Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



On the bees road

May 20, 2021 from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM Webinar,
World Bee Day was proclaimed by the United Nations on May 20, a day to remind  the importance that bees have for the entire planet given their fundamental role in maintaining biodiversity.

School odors 2021

14, 16, 21, 23 September 2021 The issue of management, control and monitoring of odor emissions is constantly topical, directly affecting the quality of the environment and the population health. From a collaboration between RSE S.p.A - Research on the Energy System, ISPRA and ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia, the organization of a new edition of the “Scuola Odori” is going to start.

Breath festival

May 21, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
Promoting the health culture and improve the sustainable tourism The national project   Borghi del Respiro  aims intends to enhance the vitality and livability of small municipalities in hilly or mountainous sparsely populated areas in which the regulatory standards defined by Legislative Decree 155/2010 are respected for the main pollutants, for the protection of human health and vegetation, in the principles of Sustainable Development defined by AGENDA 2030, with particular regard to the protection of respiratory health.

The conservation of the coastal dolphin in Tuscany

Published on the scientific magazine 'Mediterranean Marine Science' a study of 12 years on the surveillance of the conservation status of Tursiops truncatus dolphin in an EU Natura 2000 site in the Mediterranean Sea. A pilot study in the Tuscan Archipelago

Climate crisis and environmental emergency: why do we underestimate it? What do we risk?

May 20, 2021 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM Online event,
On May 20 in the whole of the Rifestival - An Other World is Possible, it will be held the webinar "Climate crisis and environmental emergency: why do we underestimate it? What do we risk?" conducted by Luca Mercalli, climatologist and scientific advisor of ISPRA, to underline the importance of rethinking our way of living and producing to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment.

20 May World Bee Day: live streaming inside a beehive

An ISPRA and AAIS project for the bees protection and their ecosystem. ISPRA with the Social Integration Assistance Association (AAIS) has carried out an experimental and educational apiary within the program "APIABILI SAVE THE PLANET YOUR FUTURE IN OUR WINGS" (Project funded by the Department of Social Policies, Welfare and Local Authorities of the Lazio region). The first meeting is held today on the occasion of World Bee Day . Established in 2017 with a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, the day aims to bring to the attention of citizens, the media and political decision-makers the importance of bees and in general of all pollinators: bees, wasps, butterflies , ladybugs, spiders, reptiles, birds, even mammals. Bees and pollinators are essential for food security, the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, and for the functioning of ecosystems and habitat conservation.

Biodiversity: a value. Protection of biodiversity and good practices of Sustainable Development in line with the "Man and Biosphere - MAB UNESCO" Program

May 24, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Centro visite e Museo Geonaturalistico di Punta Spadillo,
On the occasion of the European Day of Parks, the Pantelleria Island National Park is organizing the conference "Biodiversity: a value. Protection of biodiversity and good practices of Sustainable Development in line with the "Man and Biosphere - MAB UNESCO" program, in which  an ISPRA researcher will participate with a speech on the implementation of the Habitat Directive in Italy.

Agents of change and skills for sustainability

May 27, 2021 from 03:00 PM to 06:30 PM Online event,
Value and meaning of educational transformation The Italian Sustainability Science Association (IASS), at the end of the Erasmus + A Rounder Sense of Purpose (RSP) project is organizing a webinar to present the results of the project, relating to a skills model for sustainability education, based on UNEP's "Learning for the future" research. The model is applicable to all those contexts, educational, social, economic, in which there is a need to support the processes of change to sustainability

Wetland biodiversity and crayfish

May 24, 2021 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
Threats and concrete conservation actions On the occasion of the European Day of Parks, the Life Claw Project organizes a webinar to discuss, together with numerous experts, wetlands: areas rich in biodiversity, which perform fundamental functions for human well-being. In particular, it will be one of the most endangered species of these environments: the native crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes, and the concrete initiatives that have been carried out to contain the spread of invasive alien species, which threaten its survival.

Preparation for reuse, good practices for circular inclusion

May 26, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
A webinar streaming live on  Facebook di Economie Circolari  to analyze the situation in Italy on the subject of preparing for reuse in the experience of social cooperation for work placement. The initiative is organized by Legambiente which with the ECCO. Tutto torna  project aimed to disseminate information on the circular economy, as a democratic and inclusive tool to increase awareness and participation in new consumption and use practices by citizens, local authorities, associations, schools and businesses.  

"INSPIRE Harmonization" Workshop

As part of the Italian Network of Geological Services (RISG), a Workshop entitled 'INSPIRE harmonization' was organized on 11 May 2021 regarding the activities of Table H "INSPIRE databases, metadata, services and harmonization for regional cartography "which sees the involvement of the Geological Survey of Italy and the Regions.