Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Tools for the implementaton of national priority criteria for ranking potentially contaminated sites

ISPRA, as required by the Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06, states that Regional Remediation Plans of Polluted Areas (PRBs) must provide “an order of priority of interventions based on risk assessment criteria defined by ISPRA”. ISPRA priorities has started and concluded the first phase of developing risk assessment criteria as described in detail in the Report 365/2022

A journey to Mining Italy

Several mining sites have redesigned the mining landscape from Northern to Southern Italy, they have been transformed, valued and converted into mining parks and museums and are today presented in “A journey to Mining Italy”.  This journey consists in a multifaceted experience spacing from environmental geology to mining landscapes and technologies.

National atlas of land consumption. Edition 2023

The Land Consumption Atlas is part of the products created by ISPRA and the SNPA on the topics of land consumption, the state of the territory and settlements, the impacts on ecosystem services and degradation. In particular, it aims to contribute to knowledge, awareness and the formation of a critical conscience on these issues

Second report on the status of contaminated sites management in Italy: regional data

The second report on contaminated sites management at regional level, presents and analyses data on administrative and technical procedures updated to 31.12.2020. The data have been derived from MOSAICO, the national database on the contaminated sites management populated by the data uploaded by SNPA, Regions and Autonomous Provinces, including ongoing procedures (16,199) and those completed (18,823).

Atlas of Environmental Data. 2023 edition

The Atlas of environmental data, a volume that ISPRA publishes for the first time, offers an overview of the main environmental data. It provides cartographic representations showing the spatial distribution of the main environmental information which, together with graphs, tables and texts, illustrate the state of the entire national territory.

RaStEM: a tool to support planning and design of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures

The monitoring of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures, that ISPRA has been carrying out for more than twenty-five years on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), highlights that in many cases measures planning and design does not take into account adequately the typological characteristics of the hazards and the relationships between them and the elements exposed to risk in the area

Application of isotopic analysis for the proportioning of organic matter: study of an artificial reservoir

With the study of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen it is possible to quantify the contribution to the total organic substance deriving either from the natural transformation of the biotic component or from anthropic sources such as, for example, urban and/or industrial waste. Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of such investigations in the identification and evaluation of contributions to organic matter deriving from multiple sources, in fact the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen show an isotopic composition characteristic of the source from which they originate.

Risk assessment criteria for priority setting of the remediation interventions

ISPRA, as required by the legislation (Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06), has started the activities of developing risk assessment criteria as a national reference for the Regional Plans for the Remediation of Polluted Areas (PRBs). This report illustrates the activities conducted in the first phase (phase 1), in which national priority criteria are first identified, to apply to potentially contaminated sites, with the support of the Technical Table, set up with Regions and ARPA, starting with the reconnaissance of criteria available at national and international level.