Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



6th World Landslide Forum

Nov 14, 2023 to Nov 17, 2023 Florence,
The 6th World Forum on Landslides will be held in Florence from 14 to 17 November 2023. The event is jointly organized by the UNESCO Chair on the Prevention and Sustainable Management of Hydrogeological Risks of the University of Florence, by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) within the Global Promotion Committee of International Program on Landslides (IPL-GPC ), with the support of 5 United Nations organizations (UNESCO, FAO, WMO, UNDRR, UNU) and 4 federations of global scientific associations (ISC, WFEO, IUGS, IUGG). The Landslide Science for Sustainable Development Forum constitutes a common platform to foster cooperation between scientists, professionals and policy makers dealing with landslides, with the aim of defining priority actions for risk reduction on a global scale. The main aspects related to the study of landslides will be covered: monitoring and early warning, modeling, risk and hazard assessment, mitigation techniques, relationships with climate change.

The traces in the woods tell the story of the life of its inhabitants. From tracks to knowledge: wolf monitoring in Italy

Nov 01, 2023 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM Genova,
The conference will be held on November 1st on the occasion of the Genoa Science Festival, which this year revolves around the key word Footprints. We study the traces to understand which animal species are present, analyze the dynamics of animal populations and their interactions with the environment. Technologies have changed a lot: camera traps, thermal viewers, drones, DNA…

Second edition of the Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience

The second edition  Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience  it is one of the main reports on the state of soil and territory. GLO2 illustrates the motivations, enabling factors and paths through which countries and communities can prevent, reduce and reverse the process of land degradation, designing a program for the restoration of soil and territory and ecosystem functions, capable of changing the way we manage resources, creating development opportunities for people, increasing technical knowledge, generating new jobs and increasing the resilience of local realities.

Twenty-first session of the Committee to Review the Implementation of the Convention

Nov 13, 2023 to Nov 17, 2023 Samarkand,
CRIC 21, the twenty-first session of the Committee for Review of the Implementation of the Convention, subsidiary body of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), will take place from 13 to 17 November in Samarkand (Uzbekistan). The event will be attended by delegations from 197 countries that have signed the Convention, including Italy which has been a signatory to the UNCCD since 1994, as well as representatives of the private sector and civil society.

Land consumption and protection from risks: the role of territorial and urban planning

Nov 08, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM Online event,
The sixth meeting of the cycle "Climate changes and extreme events: global aspects and local phenomena. Scientific knowledge and prevailing studies. mitigation and adaptation for better sustainability" will be held on November 8th. The event, which can be followed on Youtube, will address the topic of land consumption and the role of territorial and urban planning.

Territorial governance and sustainability

Nov 07, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Florence,
Land consumption is a complex phenomenon, which is necessary to know in order to implement effective counteractions. It is not only important to know how much land is consumed, but also "where" (in an urban or rural setting) and for what use (residential, commercial, industrial; for a road, a school, a reservoir...). These and other topics will be explored in depth during the first two sections dedicated to municipal planning tools and the photointerpretation of remote sensing products. In the third section the theme of urban regeneration as an alternative to land consumption will be addressed.

1° National Conference Citizen Science Italy

Nov 24, 2023 to Nov 26, 2023 Pisa,
The first steps of the National Network In recent years, Citizen Science (or participatory science) has seen a flourishing of projects, initiatives and networks at a global level. In Europe some countries have equipped themselves with national networks, with the aim of promoting coordination between projects and creating opportunities for exchange between society and the scientific world.

Conference Water & Nature

Nov 16, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM Florence,
The Water & Nature conference will be held on November 16th in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Florence. The meeting will be attended by the Responsible of the Area for the conservation and management of flora, vegetation and forests, habitats and soil ecosystems and for the sustainable use of ISPRA agroforestry resources with a speech on the "Decline of Nature, climate change and water emergency: the importance of interconnections to address a triple socio-ecological crisis".

Cities and climate challenge

Nov 17, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
The Bioarchitecture and Sustainability Week returns from 13 to 17 November 2023. The exhibition, now in its 20th edition, will have as its theme “Lands of water and energy. Sharing resources to combat the climate crisis”. On 17 November, an ISPRA researcher will participate in the webinar "Cities and climate change" with the speech "What can cities do to adapt to the changing climate?".

Flamingomania – The pink flamingo festival

Dec 08, 2023 to Dec 10, 2023 Orbetello,
“Flamingomania – The pink flamingo festival” is the first Italian event that has the iconic pink-winged bird as its absolute protagonist and symbol. Co-protagonist of the event is the Tuscan lagoon of Orbetello, with the WWF oases and the regional and state nature reserve.

Technology for All

Nov 14, 2023 to Nov 16, 2023 Rome,
Technology for All  is the innovation forum, now in its eighth edition, dedicated to multidisciplinary paths of technologies for the environment, cultural heritage and the Smart City, scheduled in Rome from 14 to 16 November 2023.

Agrivoltaics, an opportunity for development of the rural world

Nov 16, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM
The ambitious European energy and environmental objectives and the new CAP, which entrusts the agricultural system with the role of combating climate change and protecting the environment and the landscape in a structured system of 9 goals including that of increasing competitiveness, invites us to reflect on the opportunities of new agrivoltaic solutions. The evolution of high-efficiency photovoltaic technologies, automated solar tracking systems and recent regulatory developments make it possible to integrate crops and livestock with photovoltaic systems to create new "dual systems".

Climate change and coastal erosion: in Italy 54 coastal municipalities have high erosion rates

ISPRA publishes the current state of the national coastline at municipal level with updated data Among the 644 Italian coastal municipalities, those with high erosion rates have been identified by ISPRA; there are 54 who to date have seen their stretch of coast retreat by more than 50% of the entire stretch of competence; there are 22 municipalities with an overshoot of between 50% and 60% of the coast; there are 16 between 60% and 70%, 8 between 70% and 80% and 7 between 80% and 90%. Rotondella in Basilicata appears to be the only municipality characterized by widespread erosion over the entire coastal stretch. If the number of municipalities appears limited, compared to a total number of 644 coastal municipalities, it should be considered that the percentages reported concern the entire coast of each municipality, also occupied by stretches that are not beaches and which therefore cannot undergo erosion , such as the stretches of rocky coast, the river mouths and all the anthropic works. Furthermore, the percentages do not show a "natural" trend of coastal dynamics, but downstream of all the coastal defense works and nourishment carried out. Press release (ita)

Methane emissions in Italy's climate policies

Nov 14, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM MASE/Online event,
The Roundtable for the reduction of methane emissions from the natural gas supply chain organizes an event dedicated to the topic of methane emissions in Italy's energy-climate policies at the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

Rustscapes. Consumed soils, abandoned places

Nov 23, 2023 University Iuav di Venezia,
In the vast "atlas" of abandoned places, RUSTSCAPES - or "rust landscapes" - are characterized as architectures and environments closely linked to water which, over time, due to various events, policies and practices, have generated a double deprivation. Built along river banks or coastal fringes, over the last few decades, on the one hand they have been abandoned - and therefore removed from access and use - and on the other they have led to an alteration and loss of environmental, landscape, cultural and collective.

Second conference on climate impacts

Nov 14, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Florence, Palazzo Vecchio,
The second edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Conference “Mare Climaticum Nostrum” is the event during which the updated map of current and expected climate risks in the Mediterranean area and in Italy will be presented, together with the results of the UN Conference on Water of 2023. The conference will present studies and research on the impacts of climate change and natural risks, with urban systems, water, natural ecosystems, agriculture and production sectors, energy, relief and emergency management monitoring, prediction and prevention technologies. There will be an in-depth analysis of the short, medium and long-term climate projections in the various territories, their causes and local consequences with the reports of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change-IPCC UN and UNESCO.

GeoSciences IR @ 6° World Landslide Forum

Nov 17, 2023 from 02:30 PM to 04:00 PM Florence,
The side event of "GeoSciences IR @ 6° World Landslide Forum" it will held next 17 November 14.30 pm. The Project is financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR Mission 4, "Education and Research" - Component 2, "From research to business" - Investment Line 3.1, "Fund for the creation of an integrated system of research and innovation". The project will create a research infrastructure for the Italian Network of Geological Services to make available to regional geological services and beyond, the data, services and tools necessary for carrying out monitoring and control functions of the territory in the various fields of Earth sciences. Coordinated by ISPRA and in which 16 partners participate (13 Universities and 3 Research Institutions).

21 November - World Tree Day

Nov 21, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Rome, Parco dei Caduti di San Lorenzo,
ISPRA will participate in World Tree Day as part of the citizen science project on urban microforests organized by La Sapienza University. For the occasion, it would be faced the Let's Circular campaign and the tree as the natural symbol par excellence of the "circular" model that regenerates life.