Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Life SEPOSSO project: educational kit
Life SEPOSSO project: educational kit
Dec 22, 2020

The project LIFE SEPOSSO has collected all the materials and experiences produced during 2 years of meeting, lessons and games with more than 1.500 young people to make them available for all the public.

From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italy - France Maritime SEDRIPORT, SEDITERRA and GRAMAS projects
From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italy - France Maritime SEDRIPORT, SEDITERRA and GRAMAS projects
Dec 10, 2020 11:00 AM — Dec 10, 2020 02:00 PM Webinar

On December 10, the Webinar entitled "From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italia Francia Marittimo Se.D.Ri.Port, Sediterra and Gramas projects" will be held organized and coordinated by ISPRA as part of the Se .D.Ri.Port, funded by the INTERREG Italy-France Maritime 2014-2020 program".

National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Drops of civilization in a sea of ​​plastic
National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Drops of civilization in a sea of ​​plastic
Nov 28, 2020 11:30 AM — Nov 28, 2020 12:30 PM Event on line

As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the on-line event organized by ISPRA "Drops of civilization in a sea of ​​plastic" will be held on 28 November.
ISPRA and the Italian marine protected areas
ISPRA and the Italian marine protected areas
Nov 27, 2020

Marine protected areas are an effective tool to protect marine biodiversity and ensure the sustainable use of resources. ISPRA has made a short video to present the its work of the "Marine Protected Areas" section and the technical-scientific activities to support the Italian Ministry of the Environment. The study activities carried out by ISPRA include investigations of an environmental nature and provide for the involvement of local communities, to acquire the necessary information on environmental values ​​and socio-economic components.


National Geographic Festival of Sciences - The sea roads
National Geographic Festival of Sciences - The sea roads
Nov 25, 2020 07:30 PM — Nov 25, 2020 08:30 PM Online event

As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the online event "The sea roads" will be held on November 25th.
The sea will be at the center of attention of a whole decade that the UN has dedicated to the study of the ocean. The reasons is that the way to sustainability necessarily passes through the sea, the innovative study of oceanography, the knowledge of how it is changing and how to preserve it, from the ice of the polar regions to our coasts.

Marine litter: from fishermen to guardian of the sea
Marine litter: from fishermen to guardian of the sea
Nov 20, 2020 12:30 PM — Nov 20, 2020 02:30 PM Webinar

The event is part of the Sealogy exhibition that aims to promote good practices and experiences on Blue economy, an opportunities also for companies and allo the stakeholders involved in this field.
The webinar is dedicated to marine pollution and the collection of waste at sea. An opportunity for discussion and exchange on projects, on initiatives in the field but also on the critical issues in the collection of marine waste.

“Third issue of the SoED report since 2005 and very little has changed in the Mediterranean” the Plan Bleu states
“Third issue of the SoED report since 2005 and very little has changed in the Mediterranean” the Plan Bleu states
Nov 18, 2020

Despite the actions taken by the Barcelona Convention over more than 40 years, the future of the Mediterranean is at a critical point. Damage to ecosystems that can compromise human well-being risks becoming irreversible. ISPRA, as the INFO / RAC Centre of UNEP MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan), focuses on the State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean (SoED) published by Plan Bleu and UNEP / MAP.

Harmony Project - "Laboratory of Co-design for proposals and measures for the PAF Nature 200"
Harmony Project - "Laboratory of Co-design for proposals and measures for the PAF Nature 200"
Nov 17, 2020 12:00 PM — Nov 17, 2020 02:00 PM

The initiative is implemented as part of the "Harmony" project, funded by the P.O. Italy-Malta 2014-2020, whose objective is to define coordinated and shared intervention strategies for the assessment of the integrity of the seabed and the presence of invasive non-indigenous species in the Italian-Maltese area, through the promotion of inclusive decision-making processes participatory.


FAO Small-Scale Fisheries University DAY
FAO Small-Scale Fisheries University DAY
Nov 10, 2020 11:00 AM — Nov 10, 2020 01:30 PM Online event

The cooperation between the the small scale fisheries and researchers
The event is part of a cycle of meeting carried out simultaneously between fishermen and researchers in 10 countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea under the coordination of the FAO Mediterranean and Black Sea regional projects, AdriaMed, BlackSea4Fish, CopeMed, EastMed, MedSudMed. The target is to enhance the different methods of collaboration between fishermen and researchers in support of fishing management and sea protection, and in support of artisanal fishing and small-scale fishing


Towards shared proposals and measures for the PAF - Priority Action Plan for Natura 2000
Towards shared proposals and measures for the PAF - Priority Action Plan for Natura 2000
Nov 06, 2020 11:00 AM — Nov 06, 2020 02:00 PM online event

The initiatives is carried out in the whole of the Harmony project funded by P.O Italy-Malta 2014, which the objectives is he protection of marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of nonindigenous species (NIS) in the Italo-Maltese cross-border area, promoting the development of coordinated strategies and shared decision making processes.

Scienza Insieme and the NET Project: starts the "Researchers story"
Scienza Insieme and the NET Project: starts the "Researchers story"
Nov 04, 2020

The initiatives includes 10 videos that will tell the life experiences of ten researchers of the NET project, their dreams and hopes since they were childhood. The stories, told directly by the researchers' voices, will try to answer to the many questions that often they received,  by email or in the conferences, to understand what kind of study are necessary to become a scientist. Aimed above all at an audience, the 10 episodes are stories of young people who have decided to undertake a fascinating and challenging profession.

#Cirimettiamolepinne #SUB4FAN #ART4FAN
#Cirimettiamolepinne #SUB4FAN #ART4FAN
Oct 30, 2020 11:00 AM — Oct 30, 2020 02:00 PM

Workshop of updating on the ecological status of the  Pinna nobilis 
From 27 October to 1 November in Trieste there will be an exhibition on the largest mollusk in the Mediterranean, now at risk of extinction also in the Gulf of Trieste. In addition to the exhibition, a scientific workshop on 30 October in which scientists and scholars from the main bodies that are working on Pinna nobilis at local and national level will participate.


A resource not to be wasted: towards a common policy for the integrity of the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea
A resource not to be wasted: towards a common policy for the integrity of the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea
Oct 28, 2020 11:00 AM — Oct 28, 2020 02:00 PM online event

The objectives of the HARMONY Project are the protection of marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of nonindigenous species (NIS) in the Italo-Maltese cross-border area, promoting the development of coordinated strategies and shared decision making processes.

Plastic and the Mediterranean sea
Plastic and the Mediterranean sea
Oct 21, 2020 07:00 PM — Oct 21, 2020 08:00 PM online event

In the frame of a series of meetings entitled "Face to face with plastic", organized by the Natural History Museum of Calci (PI) on the occasion of the exhibition "Plastic and us", dedicated to the topic ff plastic pollution in the sea, the online event "Plastics and the Mediterranean Sea" will be held on 21 October, with Ispra experts taking part

The Italian HUB for the BLUEMED initiative Pilot “Towards a Healthy plastic-free Mediterranean Sea”
The Italian HUB for the BLUEMED initiative Pilot “Towards a Healthy plastic-free Mediterranean Sea”
Oct 09, 2020 12:30 PM — Oct 09, 2020 06:00 PM Streaming online

The BlueMed Pilot action, launched in 2018 is aimed to mapping and asses the actions of marine pollution related to plastic waste in UE and extra UE in the Mediterranean area to promote good practices and awareness towards citizens. 

"Science Nights" with ISPRA at the CineVillage Parco Talenti
"Science Nights" with ISPRA at the CineVillage Parco Talenti
Sep 12, 2020 09:00 PM — Sep 12, 2020 10:30 PM Rome, CineVillage Arena Parco Talenti

The ecological beaches. The contribution of female scientists to the conservation of the marine phanerogams.

As part of the events "Waiting for the European Researchers' Night", on Saturday 12 September the NET project proposes a scientific talk about the marine research, ecological beach and oceanic Posidonia. ISPRA experts and the University of Tor Vergata will discuss the role of female scientists in the study of marine ecosystems. Later other topics will regard the ecological beach and oceanic posidonia and the ecological role of this precious marine plant.

Very appreciated from the public the  video NET project developed by Ispra.



Removal of secondary solid fuel ecobale (SSF) in the Gulf of Follonica
Removal of secondary solid fuel ecobale (SSF) in the Gulf of Follonica
Aug 10, 2020

The removal of 40 secondary solid fuel ecobale (SSF) in the Gulf of Follonica, started last 6 August, is still continuing, thank to the Italian Navy that has recovered 6 of them. Ispra, together with Arpa Toscana, is supporting the Civil Protection and the Navy, and some experts of the Institute are inside the boats during the repechage of waste bales, indicating potential solutions in order to minimize the environmental consequences of recovery operations.

The Institute also deals with the characterization of the recovered material and will monitor the transport and disposal activities. On the basis of the information obtained with the Copernicus Marine Service System, ISPRA monitors the weather and sea conditions affecting the ecobale recovery area.

Waiting for the European Researchers' Night 2020 - The sea and Ispra
Waiting for the European Researchers' Night 2020 - The sea and Ispra
Aug 06, 2020 — Aug 07, 2020 Livorno

Scientific aperitif

Waiting for the European Researchers' Night, the NET projects proposes a series of a "scientific appetizers" at the beach of Livorno and Quercianella that will be an opportunity to illustrate the topics of research in which Ispra is involved with the aim to protect the marine system.

Italian TV channels take a keen interest in the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project
Italian TV channels take a keen interest in the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project
Aug 03, 2020

During the quarantine and while travel restrictions were imposed, Italian viewers had the chance to travel across the Mediterranean Sea alongside the Plastic Busters MPAs project partners to have a closer look at the scientific means the project uses to tackle plastic problems.

Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica
Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica
Jul 27, 2020

Ispra and Arpa Toscana are working with the members of the National Civil Protection Service to ensure the removal of the bales fuel pellets  dispersed in the Gulf of Follonica following the accident of the "IVY" motor ship, which occurred in July 2015.

After lockdown water more clear
After lockdown water more clear
Jul 24, 2020

First results of the special campaign at sea conducted by Snpa and harbor authorities - Coast Guard. The Italian Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa has declared: "Our seas are clearer, we are commitment to keep them that in this way". Clear waters and an overall stable situation for substances related to production activities: this is the first general frame that emerges from the extraordinary monitoring carried out by the National Environmental Protection System (SNPA) and the General Command of the Port Authority Corps. Starting from April, at the request of the Ministry of the Environment, an analysis campaign was launched at sea - beyond the ordinary ones - to understand the effects and impacts of the lockdown on Italian waters. The monitoring was carried out in 457 sampling stations along the entire national coastal arc, chosen from those that presented historical data comparable with those of 2020.

Signing up to the Newsletter of the "Plastic Blusters MPAs" project
Signing up to the Newsletter of the "Plastic Blusters MPAs" project
Jul 22, 2020

The 4-year project, started on 1 February 2018, is financed by the European Community INTERREG MED Cooperation and is coordinated by ISPRA. For the first time on a Mediterranean scale, EU countries and accession states join forces to tackle marine litter with a coordinated approach.

Harmony project, restart the process for the common policy between Italian and Malta
Harmony project, restart the process for the common policy between Italian and Malta
Jul 21, 2020 08:30 PM — Jul 22, 2020 09:00 PM

In the frame of the Harmony project restart from Lampedusa the "partecipative road to build the common policy between Italy and Malta" to protect marine biodiversity in the areas of the two Countries. From 21 to 22  "Surveillance and alert systems of iInvasive alien species and protected marine areas: local actors, institutions and experts compared for the definition of shared intervention strategies".

Launched the project interreg ADRIACLIM to develop monitoring tools and adapting strategies to contrast climate change in the Adriatic area
Launched the project interreg ADRIACLIM to develop monitoring tools and adapting strategies to contrast climate change in the Adriatic area
Jul 20, 2020

The project AdriaCLim "Tools of information, monitoring and climate change for the adapting strategies in the Adriatic coast areas is funded by the cooperation programme Interreg Italy-Croatia and it is coordinated by Arpae and involves 19 partner between research institutes, universities, and companies of both Countries.

A deep knowledge of our relation to the ocean to better protect it
A deep knowledge of our relation to the ocean to better protect it
Jul 14, 2020

The decade for the ocean, i.e. the programme “United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development” , whose implementation plan will be officially presented at the end of this year, will be realized from 2021 to 2030 and devoted to the protection of seas and oceans, to the blue growth and the socio-economic development based on the many different resources offered by the ocean, whose sustainability is provided by a robust scientific knowledge of our continuous relation

Mediterranean International Day
Mediterranean International Day
Jul 08, 2020

Mediterranean International Day Sea is celebrated on 8 July, an opportunity to raise awareness of the health of the Mare Nostrum and the dangers that threaten it.

The Mediterranean is a treasure  of the marine biodiversity of the whole Planet because, despite having only an area of ​​about 1% of all oceans, it is the habitat of over 12 thousand marine species, between 4% and 12% of the world's marine biodiversity.

Ferries as monitoring platforms of marine species
Ferries as monitoring platforms of marine species
Jul 06, 2020

ISPRA and Milano University of Bicocca together in order to monitor cetaceans and biodiversity of sea Mediterranean

Report EEA: Marine messages II-Navigating the course towards clean, healthy and productive seas through implementation of an ecosystem‑based approach
Report EEA: Marine messages II-Navigating the course towards clean, healthy and productive seas through implementation of an ecosystem‑based approach
Jun 30, 2020

"We still have a chance to restore our marine ecosystems if we act decisively and coherently and strike a sustainable balance between the way we use of seas and our impact on the marine environment" said Hans Bruyninckx, EEA executive director, referred to  the current condition of the European seas highlighted by the EEA "Marine Messages II" report.
The precarious state of our seas affects the quality of life, the economy, the availability of raw materials, the production of oxygen and food, a suitable climate and even our free time and health.

International photo contest "RAMOGE - Man and the sea"
International photo contest "RAMOGE - Man and the sea"
Jun 26, 2020

RAMOGE Agreement* launches an international photo "RAMOGE - Man and the sea", with the wishes of the FIAP (International Federation Art Photographic) and a prestigious panle composed by  Greg LECOEUR (Award for best Naturalistic photo - National Geographic, 2016), Sergio PITAMITZ ("Environmental photo-reporter of the year" - NPPA, 2016) e Pierluigi RIZZATO (8 times winner of the FIAP Nature World Cup). ISPRA invites all lovers of the sea and photography to send, by September 15, shots that tell the relationship between human activities and the Mediterranean in its many aspects.

Published the new report on the Europe's seas by European Environment Agency
Published the new report on the Europe's seas by European Environment Agency
Jun 26, 2020

“Marine messages II: Navigating the course towards clean, healthy and productive seas through implementation of an ecosystem‑based approach”