Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

ISPRA participation in Sealogy 2021
ISPRA participation in Sealogy 2021
Nov 18, 2021 — Nov 20, 2021 Ferrara

PNRR - Restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats for a sustainable blue economy
The 2021 edition of Sealogy, the European Blue Economy Exhibition, will be held in Ferrara from 18 to 20 November.
ISPRA will be present at the event and is organizing on November 19, together with the MiTE, the conference "PNRR - Restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats for a sustainable blue economy".

28th plenary session of the European Agencies for the Conservation of Nature
28th plenary session of the European Agencies for the Conservation of Nature
Nov 16, 2021 — Nov 17, 2021 Online event

The 28th plenary session of the European Agencies for the Conservation of Nature (ENCA Network) will take place from 16 to 17.
The main topics of this session will be the adaptation of principles and practices for nature conservation to climate change and the "transformative change" of our ways of producing, transforming, consuming natural resources and how this can affect protection measures. and restoration of nature.

2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress
2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress
Nov 15, 2021 — Nov 18, 2021 Online event

From 15 to 18 it will be held 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress, launched by Italian Foreign Ministry and International Cooperation, CGIAR and Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, organized in collaboration with a vast number of partner, included ISPRA

The wolf national monitoring explained with an infographifc
The wolf national monitoring explained with an infographifc
Nov 11, 2021

In an infographic, the main steps of wolf conservation in Italy: from the campaign launched by WWF and the Abruzzo National Park to the various regulatory interventions that have consolidated the protection regime up to the implementation of national monitoring.

IPBES: launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment"
IPBES: launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment"
Nov 10, 2021

The IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plaftorm on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) has announced the launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment". The final report intends to define the methods for evaluating and classifying the ways in which companies depend on biodiversity and impact on it and the contributions of nature to people and businesses themselves.

Project for the protection and enhancement of urban and extra-urban green areas related to the PNRR
Project for the protection and enhancement of urban and extra-urban green areas related to the PNRR
Nov 09, 2021

Objective: to plant 6.6 million trees, involving 14 Italian metropolitan cities
The Ministry of Ecological Transition signed the 300 million euro agreement for the protection and enhancement of urban and extra-urban green areas envisaged by the Pnrr together with ISPRA, Cufa, Istat and the inter-university research center "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability" (Cirbises ) of the Sapienza University of Rome. The Project is one of the important commitments envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Beyond economic growth for the protection of biodiversity and food resilience
Beyond economic growth for the protection of biodiversity and food resilience
Nov 05, 2021 11:00 AM — Nov 05, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

An article published in 2021 by the European Environment Agency (EEA), entitled "Growth without economic growth" will be the focus of a seminar that ISPRA organizes for November 5, 2021. The article, published in Narratives for Change, a series of analyzes and prospective studies on the factors of change and transition, to explore alternative ideas on growth and progress, with the aim of broadening the debate on sustainability.

Successful release of 5 Egyptian vultures
Successful release of 5 Egyptian vultures
Oct 15, 2021

On 20 August 2021 five young Egyptian vultures were released in the Murgia Materana Regional Park as part of the  LIFE Egyptian vulture project to support the small Italian population of this small migratory vulture, which has come to the brink of extinction.

Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network - FLT Med Net. The long-term international agreement for the monitoring of marine macrofauna and the main threats deriving from maritime traffic and marine litter has been renewed
Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network - FLT Med Net. The long-term international agreement for the monitoring of marine macrofauna and the main threats deriving from maritime traffic and marine litter has been renewed
Oct 15, 2021

ISPRA and fourteen Research Institutions of the Mediterranean Area just signed the new triennial Agreement for continuous standard monitoring of cetaceans, sea turtle, other macro fauna and main threats (FLT Med Net, 2021 – 2024). The Agreement renew a long-term free of charge collaboration which started in 2007, when ISPRA (ex APAT) set off a sustainable approach for gathering long term data on marine macro fauna and two of their main threats (influence of maritime traffic, exposure risk by Floating marine macro litter) using ferries as platform of research. Since then, the approach was developed and shared within a growing international network of Universities and Research Institutions from five Mediterranean countries.

The wolf behind the house
The wolf behind the house
Oct 09, 2021 06:30 PM — Oct 09, 2021 09:30 PM Vicopisano

Between 2020 and 2021, thanks to the activities of the National Wolf Monitoring, coordinated by ISPRA, a small portion of the Monte Pisano massif was subjected to investigation, thanks also to the contribution of local associations that provided personnel with knowledge of the area.

European Maritime Forum
European Maritime Forum
Oct 07, 2021 — Oct 08, 2021 Online event

The event aims to present the Blue Economy and in particular its target sectors such as: fishing and aquaculture, tourism, logistics and transport, renewable energy will therefore be the main assets, always with the aim of tending towards processes of approach to sustainability and circularity.

Birdwatching days in the Delta del Po
Birdwatching days in the Delta del Po
Oct 02, 2021 11:30 AM — Oct 02, 2021 03:30 PM Comacchio (FE)

Projects and actions for the conservation, relaunch and promotion of the Delta Po nature
A programmatic discussion on the Emilia-Romagna Po Delta area and its extraordinary ornithological, naturalistic and fruition values, with the newly updated version of the dossier The occasion of the Delta produced by Lipu, with ideas, issues and possible projects. Objective: to start the work for an operational program  of the Delta of Po nature, also in light of the historical moment which is in many ways particularly propitious, in order to give this extraordinary place the future it deserves.

The return of the wolf and the future of large predators in Europe
The return of the wolf and the future of large predators in Europe
Sep 30, 2021 11:30 AM — Sep 30, 2021 06:00 PM Fondazione Bioparco di Roma

In recent years, numerous studies have analyzed the increase of the wolf population in the Italian peninsula and its return to the Alps.
The Bioparco Foundation of Rome and the Embassy of Switzerland in Italy will organize a scientific conference with leading Swiss and Italian experts on the subject. The purpose of the conference will be to share the experiences and results of national and cross-border research on the wolf and its return.

Launch of an external review of the draft of the document "Nature futures framework and methodological guidance"
Launch of an external review of the draft of the document "Nature futures framework and methodological guidance"
Sep 27, 2021

IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plaftorm on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) has announced the launch of an external review of the draft of the "Nature futures framework and methodological guidance" document.

NET SCIENCE TOGETHER: Scientists for a day!
NET SCIENCE TOGETHER: Scientists for a day!
Sep 24, 2021 08:00 PM — Sep 25, 2021 12:30 AM

Around the ISPRA laboratories alongside researchers who study and protect the sea
ISPRA with the National Research Council - Institute for BioEconomy, thanks to a partnership that "unites and unites" most of the scientific research of Livorno, organizes the European Night of Researchers and Researchers, in collaboration with: Interuniversity Center of Marine Biology and Applied Ecology - CIBM, Aplysia, Harbor Master's Office, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and LaMMA Consortium and with the involvement of institutions and stakeholders of the city.

NET SCIENZAINSIEME brings you aboard the Astrea ship
NET SCIENZAINSIEME brings you aboard the Astrea ship
Sep 24, 2021

Also this year NET Scienza Insieme virtually brings the public into their research facilities. After the Castel Romano Laboratories, board the Astrea, the research vessel of ISPRA.
In this virtual visit  will be possible to learn about the main research activities of the Institute on the marine environment and its ecosystems, carried out during the campaigns at sea, thanks to professionalism and cutting-edge technological tools, described by short videos that will accompany the virtual visit.

Welcome on board of the Astrea ship

The best practice green
The best practice green
Sep 24, 2021 — Sep 25, 2021 Pojana Maggiore (VI)

The third edition of the event "The best practice green" will take place on 24 and 25 September 2021, where Italian and foreign entrepreneurs and institutional representatives meet. The focus of the event, dedicated to "trees and landscape", emphasizes the issues of economic development from the point of view of green and environmental operators. The 2021 edition also sees the involvement of the students of the II level Master of the University of Perugia "Management of the works of environmental protection of the green".

ISPRA is launching the new comics of the INDICT project on the "Carrie" sea turtle at the European Researchers' Night
ISPRA is launching the new comics of the INDICT project on the "Carrie" sea turtle at the European Researchers' Night
Sep 24, 2021 — Sep 25, 2021 Roma, Città dell'Altra Economia

The protection of the marine environment and its biodiversity, the threats of pollution and waste at sea are the central theme of the new comic developed by ISPRA within the exhibition for the INDICIT project.
The sea turtle Carrie is the protagonist of a new story, the adventure of a courageous creature and the dangers it encounters among abandoned plastic and microplastic nets.
The comic will be exhibited for the first time at the European Researchers' Night on 24 and 25 September at the Città dell'Altra Economia in Rome as part of the NET ScienzaInsieme project.

The ecological beach of Favignana for environmental protection and conscious tourism
The ecological beach of Favignana for environmental protection and conscious tourism
Sep 17, 2021 — Sep 19, 2021 Isola di Favignana

The entire initiative is organized in collaboration with the Aegadian Islands Protected Marine Area and is part of the MED Dé.Co.U. Plages project co-financed under the IEV CT Italy-Tunisia 2014-2020 European program which aims to create the conditions for greater protection of the environment in coastal territories.
A full calendar of events and activities that will take place mainly on the beach of Praia and at the bathhouse plant of the Tonnare di Favignana and Formica.
These include circular economy initiatives and Citizen Science which will involve tourists, fishermen and local businesses / artisans as well as the inevitable environmental education activities to raise awareness of young and old on environmental issues.

Marine alien species: which of these have you ever observed or fished?
Marine alien species: which of these have you ever observed or fished?
Sep 14, 2021

The booklet, produced by ISPRA, provides support to sea operators and users for the recognition of alien species observable and fishable in our seas, including some dangerous for human health as toxic to consumption or poisonous to contact.

NET - SCIENZA TOGETHER: Tor Caldara: an itinerary between geology, environment and history
NET - SCIENZA TOGETHER: Tor Caldara: an itinerary between geology, environment and history
Sep 12, 2021 12:00 PM — Sep 12, 2021 06:00 PM Anzio, Tor Caldara

The Tor Caldara Nature Reserve extends for 44 hectares in a non-urbanized stretch of coast between Anzio and Lavinio, 60 km south of Rome. Inside there is a sixteenth-century watchtower placed in a dense tangle of Mediterranean scrub, a rare testimony of the ancient coastal forests along the coast of southern Lazio. From a geological point of view, the Tor Caldara solfatara is linked to the secondary activity of the Lazio volcanic district

Wetland management, restoration and conservation as a key to fighting desertification
Wetland management, restoration and conservation as a key to fighting desertification
Sep 11, 2021 — Sep 12, 2021 Cagliari

The main topic of the conference will be the role of wetlands as a key to the fight against desertification and the geographical and geomorphological modification of previously fertile areas

Welcome back Perdix perdix italica!
Welcome back Perdix perdix italica!
Aug 10, 2021

In the Zone Special Protection of Valle del Mezzano (FE), the reintroduction of individuals of Italian gray partridge has begun, until now considered extinct in the wild.

Alien species of the Mediterranean sea: be aware of them
Alien species of the Mediterranean sea: be aware of them
Aug 05, 2021

ISPRA and the Ventotene and S. Stefano Islands Marine Protected Area have launched a pilot activity for the monitoring of marine alien species.
In order to provide support to operators and users of the sea for the recognition of the main alien species potentially observable and fishable in our seas, including some dangerous for human health, an informative brochure has been created to recognize and report them.

The virtual photo exhibition of INDICIT I and II is now online!
The virtual photo exhibition of INDICIT I and II is now online!
Aug 02, 2021

In the frame of INDICIT II project was realized exhibition photo virtual developed by ISPRA to allow also during the pandemic to be able to disseminate the activities and results of the two projects financed by DG Environment. The photo exhibition highlights the impact of plastic pollution in marine animals and the activities of researchers

NET scientific aperitif - Our green gold: urban forests in the city of the future?
NET scientific aperitif - Our green gold: urban forests in the city of the future?
Jul 22, 2021 08:30 PM — Jul 22, 2021 10:30 PM Roma, Casetta Rossa, via Giovanni Battista Magnaghi, 14

Cities are where business is concentrated and half of the world's population lives with further growth prospects. Urban areas therefore have a high impact on environmental quality. Solutions based on the functioning of ecosystems are a tool for sustainable land management, to address in an integrated way the environmental and social problems caused by global and climatic changes in progress. By assessing the impact of land consumption on ecosystem services provided by vegetation, the problems and solutions that the synergy between research and active citizenship can find to future challenges will be analyzed.

New EU Forest Strategy : planting three billion additional trees across Europe by 2030
New EU Forest Strategy : planting three billion additional trees across Europe by 2030
Jul 20, 2021

As a flagship initiative of the European Green Deal, the European Commission has recently adopted the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030.

Howlings in the night
Howlings in the night
Jul 20, 2021

During the summer, wolf cubs are moved by their parents from their den to open places, the rendezvous sites. With the wolf howling technique, the response of the puppies is stimulated to evaluate if the breeding has occurred in the herds and then locate them.

Migrations in the Mediterranean as an effect of climate change and the decline of nature
Migrations in the Mediterranean as an effect of climate change and the decline of nature
Jul 16, 2021 08:30 PM — Jul 16, 2021 10:30 PM Roma, Casetta Rossa, via Giovanni Battista Magnaghi, 14

The connectionss between climate change, loss of biodiversity and migration are among the most dramatic aspects of the planet's climate crisis. The political, economic and social consequences of the effects of global warming are at the center of public debate. An in-depth study on the impacts of the climate, in particular on the African continent, between desertification and the destruction of agricultural and water resources, as an engine for mass migration to Europe, will be the subject of discussion and debate between researchers and the public.

Marine strategy: the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was completed in Trieste
Marine strategy: the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was completed in Trieste
Jul 16, 2021

This week, the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was included in the port of Trieste as part of a pilot monitoring activity for the Marine Strategy - Descriptor 2_Non-indigenous species, which sees the collaboration between ISPRA, the Polytechnic University of Marche and the regional agencies. The activity will make it possible to identify the taxonomic composition of animal and plant species in port areas, also identifying the presence of non-indigenous species and may constitute an important investigation tool for the early warning system.