Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Internship in ISPRA

RECIPIENT SUBJECTS - ISPRA hosts in its structures

• Students of secondary schools or training centers

• university students

• undergraduates or postgraduates

• graduated from no more than 12 months

to participate in curricular internship   (within of  your degree course) and extracurricular (post-lauream) to provide an opportunity to deepen the professional competencies  acquired during the studies.


INTERNSHIP STATUS - The internship (curricular or extracurricular) is not configured as work agreement and  there is no salary compensation, is not  considered for the length of service in public selection and does not produce any obligation to employ for the Body host. It is exclusively a stage of a training program and can’t evolve into different forms of collaboration.


DURATION - The internship has a duration defined by the training project and not more than 12 months for curricular training and six months for extracurricular internships ( post-lauream)


RULES FOR THE INTERNSHIP REQUEST - To activate a training curriculum or extracurricular the Universities and other public or private training Body  interested should send a formal request (that means a written note and signed containing all references of the Body that is requesting and the subject proposed for the internship, with the curriculum vitae of the candidate) addressed to:


Servizio Educazione e Formazione Ambientale

Via Vitaliano Brancati, 60

00144 ROMA


After receiving the activation request, ISPRA has the right to verify the existence of the necessary conditions to activate the internships , on the basis of existing legislation.

It is not absolutely possible to activate internships following modalities different as well as it is not possible for individual students to present candidatures for the internship, if not foreseen by specific by EU, National and Regional Program. Any request received outside of the modailiy described above will not be taken into consideration.

Normative references - internships, curricular and extracurricular, are activated by ISPRA on the basis of the of the current legislation:

INFORMATION - for more information about current and past activity, is possibile to consult the following link -Archive of thesis stage and internship (italian version)


CONTACTS - For further information, suggestions and comments you can contact the Environmental Education Sector of ISPRA through the mail box: