Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The Paleontological Cataloguing: ICCD-BNP Sheet

Scheda BNP: Beni Naturalistici - Paleontologia (BNP Sheet - Naturalistic Heritage - Paleontology)

Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities). Structured model for computerization and national legislation for the cataloguing of Paleontological Heritage, BNP - Naturalistic Catalog, Paleontology Catalog.


In order to carry out this standardization project of national cataloguing regulations, a working group was set up in which the Paleontological Collections sector of the ISPRA Area Attività Museali participated, making a decisive contribution, considering the sector's many years of experience on this topic.


The sheet represents the official national reference model for the computerized cataloguing of fossil finds and for museum paleontological collections.


It defines and includes both the data structure and the compilation rules and is available online both for online consultation and for download.



MIBAC - ICCD - Angelelli F., Rossi R, Ferrante F., Mancinelli M. L., Vasco S. et alii (2008) - Strutturazione dei dati delle schede di catalogo. Scheda BNP Beni Naturalistici - Paleontologia . Versione 3.01. Website MIBAC ICCD, 100 pp.



Link to the related page on the ICCD website


BNP_3.01 regulation