Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Greenhouse gas emissions: growing trend again, accomplices transport and global warming

The scenarios up to 2030 are not very promising The ISPRA National Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants is online In 2021, greenhouse gas emissions in Italy will start to grow again after the stop of the pandemic period: in just one year (2020-2021) the values ​​show a sharp increase (+8.5%), despite recording a decrease of 20% compared to 1990, thanks to the growth in recent years of energy production from renewable sources (hydroelectric and wind), energy efficiency in industrial sectors and the transition to the use of fuels with a lower carbon content. But the reduction is not enough: emissions are 11 million tonnes above the target set for 2021. A situation which, according to estimates, seems destined to continue not only in 2022, but also in future years. In fact, the scenarios to 2030 are not very promising: a low reduction in emissions in the transport and heating sectors is expected and a misalignment with the objectives established by Effort Sharing which in 2030 could exceed 15 million tonnes. It is therefore essential to reverse the trend if we want to meet the emission reduction targets.

ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium

May 03, 2023 to May 05, 2023 Napoli, Stazione marittima,
From 3 to 5 may, in the Stazione marittima of Napoli, it will be held the  Green Med Symposium, 3 days to talk about circular economy, emissions, drought and instability, soil regeneration and protection, sustainable agriculture. During the event, for the year consecutively, ISPRA will propose training courses addressed to expert, officials of Public Administrations and companies. A district will be set up in which the experts will meet the schools and transfer to the youngest all they need to know to live in harmony with the environment.

IPBES biodiversity report: 500 thousand "Dead species walking" not yet extinct but at risk

Probable extinction by the end of this century for 50% of the million existing species Today presented in Rome the latest IPBES “ Assessment Report on the Different Value and Valuation of Nature ” From the beginning of the 16th century onwards, at least 680 vertebrates, from the dodo to the Sicilian wolf and the Tasmanian tiger, have gone extinct, almost always due to human causes. At least 9% of all mammal species kept for food or agriculture have been driven to extinction and at least 1000 are threatened. According to IPBES - the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the highest scientific authority on biodiversity - nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in history, and the rate of species extinction is accelerating.

Problematic bears in the Province of Trento: plan and actions

To date, the bears considered problematic in Trentino are the female JJ4 and two males, MJ5 and M62. The Interregional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Brown Bear in the Central-Eastern Alps (PACOBACE) - which contains a reference table with the problematic behaviors of bears, ordered according to a danger index and with possible actions - clarifies that " To define a "problematic" bear it is important to know the subject's history and take into account any previous anomalous behavior; the degree of problematic increases when there is a repetition of potentially dangerous behavior by the same individual. The assessment of behaviors must be conducted on a case-by-case basis, taking into account not only the interpretative key regarding the degree of problematic nature provided by the table".

The climate of the future. The hotspots of change: from Antarctica to Cimone via the Himalayas

May 06, 2023 to May 07, 2023
"We Nature returns" on 6 and 7 May, the second edition of the event dedicated to sustainability in which there will be space for talk shows dedicated to the climate and the environment with meteorologists, popularizers and experts. There are also workshops to discover the secrets of flora and fauna. On 6 May at 10.00, at the meeting "The climate of the future. The hotspots of change: from Antarctica to Cimone passing through the Himalayas", the participation of an ISPRA researcher is expected.

Economic and digital transition. Big challenges and new opportunities

Apr 27, 2023 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM Webinar,
For the European Commission, Europe will face two important challenges in this decade: the ecological transition and the digital transition. The green and digital transitions are two main trends that will affect the future of the European Union especially in the sectors of agriculture, buildings, energy, energy-intensive industries, transport and mobility.

Documentary Gofree Project

The project , started on April 2021,   aimed to introduce and incentivize the fishing of bathyal shrimp, also called hunchbacks  introducing innovative measures both in the fishing process, in order to favor fishing also at bathymetry not yet exploited.

CARG Geological Survey and Cartography Summer School

Jun 05, 2023 to Jun 11, 2023
The Summer School, organized by the Italian Geological Society with the collaboration of the ISPRA Geological Survey of Italy, aims to disseminate the survey methodologies and criteria adopted for the CARG Project, through survey days on the ground, lectures and exercises.

Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin visits ISPRA

Apr 20, 2023 Rome,
The visit to ISPRA by the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratin was held today. "The continuous dialogue with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, in respect of our autonomy and technical-scientific independence, accompanies us and supports us to carry out the activities that we are called to carry out in common even in the individual territorial realities" stated the ISPRA President, Stefano Laporta. The Director General, Maria Siclari, presented the Institute's main activities, emphasizing how ISPRA manages to combine research, support for MASE and public service for the country. Photo gallery

Earth Day 2023 - One People One Planet

Apr 22, 2023 Online event,
On the occasion of the 53rd World Earth Day, #OnePeopleOnePlanet returns, a multimedia marathon, now in its fourth edition, to celebrate Earth Day in Italy. The event includes 16 hours of live television broadcast on    Rai Play  from the Nuvola di Fuksas in Rome. ISPRA researcher will participate to the multimedia marathon to present the projects  MORINET ,  STRONG SEA LIFE  and  PNRR MER  dedicated to the protection of the sea and in particular to the recovery of ghost nets. At the final day of  One People One Planet   ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and the DG Maria Siclari will participate

Crossing the trail of cetaceans

Apr 17, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 06:30 PM Streaming live,
The sessions of the 34th conference of the ECS, the European Cetacean Society, begin on Monday 17 April in Galicia. The event, which will continue until 20 April, will attract many researchers specialized in marine mammals from all over Europe. For the occasion, thanks to the collaboration between the LIFE CONCEPTU MARIS and IMPEL EU MTT (Europe Marine Transborder Transect) projects, a networking workshop will be held on monitoring cetaceans via ferries, one of the cornerstones of CONCEPTU MARIS activities. The workshop, entitled "Crossing the trail of cetaceans", will explore in detail all the phases of information collection, from the protocols on board the ferries to the cutting-edge technologies used, up to the most effective analytical approaches to organize all the information collected.

Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2022

A picture of the Italian environment The ISPRA database of environmental indicators is online The ISPRA  Environmental indicators database  ISPRA, with more than 300 indicators, is the most complete collection of statistical data and information on the state of the environment in Italy created and edited by ISPRA in collaboration with the regional agencies and the autonomous provinces in the scope of the SNPA system. The indicators are structured in tabs containing descriptive information (metadata) such as, for example, the objectives to be achieved, the evaluation of the state, the trend and data represented with graphs, tables and maps.

The experimental field of the landslide of Poggio Baldi (FC)

May 12, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 05:30 PM Municipalities of Santa Sofia (FC),
The event is sponsored by the research projects PNRR-Infrastructures "GeosciencesIR" and the Extended Partnership "RETURN", respectively coordinated by ISPRA and the University of Naples Federico II. During the day the monitoring approaches and the sensors implemented in the study site will be discussed, analyzing the contribution of natural experimental laboratories in the study of instability processes. In the afternoon, the photomonitoring techniques dedicated to the study of landslide processes will also be illustrated by experimenting with the application of software dedicated to the analysis of images acquired from real cases.

International Conference: “Science and governance: a sea of opportunities for coastal adaptation"

May 09, 2023 Ravenna/Online,
It will be held in Ravenna on 9th may the international conference  “Science and governance: a sea of opportunities for coastal adaptation”, final event of the  project Interreg Italy-Croatia AdriaClim . During the conference will be illustrated the project's results. In particular, the topics addressed will be international strategies for the protection of coastal areas, the use of scientific knowledge to support decisions, local adaptation choices, participation and communication. The event will be attended by international experts from the world of universities, research and training, professionals and technicians in the field of climate change and the adaptation of coastal zones, journalists, administrators and policy makers, delegates from NGOs and civil society.

Emissions conference 2023

RSE (Research on the Energy System) and the National System for the Protection of the Environment organize, within the framework of the ISPRA-RSE Memorandum of Understanding and in collaboration with UNI, ACCREDIA and UNICHIM, the "Emissions Conference 2023", in virtual mode . The Conference is organized in four morning sessions on 10, 17, 24 and 31 May, of which the first three are fopen to all, the last fourth reserved for the SNPA structures and Public Administrations.