Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



ISPRA ensured technical support to MiTE in the international exercise held in Bastia to test the contrast capabilities in the event of accidental pollution at sea.

The simulation of a collision between ships with hydrocarbon spills (in reality, pollution with fish feed was simulated) ended yesterday in Bastia, Corsica (France) to test the effectiveness and coordination of interventions for the protection of waters and coasts protected by the Franco-Italian-Monegasque Convention “RAMOGE, signed in 1976.

The experts of the Area for environmental emergencies at sea of ​​the National Center for Environmental Crises and Emergencies and Damage of ISPRA, due to the health emergency, contributed by participating remotely, activated by COIMAR of the General Directorate for the sea and the coasts of the MiTE, the national focal point for the agreement.

The video shows footage taken during the RAMOGEPOL exercise, carried out in 2018 off the Maddalena Island.

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