Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Indoor air quality and radon risk: review of initiatives and best practices Indoor air quality and radon risk: review of initiatives and best practices

This Booklet presents a survey of the main initiatives and best practices concerning the promotion of indoor air quality in public and private buildings, with special attention on school buildings. These initiatives include research projects, awareness actions and best practices aimed at improving indoor air quality in buildings, with a focus on initiatives related to indoor radon and interventions to reduce the associated risk.

Indoor air quality and radon risk in Italy and comparable realities: legislation, scientific literature, energy certifications Indoor air quality and radon risk in Italy and comparable realities: legislation, scientific literature, energy certifications

Radon, classified by the WHO and IARC as a Group 1 human carcinogen, is the second leading cause of lung cancer death after smoking. Under specific conditions, it tends to accumulate in indoor living environments, posing a significant health risk. Occupancy in inadequately designed and constructed buildings with unsuitable materials, and cases where management and maintenance are not performed correctly and consistently, can lead to adverse health effects not only for radon risk but also for elevated levels of chemical and microbiological agents

Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2022 Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2022

Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2022 is a statistical report produced by ISPRA with the aim of providing policy makers, public administrators, technicians and citizens with official information on the state of the environment in our country.

National report on pesticides in waters 2022 edition (2019-2020 data) National report on pesticides in waters 2022 edition (2019-2020 data)

The Report provides information on the presence of residues of plant protection products in surface water and groundwater. The 2019-2020 monitoring results are presented in terms of the recovery frequency and concentrations distribution, the levels of contamination obtained by comparison with the environmental quality standards are assessed. 

Climate indicators in Italy 2021 - Edition XVII Climate indicators in Italy 2021 - Edition XVII

The 17th report "Gli Indicatori del Clima in Italia" describes the Italian climate in the year 2021 and updates the estimate of climate variations in the last few decades. It is based on climate data, indices and indicators derived from the "National System for the collection, processing and dissemination of climate data" (SCIA, ) developed by ISPRA in collaboration with National System of Environmental Protection national and regional meteorological monitoring networks.

Temperature and precipitation 1991-2020 climatic normals over Italy Temperature and precipitation 1991-2020 climatic normals over Italy

Climate normals are the mean or characteristic values of a climate variable in a long time interval. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) established that the length of the reference period should be 30 years,  recommending to update the normals every 10 years, in order to provide representative reference values for recent climatic conditions. 

Risk assessment criteria for priority setting of the remediation interventions Risk assessment criteria for priority setting of the remediation interventions

ISPRA, as required by the legislation (Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06), has started the activities of developing risk assessment criteria as a national reference for the Regional Plans for the Remediation of Polluted Areas (PRBs). This report illustrates the activities conducted in the first phase (phase 1), in which national priority criteria are first identified, to apply to potentially contaminated sites, with the support of the Technical Table, set up with Regions and ARPA, starting with the reconnaissance of criteria available at national and international level.