Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Software ROCKS

Software ROCKS

The ROCKS software (Risk Ordering for Contamination Key Sites) is an application developed by ISPRA for the implementation of the "Risk assessment criteria for setting priorities of intervention" in potentially contaminated sites listed in the "Regional Plans for the reclamation of polluted areas", in accordance with Article 199, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree 152/06.

The software aims to provide a simple and agile tool for the guided input of information required by the criteria reported in the ISPRA Report 392/2023 and the definition of the priority for the sites to be ranked at regional/provincial level, based on the methodology agreed at national level by the Technical Table, consisting of Regions/Autonomous Provinces/ARPA/APPA.

The data entry is guided by the software and allows the reporting of errors, inconsistencies, and missing data for a “user-friendly” experience.

The software is "on premise" and supports multi-user installation to allow remote use by multiple users within the regional intranet domain. However, some administrative information is pre-loaded in a cloud environment and is updated periodically.

In December 2023, at the end of the first testing phase conducted by the Technical Table for the verification of functionality and use, version 1.2.1 has been released. This version, validated by the Technical Table, will be used by the restricted working group (Regions/ARPA) for testing the applicability and flexibility of the priority criteria in different territorial areas (experimental phase).

System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7 SP1 or later.

RAM: 4 GB.

Disk Space: 1 GB.

Download ROCKS software v.1.2.1

Download User Manual v.1.2.1 (in Italian)


Terms of Use

This work, understood as the ROCKS application including all the products that make up the suite, including the manual, is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). The License Deed and the Legal Code can be consulted online.



Update: June 2024