Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical Periodicals

Reticula n.20/2019
-   2019
Hydrogeological map of Italy at 1:50.000 scale
Technical Periodicals   Volume 14 / 2018
Geological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale: geothematic cartography of the sheet 348 Antrodoco
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 103 / 2018
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
A new bioeconomy strategy for a sustainable europe
Technical Periodicals   4 / 2018
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
A new fund to invest in the maritime economy
Technical Periodicals   3 / 2018
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
A multi-annual plan to western Mediterranean fisheries
Technical Periodicals   2 / 2018
Reticula n. 19/2018 Monographic Number
Green infrastructures and soft mobility, experiences and considerations for new synergies
Technical Periodicals   19 / 2018
Reticula n.18/2018
Technical Documents   18 / 2018
Reticula n.17/2018
Technical Periodicals   17 / 2018
Field trip to the Ischia resurgent caldera, a journey across an active volcano in the Gulf of Naples
Cities on Volcanoes 10 Meeting – Napoli 2018
Technical Periodicals   10 (2.2) / 2018
Active volcanoes in southern Italy (Etna, Stromboli, Vulcano and Lipari) and their multi-hazard - IAVCEI Meeting - Naples, 2018
IAVCEI Meeting, Cities on Volcanoes 10: "Millennia of Stratification between Human Life and Volcanoes: strategies for coexistence". September 2nd-7th, 2018 - Naples, Italy
Technical Periodicals   10 (2.1) / 2018
Past to present deformation of the central-eastern Southern Alps: from the foreland to the Giudicarie belt
2017 Annual Meeting of the Structural Geology Italian Group (GIGS) of the Italian Geological Society
Technical Periodicals   10 (1.1) / 2018
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
A Europe-wide strategy on plastics
Technical Periodicals   1 / 2018
Week of Planet Earth. Geological-environmental itineraries
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 102 / 2017
Explanatory Notes of the sheet 070 Monte Cervino of the geological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 101 / 2017
The Geological Survey of Italy mapping
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 100 / 2017
From ductile to brittle tectonic evolution of the Aspromonte Massif
Field excursion of the Italian Group of Structural Geology - Catania, 2015
Technical Periodicals   9 (2.2) / 2017
Tectonic history of the Dent Blanche
Swiss Tectonic Studies Group Field Excursion – 2016
Technical Periodicals   9 (2.1) / 2017
The Vesuvius and the other volcanoes of Central Italy
Goldschmidt Conference - Florence, 2013
Technical Periodicals   9 (1.1) / 2017
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
European Union for better governance of the oceans
Technical Periodicals   4 / 2017