Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The fruit and vine germoplasm of traditional Italian agriculture. Case studies: Marche and Tuscany

The volume, tenth and last in the series dedicated to the study of some of the Italian fruit varieties, deals with the case studies of Marche and Tuscany. For both regions, in the initial chapters, historical notes are provided relating to fruit growing, agricultural landscape, and the various initiatives aimed at the recovery, protection and valorisation of genetic resources still present in the form of fruit varieties that are rarely grown and at risk of disappearing.

Operating procedure for the solid phase assay using Aliivibrio fischeri

This document describes the outcomes of a collaborative trial on ecotoxicological measurements in which laboratories belonging to public institutions (ISPRA, ARPA/APPA, Universities and other Research Institutes) and private subjects participated. This study led to the validation of a specific method for freshwater environments for conducting the solid-phase bioassay using the bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri.

Atlas of Environmental Data. 2023 edition

The Atlas of environmental data, a volume that ISPRA publishes for the first time, offers an overview of the main environmental data. It provides cartographic representations showing the spatial distribution of the main environmental information which, together with graphs, tables and texts, illustrate the state of the entire national territory.

Application of isotopic analysis for the proportioning of organic matter: study of an artificial reservoir

With the study of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen it is possible to quantify the contribution to the total organic substance deriving either from the natural transformation of the biotic component or from anthropic sources such as, for example, urban and/or industrial waste. Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of such investigations in the identification and evaluation of contributions to organic matter deriving from multiple sources, in fact the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen show an isotopic composition characteristic of the source from which they originate.

Crimes against wild birds. A thematic focus for an effective law enforcement

The purpose of this document is to contribute towards the implementation of the National Action Plan on Illegal Killing, Taking, and Trade of Wild Birds (IKB). Namely, Action 2.1.2 aims to “promote greater awareness among prosecutors and judges of wildlife crime, with particular reference to the various illegal practices and the repercussions they may have on the state of conservation of the ornithological species involved”. 

The invasion of an alien jellyfish in an Italian touristic port

Alien species are animal and plant organisms introduced accidentally or intentionally by humans outside their origin area. Maritime traffic is one of the species’ pathways of introduction, therefore, studying the alien populations that invaded port environments can help to fill the knowledge gaps on their invasion routes and impacts on local biodiversity and ecosystems.

Sampling manual of biological samples for genetic analyses on species concerning the Washington convention (CITES)

One of the main activities of the Conservation Genetic Department, in ISPRA, consists in enforcing the rules of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) with the aim of identifying any illicit trades of endangered species. The genetic analyses are the basic stone in verifying whether specimens are legally owned by authorised breeders or if there are inconsistencies with the birth declarations and/or any suspected illegal collection of specimens from the wild. For these reasons, a correct biological sample collection protocol is pivotal in ensuring the reliability of the results and requires trained personnel.

Guidelines for the management of non-native plant species

These guidelines present a collection of recommendations and best practices to be used for preventing and controlling the spread of some of the most common invasive plant species in Mediterranean islands and coastal areas. Along with operational guidance, they provide an overview of the basic concepts of plant invasion biology, regulatory references, and management techniques, to disseminate knowledge and share good practices. 

Intercomparison on the taxonomy of freshwater benthic diatoms (2020-2021)

In the continuation of a collaboration between the Environmental Agencies of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lombardy, the University of Turin and ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection), this report contains the results of an interlaboratory comparison aimed at assessing the performance of the participating laboratories in the taxonomic identification of benthic diatoms in surface water bodies