Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The knowledge of young people about ionizing radiations. Intervention and assessment in the high schools of Latium

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The book reports the results of a research work regarding a sample of secondary schools students in four areas of Lazio region.
The research was carried out by ISPRA (Department of Nuclear, Technological and Industrial Risk) and by the Department of Communication and Social Research (CoRiS) of  the University of Rome “La Sapienza” within a programme agreed between ISPRA and MATTM, aimed at setting and testing effective communication strategies for the diffusion of  contents related to radiological risk.  The research was based on activities carried out according to the rules of experimental research: after splitting the selected sample in an experimental group  and a control group,  a first test was given to both groups in order to obtain a data base regarding the students’  knowledges on the  radioactivity topic; subsequently, an information campaign has involved only the experimental group, and finally both groups were given a second test in order to analyse and estimate the occurred changes.

Environment and Society