Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Flepy project

Flepy is a kit teaching tool  aimed at children between 3 to 7 years, launched in 2003 as part of a pilot-project promoted by the DG Environment of the EU which have participated Italy and other 11 Countries. In this page are available brochures and video of "Flepy and the air" and "Flepy and water" and the Manual of the educator.

 Flepy and the air

Download the booklet "Flepy and the air ( ita)

Download the video "Flepy and the air" ( ita )

Flepy and the water

Download the booklet "Flepy and the water"
Download the video "Flepy and the water" ( ita )


Download the Manual for Educator ( ita )