
Risks for biodiversity linked to the spread of invasive alien species and the role of the horticultural sector
May 17, 2024 05:30 PM — May 17, 2024 07:00 PM OnlineThe webinar, organized by Assofloro and Coldiretti in collaboration with ISPRA, addresses the issues of risks linked to the introduction and spread of invasive alien species and correct practices in the horticultural sector to limit-contain the risk.

ISPRA at FORUM PA 2024: PNRR MER, DIGITAP and focus on environmental education
May 21, 2024 — May 22, 2024 Rome, Palazzo dei CongressiOn 21 and 22 May ISPRA participates in FORUM PA, as part of two events organized in collaboration with MASE.
On May 21, ISPRA experts will present the PNRR MER and DIGITAP projects in the talk on the summary framework of the PNRR tools by MASE.
On May 22, ISPRA experts will present the Institute's initiatives aimed at schools and new generations in the talk "It depends from us: culture and awareness of environmental challenges"

The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop awareness activities related the Italian coasts and seas
May 15, 2024 — May 15, 2024 Rome, ISPRA headquarterThe Director General of ISPRA Maria Siclari and the President of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea (ONTM APS) Roberto Minerdo have signed a Convention, lasting two years, with the aim of promoting technological research and raising awareness on theme of the defense of coasts, ecosystems and marine biodiversity, to enhance the Italian natural heritage and for the development of socioeconomic models in the New Blue Economy.
In particular, ISPRA as implementing body and within the PNRR MER - Marine Ecosystem Restoration Project, deals with the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the integral mapping of the Italian coast, coastal habitats and deep habitats present in the seamounts of Italian marine waters, the strengthening of the observation networks of fixed monitoring stations, all this through the implementation of 37 overall interventions.
The Observatory is committed to disseminating, raising awareness and studying issues relating to New Blue Economy sectors, with particular reference to the areas of energy production (offshore wind and photovoltaic, geothermal energy...) and the development of coastal and cruise tourism and Green Defense for the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law in the community context.

Struggle against educational poverty
May 15, 2024 03:00 PM — May 15, 2024 05:00 PM WebinarISPRA will participate in the webinar on struggling educational poverty organized by Assoutenti with funding from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies. The focus is on the actions that we all must take for a new environmental awareness and culture. The workshop is addressed for teachers and project stakeholders.

Water resource: sustainability and efficiency in the most water-demanding production sectors
May 29, 2024 09:30 AM — May 29, 2024 01:30 PM RomeFocus and correct application of regulations to reduce environmental impact
On 29 May Assosistema Confindustria organizes the event in Rome, in the Chamber of Deputies: "Water resources: sustainability and efficiency in the most hydro-demanding production sectors. Focus and correct application of regulations to reduce environmental impact"
During the conference the topics will be those of sustainability and the correct use of water resources; furthermore, the Paper on environmental standards, controls and procedures in health and social care facilities drawn up by Assosistema Confindustria will be presented for the first time

PNRR MER. The mobile oceanographic research sentinel that transforms the sea into a laboratory
May 14, 2024UMRO will soon be in the field, a van, the only one of its kind in Europe, equipped with radar to observe the state of the waters and monitor the coasts
A mobile sentinel that brings oceanographic scientific research directly to the field and transforms the sea into a laboratory. It is with this objective that Ispra has started, as part of the “Marine Ecosystem Restoration (MER)” project, financed by the PNRR, the creation of UMRO, the Mobile Oceanographic Research Unit, the only one of its kind in Europe to monitor the sea state, the field of surface currents and bathymetry, that means the measurement of the depth of the coastal seabed, using a 'Wave Radar'. In coastal monitoring, radar data is extremely useful for understanding the causes and effects of erosion and the interactions of waves with coastal infrastructure.

Understand and Monitoring Biodiversity in Emilia-Romagna
Jun 24, 2024 — Jun 24, 2024 Bologna/onlineDuring the conference, the final results of the work conducted by six research institutes will be presented for the implementation of the regional long-term biodiversity monitoring plan through the COMBI Project (Understand and Monitoring BIodiversity in Emilia-Romagna) and to verify the state of health of regional biodiversity.

Mobility and territory: towards more intelligent and sustainable mobility
May 23, 2024 02:30 PM — May 23, 2024 06:00 PM Reggio Emilia, TecnopoloThe event, which will take place on May 23rd at the Tecnopolo in Reggio Emilia, aims to delve deeper into the characteristics, benefits and potential of Mobility Management, offering an overview of the latest experiences and solutions adopted at a national and international level. The results of UNIMORE research on the management of Mobility Management in companies will also be presented.

European Parks Day
May 24, 2024 — May 24, 2024Parks and protected areas constitute a unique and precious heritage to experience and protect. Every year on 24 May, European Parks Day is celebrated and the initiative of the European Parks Federation (EUROPARC) is renewed to remember the day on which, in 1909, the first national park in Europe was established in Sweden. In Italy the first parks were created in 1922: the Gran Paradiso and the Abruzzo Park, which later became the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park.

The role of National Parks in the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems
May 23, 2024 09:00 AM — May 23, 2024 02:30 PM Vico del GarganoOn the occasion of the European Parks Day, the Gargano National Park organizes the conference "The role of National Parks in the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems".

World Migration Bird Day 2024
May 11, 2024 — May 11, 2024Saturday 11 May is World Migratory Bird Day which this year puts the spotlight on the relationship between migratory birds and insects amid an alarming decline in both.
World Day is a global campaign that educates and promotes conservation efforts about migratory birds and their travels across borders. Each year the campaign features a central theme, spurs action and coordinates global efforts to safeguard migratory birds and their habitat.

CER - Sustainable Communities: opportunities and tools to enhance people and territories
May 10, 2024 — May 10, 2024 Catania, Centro Congressuale Fieristico Culturale "Le Ciminiere"The Conference is an important opportunity for discussion on the topic of Communities and in particular CER - Renewable Energy Communities - an innovative model of energy management that involves local public bodies, companies, commercial activities and private citizens, generating throughout the territory social and economic benefits.

World Bee Day 2024
May 20, 2024 — May 20, 2024Pollination is a fundamental process for the survival of ecosystems. Nearly 90% of the world's wild flowering plant species depend entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world's food crops and 35% of global agricultural land. Pollinators are essential for conserving biodiversity.
In order to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN has designated 20 May World Bee Day.
The goal is to strengthen measures to protect bees and other pollinators, which would significantly contribute to solving global food supply problems and eliminating hunger in developing countries.
"Bee engaged with youth" is the theme chosen for the 2024 Day. This theme highlights the importance of involving young people in beekeeping and pollinator conservation efforts, recognizing them as future custodians of our environment.
ISPRA pubblication concerning pollinators:
Plants and insect pollination: an alliance for biodiversity
The decline of bees and pollinators. The answers to the most frequently asked questions

Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) International Partnerships Workshop
May 08, 2024 — May 10, 2024 MauritiusOn the occasion of the tenth anniversary (2014-2024) of the activities to promote excellent postgraduate education in Africa carried out by the Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) will take place in Mauritius from 8 to 10 May 2024, the First Workshop of International Partnerships of African Centers of Excellence.

EEA Report “Urban adaptation in Europe: what works? Implementing climate action in European cities”
May 06, 2024The Report highlights how urgent it is to implement adaptation actions in cities to make them more resilient to climate dangers such as heat waves, intense rainfall, drought and provides useful indications to administrations committed to combating the impacts of climate change at urban level.

World Biodiversity Day 2024
May 22, 2024 — May 22, 2024May 22nd is World Biodiversity Day proclaimed by the United Nations to celebrate biodiversity on our planet.
“Be Part of the Plan” is the theme chosen in 2024 to celebrate this day, and is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by supporting the implementation of the Kunming Global Biodiversity Framework- Montreal.
This year's celebration of the International Day for Biodiversity will coincide with two meetings of the subsidiary bodies of the Convention on Biological Diversity which will both take place in Nairobi: the twenty-sixth meeting of the subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice (SBSTTA, 13-18 May) and the fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI, 21-29 May).

RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
May 15, 2024 09:30 AM — May 15, 2024 02:00 PM Rome, Sala Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, Piano terra, Via XX Settembre 5The workshop "RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions" will be held in Rome on 15 May.
RaStEM - Standardized Representation of Mitigation Effects - is a web gis tool developed by ISPRA with the dual purpose of guiding designers to a clear and homogeneous representation of the significant elements of a hydrogeological risk mitigation intervention and supporting them in the drafting of projects consistent with the criteria established by current legislation (DPCM 09/27/2021) for their financing by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE).

Final conference project LIFE WolfAlps EU
May 17, 2024 — May 19, 2024 Trento(onlineThe three-day event dedicated to the activities carried out in recent years by the staff of the LIFE WolfAlps Project and future prospects will be held in Trento.
May 17th and 18th will be dedicated to communicating the main results obtained during the project, but not only that: we will talk about lynx and golden jackal, management on a European scale, and coexistence with fauna in general.
The event will also be available on the Project's social channels.

Workshop PANACEA project
May 03, 2024 — May 03, 2024 PisaThe workshop on the PANACEA Project - Posidonia monitoring Activities for the conservation of the NAtural Coastal Environment using Autonomous robots financed by the European Union will be held on 3 May in Pisa. The day is divided into three sections: relevance of Posidonia oceanica, monitoring and technological aspects for marine environmental monitoring.

Are the nature conservation actions developed in recent decades effective in halting the decline of biodiversity?
May 02, 2024In a study published in Science, an analysis is carried out on nature conservation measures, highlighting how effective they have been in counteracting the loss of biodiversity.
How effective have the measures implemented in recent decades to combat the loss of biodiversity really been?

New techniques for the 3D mapping of species and habitats of conservation interest and for the mapping of shipwrecks of historical interest
May 02, 2024ISPRA and the Underwater Carabinieri of Rome and Messina are experimenting with new techniques for the 3D mapping of species and habitats of conservation interest and for the mapping of wrecks of historical interest. The experimentation, carried out as part of the Ma.Ro.Ma "Marine Remote Mapping" project, underway in the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area, is aimed at developing new methodological protocols to support the monitoring of MPAs.

The study of FAC - Active and Capable Faults in Territorial Planning
May 06, 2024 02:30 PM — May 06, 2024 06:00 PM RietiThe conference, organized by the Order of Geologists of Lazio and the Order of Engineers of the province of Rieti, with the patronage of ISPRA and INGV, will be held on Monday 6 May. ISPRA will present the results of the studies carried out on the FACs present along the south-eastern edge of the Rieti basin, financed by the Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016 and merged into the products of Level III Seismic Microzonation.

Flood, landslide and drought emergencies: the role of Naturalistic Engineering and NBS - Nature Based Solutions
May 16, 2024 10:30 AM — May 16, 2024 04:00 PM Rome, ISPRA headquarter, via Vitaliano Brancati 48"For effective results, interoperability is required, integrated interventions are necessary and naturalistic engineering is an important partner in a path towards correct territorial planning" - said the ISPRA DG, Maria Siclari, who spoke today at the workshop organized by AIPIN and ISPRA on the topic of hydrogeological instability and climate change as contributing causes of the frequent emergencies, the serious damage and the numerous victims that are recorded every year.
"Knowledge plays a fundamental role: ISPRA has registered 622 thousand landslides, 2/3 of the European context, Rendis 25 thousand interventions, 30% of which fall on the Natura 2000 network. Without scientifically validated data, useful interventions for the mitigation of the hydrogeological risk" - added the Director General.
During the conference, the topic of Nature-based solutions was also addressed, in English Nature Based Solutions - NBS, solutions aimed at the restoration, recovery or protection of natural processes to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, with advantages also for human well-being, are winners. European and national strategies and programmes, also supported by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), go in this direction.

Marine pollution caused by the dumping of wastes and other matter from ships and aircraft
Apr 15, 2024 — Apr 19, 2024 LondonISPRA continues in the collaboration for the implementation of the London Convention and the 1996 Protocol on the prevention of marine pollution caused by the dumping of wastes and other matter.

G7 Climate, Energy and Environment: the Venaria Charter approved, from stopping coal to supporting renewables and Africa
Apr 28, 2024 — Apr 30, 2024 Torino, Reggia di VenariaThe G7 Climate, Energy and Environment ministers met in Turin, in the Royal Palace of Venaria, from 28 to 30 April. At the end of the working sessions they adopted a Joint Declaration which gives a precise follow-up to the objectives agreed at COP 28 and sends a clear message to other countries, in particular the major economies, on the level of commitment needed to adequately respond to the challenge of change climate, in an ambitious and effective way.

Water: between risks and opportunities
Apr 23, 2024 03:00 PM — Apr 23, 2024 05:00 PM TORINO - Environment Park - Via Livorno, 60 e in streamingThe conference intends to analyze the importance of water in a world increasingly afflicted by extreme meteorological events. The conference addresses adaptation and mitigation challenges, focusing on innovative initiatives to develop resilient urban ecosystems. The topic takes on particular relevance in view of Roma Capitale's candidacy to host the World Water Forum in 2027, recognizing the city as a strategic hub for addressing global water challenges.
Two ISPRA experts will speak during the conference.

The implementing agreement for technical-scientific collaboration for the removal of ammunition residues from the seabed overlooking the exercise areas of Capo Teulada (SU) and Torre Veneri (LE) has been signed
Apr 22, 2024 — Apr 22, 2024 rOMESigned today, on the occasion of the 54th World Earth Day, established to promote the protection of our planet, the "Implementing agreement for technical-scientific collaboration for the removal of ammunition waste from the seabed overlooking the exercise areas of Capo Teulada (SU) and Torre Veneri (LE)" between the Army General Staff, represented by Brigadier General Marco De Crescenzo, Director of the Directorate for the Central Coordination of the Surveillance and Prevention and Protection Service of the EMS, and ISPRA, represented by the Eng. Claudio Numa, Head of the National Center for Environmental Crises and Emergencies and damage.

Sustainable Development Festival 2024
May 07, 2024 — May 23, 2024The Sustainable Development Festival is promoted by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) with the aim of raising awareness among citizens, young generations, businesses, associations and institutions on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
An opportunity to spread the culture of sustainability and achieve a cultural change that allows Italy to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda and achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Festival has also been recognized by the United Nations as an innovative and unique initiative at an international level, twice ranking as a finalist in the SDGs Action Awards.

The Forest City
May 29, 2024 — May 30, 2024 Rome, Biblioteca NazionaleThe Carabinieri is organizing the international conference "The Forest City" in Rome on 29 and 30 May 2024, at the Auditorium of the National Library, with the aim of highlighting the important role of forests in the city, intended as a new approach method to promote urban and human regeneration.

New EEA-ECHA Report: safer and more sustainable chemicals? There is still much to do
Apr 18, 2024Chemical substances are present in every aspect of our lives but they can represent sources of important problems both for human health and for the planet. From the results of a recent European study "EU Indicator Framework for Chemicals" conducted for the first time jointly by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) it emerges that there is still a lot of work to be done do to reduce the impact of dangerous substances on humans and the environment.