Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Scientific trekking: "Aliens to conquer Rome: a path between animals and plants "out of place "

Sep 09, 2021 from 05:15 PM to 07:15 PM Rome, Villa Pamphilj, San Pancrazio entrance,
In a late spring afternoon, in Villa Pamphilj, a path will lead us to the discovery of "aliens": animal and plant species originating from distant countries, introduced by man over the centuries, which have made Rome the most "invaded" city of Italy. A story through the history, culture, biology, impacts and management of a phenomenon intimately correlated with globalization and one of the major threats to the biodiversity of our ecosystems.

National meeting EcoAlpsWater Project

Sep 10, 2021 from 09:45 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
On Friday 10 Septemeber 2021 it will be held “Innovative Ecological Assessment and Water Management Strategy for the Protection of Ecosystem Services in Alpine Lakes and Rivers”.

NET - SCIENZA TOGETHER: Tor Caldara: an itinerary between geology, environment and history

Sep 12, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM Anzio, Tor Caldara,
The Tor Caldara Nature Reserve extends for 44 hectares in a non-urbanized stretch of coast between Anzio and Lavinio, 60 km south of Rome. Inside there is a sixteenth-century watchtower placed in a dense tangle of Mediterranean scrub, a rare testimony of the ancient coastal forests along the coast of southern Lazio. From a geological point of view, the Tor Caldara solfatara is linked to the secondary activity of the Lazio volcanic district

SNPA Report on environmental control will be presented at the Green Symposium 2021

Sep 16, 2021 from 12:15 PM to 01:00 PM Napoli, Museo ferroviario di Pietrarsa,
Presented the SNPA Report dedicated to environmental controls is at the center of the event "Environmental controls: an opportunity for our country", last 16 September starting. The document intends to offer a broad background on what is the system of environmental controls in Italy carried out by the staff of ISPRA and the environmental agencies at the plants subjected to Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA) and to the Seveso regulations. Among others, the DG ISPRA Alessandro Bratti and Alfredo Pini, director of the Environmental Assessments Department of ISPRA participate

NET SCIENZAINSIEME: Sustainability of fishing between past and future

Sep 17, 2021 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM Mestre, Centro Culturale Candiani, Piazzale Candiani, 7,
Guided tour of the "Fishing in the Lagoon" exhibition Experts in fishing and traditional ecological knowledge will guide visitors through the exhibition "Fishing in the lagoon" illustrating the techniques, equipment, boats and traditions related to this important aspect of the economy and culture of the Venetian area. The present material, including the precious nineteenth-century models of boats exhibited for the first time to the public, will allow ISPRA researchers to tell about the sustainability of fishing, poised between the legacy of the past and the challenges of the future.

The ecological beach of Favignana for environmental protection and conscious tourism

Sep 17, 2021 to Sep 19, 2021 Isola di Favignana,
The entire initiative is organized in collaboration with the Aegadian Islands Protected Marine Area and is part of the MED Dé.Co.U. Plages project co-financed under the IEV CT Italy-Tunisia 2014-2020 European program which aims to create the conditions for greater protection of the environment in coastal territories. A full calendar of events and activities that will take place mainly on the beach of Praia and at the bathhouse plant of the Tonnare di Favignana and Formica. These include circular economy initiatives and Citizen Science which will involve tourists, fishermen and local businesses / artisans as well as the inevitable environmental education activities to raise awareness of young and old on environmental issues.

NET SCIENCE TOGETHER: Scientists for a day!

Sep 24, 2021 from 06:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Around the ISPRA laboratories alongside researchers who study and protect the sea ISPRA with the National Research Council - Institute for BioEconomy, thanks to a partnership that "unites and unites" most of the scientific research of Livorno, organizes the European Night of Researchers and Researchers, in collaboration with: Interuniversity Center of Marine Biology and Applied Ecology - CIBM, Aplysia, Harbor Master's Office, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and LaMMA Consortium and with the involvement of institutions and stakeholders of the city.

Presentation of the SNPA guidelines for landslide monitoring at Remtech Expo 2021

Sep 21, 2021 from 02:30 PM to 07:00 PM Online event,
On 21 September 2021 at 2.30 pm, as part of Remtech Expo 2021, a webinar to present the SNPA guidelines for monitoring landslides will be held. The Guidelines aim to harmonize procedures and provide references and criteria for the design, installation, management and maintenance of landslide monitoring networks, as well as for the dissemination of data.

Environment and health. Activities and new challenges

Sep 22, 2021 from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM Ferrara, Fiera Remtech piazzetta Dearch, pav. 4,
On 22 September at 3.30 pm, as part of Remtech Expo 2021 at the Ferrara Fair, the event "Environment and Health. Activities and new challenges", that  will be  an opportunity for a discussion between ISPRA / SNPA experts and the Ministry of Health on upcoming challenges and priorities in A&S to identify the actions to be implemented. During the event it will be also presented the bookleet ISPRA for health

EO4GEO opportunities for Earth Observation and Geoinformation skills improvement

Sep 22, 2021 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Online event,
The objective of this workshop is to highlight how some of the current challenges in terms of skills and training in the Earth Observation and Geographic information (EO*GI) sector can be addressed using EO4GEO Tools and resources. To this effect, several stakeholders from the EO*GI sector will share their experience with resources on space-geoinformation, developed in the context of the EO4GEO Blueprint project. The project and its overall aims will be presented followed by demonstrations of real use-cases where the project’s outputs were used to solve workforce challenges or support up-skilling.

European Researchers' Night 2021

Sep 24, 2021 to Sep 25, 2021 Roma, Città dell'Altra Economia, Largo Dino Frisullo,
ISPRA will participate also this year in the European Night of Researchers with SCIENZA INSIEME - NET and other 10 research bodies and universities. In this edition, the researchers of NET will all be gathered in Rome at the Citta dell'Altra Economia on 24 and 25 September with many events: talks, shows, stands, experiments, thematic comics. This year, in addition to many thematic stands on the various scientific disciplines, it will be possible to attend shows, talks and exhibitions in which, alongside the researchers, real Superheroes and the Cosplay most loved by children and young people will enter the scene.