Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Ecomondo 2020

Nov 03, 2020 to Nov 06, 2020
Ecomondo is one of the most leading event in Europe for the new models of circular economy. An international exhibition with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. Due to the health emergency, Ecomondo will be held on the digital platform, extending the appointment to two weeks: the double digital green week. To facilitate the meeting between supply and demand, the platform will be active until November 15: two weeks of B2B meetings, networking and seminars, where the green economy community will be able to create global relationships within a virtual app. From Tuesday 3 November it is possible to participate in all the events of the schedule until 11.59 pm on November 15.

After lockdown water more clear

First results of the special campaign at sea conducted by Snpa and harbor authorities - Coast Guard. The Italian Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa has declared: "Our seas are clearer, we are commitment to keep them that in this way". C lear waters and an overall stable situation for substances related to production activities: this is the first general frame that emerges from the extraordinary monitoring carried out by the National Environmental Protection System (SNPA) and the General Command of the Port Authority Corps. Starting from April, at the request of the Ministry of the Environment, an analysis campaign was launched at sea - beyond the ordinary ones - to understand the effects and impacts of the lockdown on Italian waters. The monitoring was carried out in 457 sampling stations along the entire national coastal arc, chosen from those that presented historical data comparable with those of 2020.

Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica

Ispra and Arpa Toscana are working with the members of the National Civil Protection Service to ensure the removal of the bales fuel pellets  dispersed in the Gulf of Follonica following the accident of the "IVY" motor ship, which occurred in July 2015.

Life Master Adapt: on line the video of the project

MASTER ADAPT, project co-funded by LIFE Programme EU, aims to develop an integrated and operative methodology so that Regions, metropolitan cities and consortium can include in their planning the climate change adapting as an key element in their territories. 

Sustainable Development Festival 2020

Sep 22, 2020 to Oct 08, 2020 Webstreaming,
The festival of Sustainable Development promoted by ASvIS will be held in the whole Italy from 22 September to 8 October. In compliance with the measures ruled by the Government to deal with the Coronavirus emergency, the Festival is renewed in its format, articulating with traditional events in attendance and online. All the stakeholders, public or private citizens, interested in participating and contributing for a sustainable future, can propose an event to be included in the initiatives

M49 escape: several attempts, the last one succeeded

Ispra report of the inspection at the fence in Casteller (TN) from where M49 left The bear M49 probably made several attempts before managing to escape from the Casteller enclosure, as it would seem from the inspection of the enclosure requested to Ispra by the Ministry of the Environment, carried out by the ISPRA researchers of Ozzano, and supported by the staff of the Forest Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento. In fact, the point from which the bear left it is in the same position from which the animal had fled last year, in that case climbing over the fence, in a distant point of the fence from the portion where the technical space are located. This time, however, some of the rods of the fence net - 12 mm in diameter - were torn or folded from which he then escaped. Press release (ita)

ISPRA supports the Ocean with the international initiative Source to Sea

Stefano Laporta, President of the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, is among the signatories of the Open Letter launched by the S2S Platform to support the SDG 14 for the health of the Ocean. This letter, to be officially presented during the international ocean conference postponed to next year, calls on leaders across sectors, organisations, and nations to take coordinated action from source to sea to protect and restore ocean health.

Captured the wolf in Otranto. High probability that it is an animal raised in captivity; he had a collar

Night operation carried out by Parco Majella technicians in permanent contact with ISPRA Captured the wolf that had been observed for several weeks in Alimini, near Otranto. The wolf, a 14-month-old male in excellent physical condition, weighs 29.5 kg and shows evident signs of collar, a detail that seems to confirm the suspicion that it is an animal raised in captivity. The operation, conducted  at 22.40 on 14 July, was organized by the technicians of the wildlife group of the Majella National Park with the support of the Forestry Carabinieri and in constant contact with ISPRA. The intervention, agreed with the Puglia Region, had obtained the favorable technical opinion of ISPRA nd the authorization of the Ministry of the Environment. The capture was carried out by expert personnel with biological and veterinary competencies, and with proven experience in wolf catching, with the collaboration of the Forestry Carabinieri of the Lecce group and the Otranto station.   Press release (ita)

Ispra in RemTech Expo

Sep 21, 2020 to Sep 25, 2020 Ferrara Fiere,
RemTech Expo is the only permanent international event dedicated to protection and sustainable development on the territory, remediation of contaminated sites, coasts and ports, hydrogeological risk, climate changes, seismic risk, urban regeneration and sustainable chemical industry.  It consists of nine segments, schools, academy and international hubs: REMTECH and REMTECH EUROPE reclamation of polluted sites, COAST Coast Guard, Ports and Sediments, ESONDA hydrogeological and landslides, GEOSISMICA mitigation of seismic risk, INERTIA sustainability of works and re-use of materials, RIGENERACITY urban regeneration and social housing, CLIMETECH climate changes and measure tools, CHEMTEH reconversion and circular chemistry, NUCLEAR FOCUS risks and decommissioning   RemTech Expo event