Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Atlas of breeding birds in Decima Malafede Natural Reserve

The results of the of the Atlas of breeding birds of Decima Malafede Natural Reserve are showed in this book. The Reserve is a 6,145 ha-wide protected area, completely inside the Municipality of Rome. In spring 2010, data were collected and each record of bird species was classified as possible, probable and confirmed breeding. These data were used to produce distribution maps for each bird species across the whole study area. A total of 71 breeding species were found, representing about 38.2% of breeding species in Lazio. Thus, the volume illustrates the considerable variety of species present in the Reserve, including some of considerable conservation interest (30 out of 71, 3 of which included in Annex 1 of Dir. 2009/147/EC): this shows how protected areas, although peri-urban and close to a large city, can actively contribute to the protection of biodiversity. Some final chapters report the check-list and updated knowledge of raptors and water birds of Reserve.

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Nature and Biodiversity