Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Fifth International Meeting on Mycotoxicology” (CIMT5)

Milan, 3-4 December 2012

This publication collects the abstracts of presentations held at the “5th International Meeting on Myco-toxicology” (CIMT5) on “Mushrooms and Health: Public health, Clinical and Regulatory and control issues related to trade globalization".

The Conference held in Milan, Italy, on December 3 and 4, 2012, at the Oberdan Space of the Province of Milan.

Organized by the Mycotoxicology Committee of the Mycological Studies Centre (CSM) of the Bresadola Mycological Association (AMB), with the Province of Milan and the Poison Control Centre (CAV) of the Niguarda Hospital “Cà Granda” in Milan, and under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (MoE – MATTM), and the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), CIMT5 gathered many qualified experts.

The reports dealt with topics ranging from mycotoxicoloxy, mycotherapy, the environmental toxicology connected to bioindication and the bioremediation, as well as elucidated prevention and control activities performed by the Italian Health Institutions and their respective inspection and control bodies.

During the conclusive panel on “Methods to collect reliable and complete data and reports, to obtain more careful assessments on mushroom poisoning”, the following needs arose: to set up a network of Food Poisoning Centres, to create a specific database for this type of poisoning and to define methods to establish the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF).


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