Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Kick-off Meeting of the PNRR project "Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics - MEET
Kick-off Meeting of the PNRR project "Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics - MEET
Nov 15, 2022 — Nov 16, 2022

The Kick-off Meeting of the PNRR project "Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics - MEET" will start on November 15th.
ISPRA is Co-Proponent and partner of the project. Through the Work Package "Strengthening the national networks data production" ISPRA will consolidate and develop the Hydrogeochemical Platform of a continuous national hydrogeochemical network, while through the Work Package "Italian Platform for Solid Earth Science" ISPRA will develop this platform providing 3D geology data , of tectonics and faults capable of correlating with seismogenic sources.

The memory of the Territory as a guarantee of the future: The CARG Project
The memory of the Territory as a guarantee of the future: The CARG Project
Nov 14, 2022 10:00 AM — Nov 14, 2022 06:00 PM Rome, Palazzo Wedekind, p.zza Colonna n.366, Salone Angiolillo

On Monday 14 November 2022 at 09:00 in Rome at the Wedekind Palace, the conference entitled 'The memory of the territory as a guarantee of the future: the CARG Project' dedicated to the need to complete and update the Geological Map of Italy will take place , fundamental and essential tool of knowledge of the territory, produced within the CARG Project.

ISPRA participates in Ecomondo 2022
ISPRA participates in Ecomondo 2022
Nov 08, 2022 — Nov 11, 2022 Rimini

Ecomondo is the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean for technological and industrial innovation in the green and circular economy sector within the framework of the NGEU.
An international fair with an innovative format that unites in a single platform all sectors supporting the ecological transition: services and integrated solutions for the enhancement of waste into resources, integrated water cycle, land reclamation and regeneration, renewable energy, energy efficiency , mobility and green infrastructures, circular economy models and the safeguarding of natural resources for sustainable development.
The traditional performance in the presence of the event is enhanced by the innovative digital platform tool, already tested in the last edition, to multiply business and meeting opportunities.

Ispra is participating at the following conference

2022 Straits Earthquake Exercise
2022 Straits Earthquake Exercise
Nov 04, 2022 — Nov 06, 2022

The exercise on seismic and tsunami risks takes place in Calabria and Sicily
From 4 to 6 November, the Calabria and Sicily regions are the protagonists of the exercise "Sisma dello Stretto 2022" which aims to test the operational response of the National Civil Protection Service to a seismic event, in a highly dangerous area. The coordination of the exercise is by the Department of Civil Protection, in agreement with the Regions involved and the Prefectures - UTG of Reggio Calabria and Messina. There are numerous components and operational structures that participate in the test, among these the Department's competence centers play a fundamental role for their activity of technical and scientific support to the activities.

The geology and human activities
The geology and human activities
Nov 03, 2022 11:00 AM — Nov 03, 2022 01:00 PM Online event

In many areas of the earth's surface, seismic and volcanic events and geo-hydrological instability affect human activities and require a great effort from the community in activating risk prevention and mitigation actions. Applied geology provides scientific technical support to address and solve the problems connected to human-territory interaction both in relation to geological risks and to the effects induced by climatic variations.

Second National Conference on Backfill: technical and legal aspects of environmental relevance
Second National Conference on Backfill: technical and legal aspects of environmental relevance
Oct 24, 2022 11:00 AM — Oct 24, 2022 08:00 PM Roma, p.le Aldo Moro CNR - Sala Convegni

Backfill material, understood as terrigenous material of non-natural origin that is present in the subsoil of vast Italian urban and industrial areas, has over time acquired a mainly legal profile that removes it from the waste regime and unites it to that of the soil. The legal framework was recently renewed in an attempt to clarify the legal situations and technical solutions to be adopted in terms of environmental protection and protection.

Second edition on City Conference on Agriculture
Second edition on City Conference on Agriculture
Oct 24, 2022 — Oct 24, 2022

The Conference will bring together all the actors involved in the project to revive the agricultural vocation of the municipality of Rome, one of the largest in Europe. The rural heritage, in the years of ecological transition, must be valued to contribute to the economic growth of the city and provide a response to the ongoing climate crisis.
Faced with the challenges of our time for the circular economy, environmental protection and a more equitable society, agriculture plays a leading role in the evolution of the city.

Urban Geology Expert Group
Urban Geology Expert Group
Oct 24, 2022 — Oct 26, 2022 Rome, ISPRA headquarter, Via V. Brancati, 48

From 24 to 26 October ISPRA - Department for the Geological Survey of Italy, will host the second half-yearly meeting of the Urban Geology Expert Group of Euro Geo Surveys, the European federation of geological services.

Urban geology is an emerging branch of earth sciences that studies urbanized contexts and their interactions with the subsoil on which they arise. Several projects are being carried out in this area by the various European geological services, ranging from three-dimensional modeling of the urban subsoil to communication activities aimed at increasing citizens' awareness of: both the problems that may arise from the subsoil and the resources that it can make available to cities, also with a view to mitigating and adapting to climate change.

In this context, ISPRA coordinates and manages the Urban Geo-Climate Footprint project, the peculiarities of which will be presented in a public event on the last day of the meeting, or 26 October.

80th Anniversary of the Urban Planning Law n.1150: From the city to the territory for the Ecological Transition
80th Anniversary of the Urban Planning Law n.1150: From the city to the territory for the Ecological Transition
Oct 19, 2022 01:00 PM — Oct 19, 2022 02:00 PM Online event

III Edition "The Mediterranean and Sustainable Development. Territory and Climate, Energy, Water, Food: from Emergencies to Integrated Ecological Development

The III Edition of the Mediterranean Events for the 2022 Sustainable Development Festival, whose purpose is to spread the culture of sustainability and bring about a cultural and political change that allows Italy to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda and achieve the 17 Goals of sustainable development (SDGs), is dedicated to the emergencies that the post-pandemic and war events have made evident, namely Energy, Water, Food, Climate and Territory. Elements that from Emergencies can and must be the engines of the Ecological Transition, necessarily Integrated, of anthropization and strongly linked to the two cornerstones of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR, i.e. digitization and greenery, key points of the scientific and institutional reference or the EU Green Deal.

Relationship between remediation and containment of land consumption in the context of urban regeneration
Relationship between remediation and containment of land consumption in the context of urban regeneration
Oct 18, 2022 11:00 AM — Oct 18, 2022 03:00 PM Brescia/Online

In line with its aims and in continuity with the study of reclamation as a function of the remediation and recovery of degraded areas and contaminated sites, the Research Center for Environmental Remediation and Recovery of degraded areas and contaminated sites pays particular attention to the analysis how the reclamations themselves relate, in regulatory and technical terms, with the issues of containing land consumption and urban regeneration.

International day for disaster risk reduction
International day for disaster risk reduction
Oct 13, 2022 — Oct 13, 2022

The International day for natural disaster risk reduction will be celebrate the 13th October. The day was created for the will of the General Assembly of UN in 1989. The target of that day is to send a  signal to the Governments of all the World, to the international organization and the global population, to make aware about the major frequency and consistency in which natural disasters happens.

ISPRA: "Italy is a country with hydrogeological risk, reducing it means acting on four fronts: knowledge, awareness, preparation, interventions".

Watch the video produced by ISPRA

International day for disaster risk reduction 2022. Starts in Rome the project PNRR GeoSciences IR
International day for disaster risk reduction 2022. Starts in Rome the project PNRR GeoSciences IR
Oct 13, 2022 — Oct 14, 2022

Officially today started in Rome the project GeologiciSciences IR, funded by MUR with the mission 4 of the PNRR which will realize an infrastructure for the Italian Network of Geological Service. This tool will provide data and services needed to carry out the monitoring and control functions of the territories in the different sector of Earth Sciences.
Coordinated by ISPRA and which 16 partner participate (13 Universities and 3 Body Research) GeoSciences IR will focus on 12 priority topics: mining activities, soil protection, land use and consumption, sinkholes, landslides, active tectonics, geological heritage, marine geology, Copernicus and operational geology services, 3D geological modeling, geological and geothematic cartography, databases, metadata and services.
The work, started the 1st October 2022, should last 30 months and at the end the infrastructure will must be operative for at least 10 years.

New geographies: cities, territories and public policies in the ecological transition
New geographies: cities, territories and public policies in the ecological transition
Oct 12, 2022 11:30 AM — Oct 12, 2022 03:30 PM Torino

The initiative interrogates the scientific communities and technical structures that produce descriptions and information on a territorial scale with the aim of building the capacity to work on the network, sharing data and information and cooperating in the definition of production and interoperability standards and in the construction of centers for sharing elaborations and interpretations.

50 years lost, how is the soil?
50 years lost, how is the soil?
Oct 10, 2022 12:00 PM — Oct 10, 2022 03:00 PM Rome, Auditorium del Palazzo delle Esposizioni

The first part of the event reminds us that 2022 is a special year: 50 years have passed since the 1972 UN Conference in Stockholm, where the economic and environmental dimensions were first connected; 50 years have passed since the publication of the famous report "Limits to growth" of the Club of Rome; 30 years have passed since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit; the world is halfway to achieving the 2030 Agenda Goals set in 2015. The panel aims to show the unsustainability of an economic model that continues to guide the action of governments around the world, despite being at least 50 years that the consequences dictated by business as usual are known.
In the second part of the event the issue of soil degradation will be addressed.

CARG project: natural risk prevention tool
CARG project: natural risk prevention tool
Oct 10, 2022 11:30 AM — Oct 10, 2022 03:00 PM Rome, Palazzo Giustiniani

The purpose of the event is to highlight the importance of the CARG Project as it represents a sophisticated research infrastructure,
strategic for Italy. In particular to pursue eco-sustainable development and conscious planning of the territory, for the mitigation, reduction and prevention of natural risks (seismic, hydrogeological, volcanic and geochemical), for the protection of the environment and for the management of georesources, starting from water ones.

Graduate school for the survey of continental Quaternary deposits
Graduate school for the survey of continental Quaternary deposits
Oct 10, 2022 — Oct 14, 2022 Parco Naturale Regionale dei Monti Simbruini

The school, organized by the Italian Association for the Study of the Quaternary (AIQUA) and ISPRA) with the collaboration of the Regional Natural Park of the Simbruini Mountains, with the patronage of the National Scientific Committee of the CAI, aims to provide an update on the geological survey. of quaternary units in the context of national geological cartography (CARG project). It also provides educational excursions in the area and lessons at the Porta del Parco, in Subiaco. The lectures will be held by university professors and researchers from research Institutes.

Environmental geology at the service of the Country
Environmental geology at the service of the Country
Oct 10, 2022 — Oct 11, 2022 Rome

Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) - Aps

ISPRA is sponsoring and participating in the conference "Environmental geology at the service of the Country" promoted by SIGEA Asp, the association founded in 1992 by a group of academics, professionals, public officials for the promotion of the role of Earth Sciences with the target of protecting the health and safety of the territory

X edition of the Week of Planet Earth - Excursion "The Saline di Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity"
X edition of the Week of Planet Earth - Excursion "The Saline di Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity"
Oct 08, 2022 — Oct 09, 2022 Riserva Naturale Statale Saline di Tarquinia, Borgo le Saline, Tarquinia (VT)

As part of the 10th edition of the Planet Earth Week (2-9 October 2022) ISPRA will organize, in cooperation with the Carabinieri of the Biodiversity Protection Unit of Rome, the excursion "The Saline di Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity".

Treccani Festival of the Italian language
Treccani Festival of the Italian language
Oct 07, 2022 — Oct 09, 2022 Lecco

The 5th edition of the Treccani Festival of the Italian language takes place in Lecco from 7 to 9 October, with a series of thematic meetings, workshops, shows and educational workshops, which will focus on the importance of the word as a means of expression and sharing

The use and consumption of land of Roma Capitale
The use and consumption of land of Roma Capitale
Oct 05, 2022 12:00 PM — Oct 05, 2022 03:00 PM Rome, Sala del Carroccio in Campidoglio

Land cover analysis in the territory of Rome - 2021 Report
The UO of Statistics - Open Data, Digital Transformation Department of Roma Capitale in collaboration with ISPRA organizes the conference "The use and consumption of land of Rome Capital" on 5 October. The 2021 Report "Analysis of the soil cover in the territory of Rome" will be presented.

Training Workshop 2022 - The Earth seen from the sky: methodological and application aspects of the InSAR technique for the analysis of ground motion
Training Workshop 2022 - The Earth seen from the sky: methodological and application aspects of the InSAR technique for the analysis of ground motion
Oct 05, 2022 — Nov 18, 2022 Florence - ETE Expo/Online

The 2022 Workshop takes up the 2021 theme oriented to information on operational ground motion services based on satellite interferometry. The aim of this edition is to provide administrators and professionals with the operational elements to correctly interpret the products of the InSAR technique in relation to the monitoring and remediation of territorial instability.

First meeting of the Enlarged Group of European Experts for the implementation of the European Soil Strategy to 2030
First meeting of the Enlarged Group of European Experts for the implementation of the European Soil Strategy to 2030
Oct 04, 2022 — Oct 04, 2022

Today the first meeting of the Enlarged Group of European Experts for the implementation of the European Soil Strategy to 2030, as an open start of the preparation of the European Law on Soil Health.
The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the development of a possible EU law on soil health.

European Researchers' Night 2022
European Researchers' Night 2022
Sep 30, 2022 — Oct 01, 2022

Also this year ISPRA will participate in the European Night of Researchers together with 10 other public research bodies and universities.
The initiative, which will be held throughout Europe on Friday 30 September, is an opportunity to bring citizens closer to the world of scientific research and to discover the activities and results of public research on the most topical issues.

With talks, shows, games, experiments, our researchers will talk to us about circular economy, climate change, biodiversity, soil and sea protection and much more ....

Further information

Sensi Naturali - Review of events in the mining lands of Allumiere
Sensi Naturali - Review of events in the mining lands of Allumiere
Sep 29, 2022 07:00 PM — Sep 29, 2022 08:30 PM Allumiere (RM)

From August 26 to September 29, the mining lands of Allumiere, in Lazio, will host  Sensi Naturali, a review of cultural events that celebrate the ecological conversion of culture and art.

The streets of alum will be the setting for scientific cafes, concerts, theatrical performances, photography exhibitions, walks and much more.

The ISPRA coordinator of ReMi will be present on Thursday 29 September at 5.00 pm at the Court of the Chamber of Commerce for a scientific tasting based on geological histories of the geo-mineral lands of Allumiere.

The role of monitoring in the study and management of hydrogeological risk for the protection of the mountain territory
The role of monitoring in the study and management of hydrogeological risk for the protection of the mountain territory
Sep 28, 2022 — Sep 30, 2022 Casa della Cultura di Badia La Villa (BZ)

The event is organized by the ASITA Federation together with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA), the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGEO) and the Italian section of the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG ). The event will deal with monitoring with geomatic tools (acquisition, management and representation of territorial and environmental data) as a knowledge base, predictive and mitigation tool in the management of hydrogeological risk.

Sulfur National Park of Marche and Romagna - States General
Sulfur National Park of Marche and Romagna - States General
Sep 23, 2022 — Sep 23, 2022 Urbino

The States General of the Sulfur National Park of Marche and Romagna will be held on Friday 23 September in Urbino. The event will be an opportunity to analyze the new challenges posed by the recent territorial expansion and to the work of defining the new ministerial decree that will regulate the design, programming and planning activities.

Geosciences for a sustainable future
Geosciences for a sustainable future
Sep 19, 2022 — Sep 21, 2022 Torino

The Geosciences for a sustainable future congress, organized by the Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), opens today in Torino, three days of scientific sessions on the main topics of Geosciences with plenary conferences of prominent scholars international, round tables, workshops and forums on topics of significant geological-social impact and on major issues of public interest. The ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta and the DG Maria Siclari will participate in the opening ceremony.

ISPRA participates in the Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Researchers - IARG 2022
ISPRA participates in the Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Researchers - IARG 2022
Sep 07, 2022 — Sep 09, 2022 Caserta

The Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Researchers will be held from 7 to 9 September 2022 at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" - Caserta. The meeting is an opportunity in which all the researchers of the sector, belonging to numerous Italian universities, will meet to present the main results of the research in progress. Among the numerous topics addressed, we will discuss laboratory experiments, constitutive models, works and geotechnical systems.
ISPRA is expected to participate on 7 September in terms of laboratory results on the mechanical reinforcement effect of vegetation on the ground, in the context of naturalistic engineering and environmental sustainability, in contrast to landslides and soil erosion phenomena.

ISPRA at the XVI National Conference of the Sections of Geosciences and Information Technologies and Hydrogeology of the Italian Geological Society
ISPRA at the XVI National Conference of the Sections of Geosciences and Information Technologies and Hydrogeology of the Italian Geological Society
Sep 05, 2022 — Sep 07, 2022 Fondi (LT), Palazzo Caetani

The XVI National Conference of the Sections of Geosciences and Information Technologies (GIT) and of the Hydrogeology Section (SI) of the Italian Geological Society (SGI) will be held from 5 to 7 September 2022. In the GIT Section it will be possible to exchange views and dialogue between students, young graduates, PhD students, researchers, freelancers and administrators of public and private entities, interested in the development and application of innovative methodological approaches for the analysis and management of environmental data in the field of Geosciences.

ISPRA participated at the last FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial), in Florence
ISPRA participated at the last FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial), in Florence
Aug 22, 2022 — Aug 26, 2022 Florence

From 22 to 26 of August 2022 the international annual meeting of the Free and Open Source Software took place in Florence (Palazzo dei Congressi).