Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental training courses

ISPRA plans, promotes and organizes environmental training courses- both in classroom than e-learning, and blended learning - on environmental specialist thematic

COURSES OBJECTIVES - Objective of the course is to promote knowledge and skills in the areas involved in training initiatives and spread methodologies and innovative approaches in the environmental protection field.  Usually  the courses promoted by ISPRA do not release training credits.

SUBJECTS -  The subjects/recipients of the courses are the technical personnel belonging to:

• Environmental Agency System (ARPA and APPA)

• Research bodies (eg. CNR, ENEA, University, etc.)

• Central Administrations (Ministry of the Environment MATTM, Ministry of Health, etc.).

• Local body (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities)

• other Bodies (eg. regional bodies, etc.).

In general it is not foreseen the participation of private citizens and students of Universities.

For each course however are specified the subjects/recipients,the procedures and requirements to apply to participate.

COURSES PLAN - Every year ISPRA develops a plan of the environmental training initiatives that will carry out. For each course are specified training objectives, the recipients and methods/requirements of registration/participation and any training credits (if expected specifically by the announcement)

INFORMATION – For further information about next courses see "Environmental training courses actives "

REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPATION - Each course is activated based on a specific need identified within the Institute or  by communication of the different Units of ISPRA or other external bodies: when the courses are planned and developed, the Environmental Education and  Training Service will provide the appropriate communication, publishing  ( both in the events section of the institutional website and in the specific sections ) the news of the course included a program and a summary sheet that describes content, targets, requirements and modalities .

The environmental training courses produced by ISPRA, both in classroom than e-learning are certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008

CONTACTS -  Further information and suggestions and reports: for training courses in classroom and blended learning for e-learning courses