last until 2026. and of which ISPRA is a member.

Ecological Culture: 56th course
Ecological Culture: 56th course
Jun 22, 2022 — Jun 24, 2022 Centro Studi Ambiente Alpino, San Vito di Cadore/Online

Biodiversity in practice
The reduction in biodiversity has generally resulted in a lower ability of natural systems to resist disturbances and therefore a greater "instability" in the flows of the various benefits that man receives from nature. The models indicate that the turnaround will be very difficult to achieve but in any case it is necessary to implement all possible solutions to conserve the biodiversity still present on our planet.

Strong Sea project introduce the SEAWatcher app
Strong Sea project introduce the SEAWatcher app
Jun 21, 2022 07:30 PM — Jun 22, 2022 09:00 PM Castelsardo (SS) Porto Turistico, Sala Conferenze Ge.Cas. (21/06/2022) - Porto Torres (SS), Lungomare Balai, Sa Renaredda (22/06/2022)

On 21 and 22 June 2022, within the scientific framework of the Life Strong Sea project, ISPRA, Agris, the Asinara Park and the North Sardinia Flag will present the SEAWatcher App in two municipalities in Northern Sardegna: Castelsardo and Porto Torres . SEAWatcher, developed by MITE, is the app connected to #StrongSeaLife. It is the tool to facilitate the recovery of ghost nets and gear lost at sea.

Fourth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Fourth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Jun 21, 2022 — Jun 26, 2022 Nairobi - Kenya

The last stage of UN negotiations in preparation for a post-2020 global biodiversity agreement is opening today in Nairobi.

As part of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) from 21 to 26 June 2022, the fourth and final session of the working group called to prepare the draft of a global agreement to stop and reverse the dramatic decline in biodiversity.

A policy for Italian forests: from strategy to coordinated action
A policy for Italian forests: from strategy to coordinated action
Jun 17, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 17, 2022 06:00 PM Abbazia di Vallombrosa (FI)

In implementation of the Consolidated Law on Forests and Forestry Supply Chains, (Decree 34/2018), the National Forest Strategy was approved, after an extensive consultation process, as well as a series of decrees on specific issues such as professional training, roads forestry, ancient woods, etc. A Fund of 420 million Euros was set up to implement the strategy.

Jelly. Systems and tools for locating jellyfishs and predicting their displacement towards the coast
Jelly. Systems and tools for locating jellyfishs and predicting their displacement towards the coast
Jun 15, 2022 11:30 AM — Jun 15, 2022 03:00 PM Online event

In the last decade the presence of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea is rising causing impacts on the marine environment and on human activities.
In order to mitigate this phenomenon a key strategy comprises the setting up of early warning and forecasting systems based on large scale observations and numerical model fields such as those available from the Copernicus products (EO and other data from the Marine Environment Monitoring Service).

The workshop aims to discuss the latest improvements in the detection, spreading and forecasting of jellyfish blooms and the different experiences on the use of Copernicus data in this field. 
It will be organized in two sessions: the first concerning the observation methods and the second concerning the occurrence and dispersal forecasting of jellyfish blooms.


Protection and conservation of marine systems
Protection and conservation of marine systems
Jun 15, 2022 — Jun 15, 2022

As part of the activities launched on May 21 to celebrate 30 years of the Life Program, ISPRA will present the Life CONCEPTU MARIS project at the "Protection and Conservation of marine systems" conference organized by the Port System Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, which held on June 15 at the Port of Civitavecchia.

Marine Protected Areas together for the future of the Mediterranean
Marine Protected Areas together for the future of the Mediterranean
Jun 14, 2022 — Jun 17, 2022 Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona/Online

From 14 to 17 June, 100 scientists and managers from 13 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and 18 European countries will meet in Spain to share the results of two major European Interreg Med projects: MPA NETWORKS and MPA Engage.

GRIM 2022 with ISPRA Italy-Ecuador GMO compared
GRIM 2022 with ISPRA Italy-Ecuador GMO compared
Jun 10, 2022 — Jun 10, 2022

The Embassy of Italy in Quito and the Salesian Polytechnic University together with ISPRA will organize a scientific workshop on biotechnologies on 10 June on the occasion of the 2022 edition of the Italian Research Day in the World (GRIM).

A relay race for the environment
A relay race for the environment
Jun 05, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 05, 2022 12:45 PM Online event - Eur lake of Rome

50th World Environment Day
With the aim to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference, the first world conference on the environment, the UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) has chosen the #OnlyOneEarth theme. In the Universe there are billions of galaxies, in ours there are billions of planets, but there is only one planet Earth. In order for all its inhabitants to survive, humans must lead a sustainable lifestyle, safeguarding limited resources and remaining in harmony with nature. In the Conference of 1972, 26 principles were identified on the conservation and enhancement of the environment, which after 50 years remain a useful guide to follow.

The program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives in Venice / Chioggia and Palermo
The program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives in Venice / Chioggia and Palermo
May 27, 2022 — May 27, 2022

The ISPRA program for environmental education and sustainability  this year will be host for the first time in Venice / Chioggia and Palermo, with two projects aimed at developing responsible behavior oriented towards knowledge and respect for the marine environment.

With Migratory Birds from Ventotene to Europe and beyond
With Migratory Birds from Ventotene to Europe and beyond
May 26, 2022 05:00 PM — May 26, 2022 10:00 PM Museo della Migrazione, Isola di Ventotene - Loc. Il Semaforo

Presentation and Launch of the European Atlas of Migration

On May 26, 2022, the presentation and launch event of the "European Atlas of Migration" will be held at the Museum of Migration on the island of Ventotene which it represents, a very important ringing station also for significant scientific production (including specific indicators on biodiversity vs climate change that ISPRA considers in its institutional and reporting activities).

The initiative of the launch of the Atlas, which will see a parterre of international experts gathered at the Museum of Migration of Ventotene, is part of the actions desired by the Italian Government through the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, for the recovery of the site Ergastolo of Santo Stefano, symbolic place of the birth of the concept of the European Union through the Ventotene Manifesto. From Ventotene migratory birds bring a message of sharing, unity and overcoming any barrier throughout Europe.

The event is organized by CMS, Ministry of Ecological Transition, ISPRA, State Nature Reserve / Municipality of Ventotene with the collaboration of the Commissarial Structure of the Ventotene Project for the restoration and reuse of the former Bourbon prison of Santo Stefano.



Photo gallery


The project Piccole Isole

Stop alien and invasive species to conserve biodiversity
Stop alien and invasive species to conserve biodiversity
May 25, 2022 11:30 AM — May 25, 2022 06:00 PM Riserva Naturale di Tevere Farfa/Online

Invasive Alien Species are a danger to biodiversity, it is necessary to stop their spread for a balanced conservation of nature. At the Nazzano Tevere Farfa Nature Reserve (Rome) on 25 Maythere will be a conference promoted by Federparchi to discuss these issues. During the debate, the various aspects concerning the management of invasive alien species will be addressed, both from a scientific and legislative point of view.

World Turtle Day
World Turtle Day
May 23, 2022 — May 23, 2022

World Turtle Day is celebrated on 23 May, which Italy protects with dozens of recovery and rehabilitation centers located in protected marine areas and the CUFA and Biodiversity Carabinieri centers. ISPRA is involved in the INDICIT European project, which studied the impact of plastic on Mediterranean animals, in particular on Caretta caretta sea turtles.

World Biodversity Day 2022
World Biodversity Day 2022
May 22, 2022 12:00 PM — May 22, 2022 01:20 PM

In the occasion of the 22th edition of the World Biodiversity Day 2022, ISPRA has organized a round table where ten experts will analyze the biodiversity in the different ecosystems. 
We will also understand what damage has been done and what international initiatives have been activated for the protection of biotypes.

Presentation of the exhibition and the volume: "Marine litter: looking forward a new world"
Presentation of the exhibition and the volume: "Marine litter: looking forward a new world"
May 21, 2022 — May 22, 2022 Napoli, Museo Darwin Dohrn

On 21 and 22 May in Naples, at the DaDoM Museum, the presentation of the exhibition and the volume "Marine litter: looking forward a new world" created by ISPRA as part of the INDICIT I and II projects will be held.

We Nature
We Nature
May 21, 2022 — May 22, 2022 Fiorenzuola di Focara (Pesaro)

Nature, experiences, conversation

We Nature begins on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May, two days dedicated to climate change and the impact on natural habitats, in addition to the conscious behavior of citizens in respect of nature. Talks by climatologist experts and scientific researchers, educational and experiential laboratories, excursions and trek bikes with naturalistic observations in one of the most interesting hotspots of bird migrations in the Adriatic, will be at the center of the WeNature program where it will be possible to meet some of the most important photojournalists of nature.

World Bee Day 2022
World Bee Day 2022
May 20, 2022 10:00 AM — May 20, 2022 11:20 AM Online event

On the occasion of the fifth World Bee Day, ISPRA will organize  a round table where seven researchers will illustrate the complex social organization of bees, the multiple benefits they procure for humans through their products and the numerous threats to which they are subjected at the hands of bees. man and nature. We will talk about how to save bees to save ourselves. The meeting will be moderated by the journalist of Radio RAI Sonia Filippazzi She hosts the program "the air you breathe" dedicated to the environment and climate on RAI Radio1.



Week Nature
Week Nature
May 20, 2022 — May 24, 2022

The Week of Nature opens on May 20 with World Bee Day whose goal is to bring the importance of all pollinators, bees, wasps, butterflies, ladybugs, spiders, to the attention of citizens, media and policy makers. reptiles, birds, for food security, the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people and for the functioning of ecosystems and habitat conservation.
To celebrate this anniversary, ISPRA organizes a round table where seven researchers will illustrate the complex social organization of bees, the multiple benefits they provide to humans through their products and the numerous threats they are subjected to at the hands of man and nature. We will talk about how to save bees to save ourselves.

Follow the event on  canale Youtube ISPRA

Nature in Mind
Nature in Mind
May 19, 2022 — May 20, 2022 Roma, Centro Congressi Palazzo Rospigliosi

International conference on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention for Biological Diversity, approved on 22 May 1992 and signed during the Rio de Janeiro conference, the Arma dei Carabinieri will celebrate  the value of biodiversity with a 2-day of International Conference.

Science citizens in actions: this is the year of bees in the City Nature Challenge
Science citizens in actions: this is the year of bees in the City Nature Challenge
May 17, 2022

City Nature Challenge (CNC) is a international event, motivating people around the world to find and document wildlife in their cities, in urban and extra urban contest. This year was held from 29 april to 2 may

The wolf: the Italian population is increasing
The wolf: the Italian population is increasing
May 17, 2022

ISPRA estimates over 3000 specimens in Italy
The results of the first national wolf monitoring are online

An estimated number of around 950 specimens move in the Alpine regions, while there are almost 2400 distributed along the rest of the peninsula. Overall, the presence of about 3,300 wolves is estimated in Italy. If we calculate the extent of the wolf presence areas (41,600 km2 in the Alpine regions and 108,500 km2 in the peninsular regions), it can be said that the species occupies almost all of the suitable environments in peninsular Italy. Wherever the wolf population has grown, the most significant increase has been recorded in the Alps.These are the estimates of the presence of the wolf in Italy produced by Ispra on a mandate from the Ministry of Ecological Transition at the end of the monitoring project of the species carried out at national level.
An activity that, between 2020 and 2021, involved a vast network of experts in the collection of signs of the presence of the wolf from North to South. In the Alpine regions, monitoring was coordinated by the Large Carnivore Reference Center of Piedmont and by the University. of Turin (DBIOS) as part of the Life WolfAlps EU project. The study required the integration of field and genetic investigation techniques, analyzing the results with the most recent statistical models produced by the scientific community.

Press release (ita)

The results



Publication of RETICULA n. 29/2022
Publication of RETICULA n. 29/2022
May 17, 2022

The number 29 of RETICULA technical journal is available online.

This issue hosts articles regarding the activities of the SheepTOShip LIFE project whose main objective was to quantify the environmental footprint of the Sardinian sheep dairy sector, and the results of the herbaceous vegetation re-sampling of high-altitude areas in Majella National Park.