Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


How to reduce greenhouse gases : operational proposals and best practices for Local Authorities

Policies to tackle Climate Change are primarily mitigation and adaptation. This publication focuses on mitigation, ie the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Among the protagonists of this indispensable and no longer delayed commitment there are certainly the cities and local authorities, which the publication addresses.

There are three areas on which cities can intervene: urban mobility (chapters 2 and 3), energy saving (chapter 4 and 5) and energy production from renewable sources (chapters 6 and 7).There are two chapters for each area: the first provides an overview of the possible actions and tools available to a Local Authority to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases; the second a selection of good practices to inspire.

Both the first and the second chapter of each area have an operational approach, providing links and publications useful for getting into action. The publication is aimed at administrators and employees of Local Authorities. It could also be useful for those involved by local authorities in the processes of participation in decision-making policies.

The chapter that opens the publication (chapter 1) explains that we want to start from the "numbers" of climate-changing emissions in Italy, with easy tables in which the concrete data are reported.The guide table will open each chapter highlighting each time the weight of emissions from the relevant area at national level: transport, energy waste, and energy production. Although the table will not be a working tool for readers, however, they will be able to weigh the actual contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions from the specific area and virtually “feel” their weight.

Publication available only on-line

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Environment and Society