Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Geology and United Italy

This section intends to introduce the biographies of distinguished scholars who, with their works and activities, contributed to creating a United Italy (1860) and the modern secular scientific culture. Coming from different branches of learning, many of these scientists actively participated in the national unity and, due to their patriotic and technical merits, they were called to cover different Ministerial appointments. In compliance with the positivist school, science was meant to carry out a fundamental role in the general culture and in research, essential requirements for the birth of the modern national industry that was to adapt to the example of Central Europe. Within the framework of this ambitious programme to revive the country is the preparation of the Geological Map of Italy (in 1861 but it actually started in the 1970’s) and the creation of a specific Geological Service (1873).The Paleontological and Lithomineralogical Collections that are today inherited and preserved by APAT are closely related to these activities.

The vast researches and field work carried out by these specialists have enabled the collection of specimens, geological maps and documentation not only from Italy but from all over the world, giving birth to a heritage that is unique due to its dimensions, importance and variety of finds.

The main activities of these scientists are hereby listed, some of which were even related to political activities. The merits of these distinguished people are also indicated in order to highlight the scientific and cultural contribution that they gave with their many years of tireless efforts that enabled the country to experience, at the end of the 19th century, one of the most drastic historical, cultural and technological revolutions that turned it into a new European state.

The section is currently under construction. There are biographies of six scholars who were of fundamental importance for the development of the Kingdom of Italy and the Geological Map. They are arranged in alphabetical order.




Bernardino Lotti

Mario Canavari

Carlo Maria Viola
Giovanni Di Stefano
Enrico Clerici
Camillo Crema
Giuseppe Checchia Rispoli