Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Supra-regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Brown Bear in the Italian Central Eastern Alps

At the end of the ‘90s the Brown bear was almost complitely extinct in the Alps, and to recover this large canirvore Italy has carried out a translocazion program, co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by the Natural Park Ademello Brenta, in collaboration with the Authonomous Province of Trento and ISPRA (formerly INFS).

To ensure a coexistance of the bear with man, it is essential that the competent authorities enforce effective conservation and management policies. The present action plan was established to guide action in this regard, and was then formally adopted by all the Regional authoriies of the Central eastern Alps, as well as by the Minisntry of Environment and by ISPRA. This document therefore represents the formal policy of Italy to conserve and manage the alpine population of bears. The Action Plan contains detailed information on the necessary measures to prevent and compensate damage caused by bears, to act in case of problem bears, to carry on information and communication campaigns, to train staff, and to monitor the bear population.


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