Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Signed agreement between the Italian Navy and ISPRA for the protection and monitoring of the seas

Jul 25, 2023
The signing of the implementing agreement between the Navy and ISPRA was held today in the morning. The agreement was signed by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, team admiral Enrico Credendino, and the Director General of ISPRA, Dr. Maria Siclari. The agreement formalises the collaboration between the two institutes, in projects, research and studies concerning the knowledge and protection of the marine environment, also in the context of the National Military Research Plan, the exchange of oceanographic data relating to activities of common interest and professional updating. In underlining the importance of this agreement, the Director General of ISPRA declared: "The agreement on the broad and complex theme of monitoring and assessing submarine noise represents a fundamental element in the context of the fruitful collaboration between ISPRA and the Navy, which is articulated on several levels from the PNRR to the implementation of Community directives, Marine Strategy in primis". web site Italian Navy

Approved a rule for the enhancement of the contribution offered by ISPRA and ENEA researchers

A rule was approved in the Italian Chamber of Deputies, strongly desired by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, which aims to enhance the contribution offered by ISPRA and ENEA researchers, also taking into account the expertise of the staff in relation to many of the energy objectives -environmental regulations of the PNRR . In particular, through this intervention included in the PA decree, a fund of one million euros for the year 2023 and of 2.5 million starting from 2024 to be divided between the two entities is established in the Ministry's estimates.

RemTech Expo 2023

Sep 20, 2023 to Sep 22, 2023 Ferrara,
From 20 to 22 September in Ferrara the XVII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of recovery, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. Also this year ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings.

Record heat and drought in 2022

Italy's climate in SNPA report. Peak temperature anomaly in June (+3.09°C) and lowest rainfall levels (-22%) since 1961 The "Climate in Italy in 2022" report, published by ISPRA annually since 2006, becomes a SNPA product this year. Thanks to the involvement of the National System for Environmental Protection, it is enriched with insights on climate also at regional and local scales, as well as on the most relevant hydro-meteo-climatic and meteo-marine aspects of the year under review. The year 2022 was the least rainy year since 1961, marking -22% below the 1991-2020 climatological average, with precipitation below normal (-39%) from January to July. The anomalies were most pronounced in the North (-33%), followed by the Center (-15%) and the South and Islands (-13%)

Forest ecosystems and fires: update 27 July 2023

The extension of the areas covered by large forest fires in Italy in 2023 is increasing, exceeding 44,000 hectares, of which over 7,400 ha of forest ecosystems. The forests involved are mostly Mediterranean scrub (62%) and pine forest (23%). In addition, 95% of the areas burned to date are in Sicily and Calabria. The province of Palermo (14670 hec, of which 24% forests), the province of Reggio Calabria (7000 hec, 15% forests) and the province of Syracuse (1540 hec, 20% forests) were affected. The number of protected natural areas with forest ecosystems affected by fire is also growing: those most affected are in the province of Palermo (7), in the province of Syracuse (1) and in the province of Messina (1).

Available online number 33 of the technical-scientific journal RETICULA

In this issue of Reticula, articles on the reserve networks of Trentino, the ecological network of the Province of Cuneo, citizen science to monitor protected species and habitats: the data of the LIFE ESC360 project in the National Biodiversity Network and the renaturation project of the Po in Recovery and Resilience Plan. The publishing on the contracts of Fiume: communities that navigate together and the News section which contains numerous innovations reported by users of the magazine and by the Editorial Committee.

Comics "Twenty thousand nets under the sea"

The sea is progressively becoming a deposit of marine waste. The cartoon "Twenty thousand networks under the seas" deals with the issue of marine litter, focusing attention on the impact that waste has on marine organisms and ecosystems, and illustrating some positive actions carried out thanks to the collaboration between several subjects, in particular researchers and fishermen. "20,000 Nets Under the Sea" ( 2D , 3D version for 3D version requires 3D glasses)

Waste from economic activities: comparison on ISPRA data

Jul 28, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Webinar,
The increase of waste from economic activities and their management will be discussed on the new episode of  Sostenibilitalia, next 28 July live from 11:00 on  Ricicla TV . A comparison of the data from the latest report on  waste from economic activities by ISPRA together with the Director of the Institute's Environmental Sustainability Department.

Sea urchins more sensitive to metal toxicity as a consequence of the past two decades

The ISPRA research group based in Livorno, in collaboration with a researcher from the University of Nottingham, has published the results of a twenty-year laboratory activity conducted using sea urchins in Marine Pollution Bulletin. Data have shown as the climate change and ocean acidification, which is already taking place in the Mediterranean Sea, have caused a reduction in the tolerance of a natural population of sea urchins to copper toxicity. This conclusion supports the need to reevaluate the knowledge we have today about environmental contaminants in the context of future changes in the environment.

Nationwide hydrological water budget: focus on drought and natural availability of renewable water resources. Update to 2022.

New ISPRA Report In 2022, with 67 billion cubic meters, the annual availability of water resources reached an all-time low in Italy, registering -50% compared to the average of the climatic thirty years 1951-2020 and -52% compared to the long-term average 1951-2022 . The RBDs of Sicily (–80.7%), Sardinia (–73%) and the River Po (–66%) were the most affected by the water shortage in 2022. On an annual scale, the 2022 drought was the third most severe and persistent since 1952, preceded only by that of 1990 and 2002.

Documentary "Pescatori di Reti"

In the documentary "Pescatori di Reti", produced by ISPRA, all the activities carried out by the partners during the project  are described.  The main objective of the project is to remove marine litter, with particular attention to ghost nets, i.e. lost or entangled nets or parts of them, identified in two pilot areas: in the Marine Protected Area of ​​the Asinara Park and in the Gulf of Asinara and Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area in Sardegna